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Restructuring events database

The restructuring events database contains factsheets with data on large-scale restructuring events reported in the principal national media and company websites in each EU Member State. This database was created in 2002.


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Research on this project has been done in collaboration with the Network of Eurofound Correspondents (NEC). National correspondents are available in each EU Member State and Norway.

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ERM experts

Please contact Chiara Litardi or Garance Hingre .

AustriaFORBA / University of Vienna Dept of Sociology
Aspernbrückengasse 4/5, A-1020 Vienna / Rooseveltplatz 2, A-1090 Vienna
Dominik Klaus 
BelgiumHIVA-K.U.Leuven, Department Labour and Organisation
Parkstraat 47 - box 5300, B-3000 Leuven
Anne Guisset
BulgariaInstitute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPS-BAS)
13A Moskovska Str., 1000 Sofia
Gabriela Yordanova and Bagryan Malamin
CroatiaInstitute of Public Finance (IPF) - Institut za javne financije
Smiciklasova 21, 10000 Zagreb
Predrag Bejakovic 
CyprusCyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO)
14 Simonidou street, 1045, Nicosia
Pavlos Kalosinatos 
Czech RepublicResearch Institute for Labour and Social Affairs
Palackeho namesti 4, 128 01 Prague 2
Lenka Krinesova
DenmarkFAOS, Dept of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5, P.O. Box 2099, 1014 Copenhagen K
Mikkel Krogh
EstoniaPRAXIS Centre for Policy Studies
Estonia pst. 5a, 10143 Tallinn
Ingel Kadarik 
FinlandOxford Research AB
Oxford Research AB, Box 582, 201 25 Malmö
 Amanda Kinnunen
5 Les Compères - 89520 Fontenoy
Frédéric Turlan 
GermanyHans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) 
Georg-Glock-Straße 18, 40474 Düsseldorf 
Thilo Janssen
GreeceLabour Institute of GSEE (INE/GSEE)
71A Emm. Benaki Street GR-10681 Athens
Penny Georgiadou
HungaryConsortium Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research Ltd, and Kopint Foundation for Economic Research
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45.
Zoltan Mateika
IrelandIRN Publishing
121-123 Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Andy Prendergast and Roisin Farrelly
ItalyFondazione Giacomo Brodolini S.R.L SB
Via Goito 39 00185 Roma
LatviaEPC Ltd
Bruninieku 20/31, R329, Riga LV 1001
Kriss Karnitis
LithuaniaInstitute of Labour and Social Research
Rinktinės 48, 09318 Vilnius
Rasa Zabarauskaite 
LuxembourgLuxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)
11 Porte des Sciences, 4366 Esch-sur-Alzette
Franz Clément and Patrick Thill
MaltaUniversity of Malta Centre for Labour Studies
L-Università ta' Malta Msida, MSD 2080
 Charles Tabone
NetherlandsPanteia BV
Bredewater 26, 2715 CA Zoetermeer
Paul Vroonhof and Thomas De Winter
NorwayFafo Institute for Applied Social Science
PO Box 2947 Tøyen, N-0608 Oslo
Kristin Jesnes and Johan Røed Steen
PolandConsortium ECORYS Polska & Polityka Insight
Ewelina Wołosik and Monika Helak
PortugalCESIS - Centro de Estudos para a Intervenção Social
Rua Rodrigues Sampaio, nº 31-S/L-Dta. P- 1150-278 Lisboa
Heloísa Perista and Paula Carrilho
RomaniaAssociation Center for Public Innovation (Asociația Centrul pentru Inovare Publică) 
Strada General Emanoil Ion Florescu 2, București 030167
Nicoleta Voicu
Slovak RepublicInstitute for Labour and Family Research (IVPR)
Zupne nam.5-6, 812 41 Bratislava
Ludovit Cziria
SloveniaFaculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana
Kardeljeva ploscad 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Maja Breznik
SpainIKEI Research & Consultancy, S.A.
Parque Empresarial Zuatzu, Edificio Urumea, Planta 1, 20018 Donostia-San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa
Antonio CorralJessica Durán, and Íñigo Isusi
SwedenOxford Research AB
Oxford Research AB, Box 582, 201 25 Malmö
Amanda Kinnunen


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