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A study describing the development, current situation and future prospects of household services in Italy.

27 June 2001

A study describing the development, current situation and future prospects of household services in the Netherlands.

27 June 2001

A summary of the key findings of the Foundation's third European survey on working conditions in Europe. The survey was carried out in 2000 and questioned 21,500 workers in face-to-face interviews on their working conditions (1,500 in each Member State apart from Luxembourg where 500 were

06 June 2001

An overview of the households services sector in the EU, showing how the transformation of unpaid work traditionally carried out in the home is increasingly seen by policy makers as having potential for job creation. The report looks at the current experiences of paid workers and examines trends

22 May 2001

Communiqué is the newsletter of the Foundation It is published 10 times per year and provides up-to-date news and information on the Foundation's work and research. The April issue contains the following articles: EIRO updates; new look website; household jobs.

20 May 2001

The EIRO annual review provides an overview and summary of western Europe's main industrial relations developments in 2000, drawing on the EIROnline database records entered during the year. The Review also provides a guide to using EIROnline.

17 May 2001

The first annual programme of work based on the Foundation's new four-year- programme 2001-2004: analysing and anticipating change to support socio-economic progress.

20 April 2001
Work programme

Communiqué is the newsletter of the Foundation It is published up to 10 times per year and provides up-to-date news and information on the Foundation's work and research.The November issue contains the following articles: European Monitoring Centre on Change conference; progressive retirement in the

17 April 2001

The present bulletin provides an update on developments in working time in the retail sector in Europe, highlights the issues as stake and offers practical information on the organisation of time BEST presents important developments in the field of time. It is addressed to those developing policies

10 April 2001

This booklet summarises the main findings from national reports of all European Union Member States and Norway on the prevention of racism at the workplace. It reviews the present situation in the labour market regarding discrimination against migrant workers and ethnic minorities, offering a choice

09 April 2001
Report summary