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Conditions et qualité de vie

Les conditions de vie et la qualité de vie sont l’une des six principales activités du programme de travail d’Eurofound pour la période 2021-2024. Eurofound continuera de cartographier et d’analyser les principaux aspects liés à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des personnes en Europe, y compris des informations sur leur perception de la qualité de vie et de la société. Étant donné que la pandémie de COVID-19 et la crise économique persistante ont profondément affecté la vie des gens, Eurofound continuera d’étudier l’impact de cette crise sur les citoyens de l’UE à différentes périodes de la vie.

Au cours de la période 2021-2024, les recherches d’Eurofound permettront d’obtenir de précieuses informations sur les défis et perspectives dans le domaine des conditions de vie et de la qualité de vie dans l’UE et le rôle joué par diverses initiatives visant à atténuer les difficultés sociales éprouvées par divers groupes de citoyens. Les conséquences de la crise pour les personnes âgées et les besoins en matière de soins, les jeunes et leur inclusion et mobilité sociales, ainsi que les conséquences variables sur les hommes et les femmes présentent un intérêt particulier.

Les services publics dans l’ensemble de l’UE ont joué un rôle majeur dans le combat de la crise liée à la COVID-19, tout en étant confrontés à des défis importants, et ils seront évalués plus en détail, en se concentrant sur des questions telles que la qualité, l’accès et le niveau de prix abordable. Comme l’ont montré de précédentes études, la crise a eu des effets disproportionnés sur certains groupes en fonction de l’âge, des responsabilités en matière de garde et de soin et de l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée ; Eurofound approfondira cette analyse.

En coordination avec l’Institut européen pour l’égalité entre les hommes et les femmes (EIGE), Eurofound entend explorer l’écart multidimensionnel entre les genres, et ce en étudiant l’impact sur les hommes et les femmes de la crise liée à la COVID-19 en termes de participation à l’emploi, de conditions de vie matérielles et de bien-être – afin d’identifier les différences et d’évaluer son effet sur la disparité entre les genres.

La qualité des services publics a été essentielle pour établir la confiance dans les institutions de l’Europe contemporaine et sera cruciale pour relever les défis actuels et futurs. Les services de qualité sont également un domaine d’innovation, notamment en ce qui concerne le passage au numérique, les services plus respectueux de l’environnement et la préparation à affronter à l’avenir des risques tels que la pandémie.

— Tadas Leončikas, Directeur de recherche supérieur, Unité des politiques sociales


Recent updates


Increasing emphasis on independent living and social inclusion is driving deinstitutionalisation – the shift away from a reliance on residential institutions towards family- and community-based settings for the provision of...

25 octobre 2024
Research report

Principaux messages politiques


Les principaux résultats des recherches d’Eurofound servent de contribution aux décideurs pour résoudre certains problèmes de fond dans ce domaine.

  • La perception des tensions dans la société a l’effet le plus préjudiciable sur la confiance dans les institutions, tandis que la perception de la qualité des services publics est un moteur essentiel de la confiance accrue dans les institutions.
  • Davantage de soins de longue durée – avec une plus grande flexibilité – sont nécessaires. Les soins et l’assistance à domicile devraient être rendus plus disponibles, en particulier dans les États membres de l’UE au revenu le plus faible.
  • Un accès rapide aux soins de santé primaires, aux soins sociaux et aux soins de longue durée peut déclencher une intervention rapide et un suivi de l’évolution des besoins et prévenir l’escalade des problèmes de soins de longue durée.
  • Les problèmes de santé mentale augmentent chez les jeunes, bien qu’il ne soit pas clair si cela est dû à une plus grande incidence ou à une meilleure sensibilisation et un meilleur diagnostic. La santé mentale est étroitement liée à d’autres problèmes de la jeunesse et peut être à la fois le résultat d’inégalités et une source d’inégalité elle-même. Les facteurs de risque pour l’apparition de problèmes de santé mentale comprennent le handicap et la maladie de longue durée, les problèmes familiaux, les problèmes relationnels avec les pairs et l’utilisation intensive des médias sociaux.
  • Bien que les niveaux de confiance et de cohésion sociale se soient rétablis partout dans l’UE depuis la crise financière, le début de la COVID-19 a eu un impact significatif sur le bien-être dans les pays les plus durement touchés par la pandémie.
  • Les jeunes sont parmi les grands perdants du confinement: avec les personnes sans emploi, les jeunes font état des niveaux de bien-être les plus faibles, malgré une certaine amélioration depuis le début de la pandémie. Bien que la satisfaction individuelle et l’optimisme aient augmenté depuis avril 2020, les jeunes continuent à se sentir exclus de la société et restent les plus exposés au risque de dépression, ce qui montre que les restrictions pendant le confinement les ont affectés davantage.
  • Les mesures visant à atténuer les risques pour la santé mentale des chômeurs et des jeunes à la suite de la COVID-19 seront essentielles lors de toute nouvelle vague de coronavirus. Les mesures politiques en cours doivent comprendre un soutien ciblé pour permettre à ceux qui cherchent du travail de se remettre sur les rails et de faire face à l’impact de la pandémie, ainsi que pour garantir que les jeunes puissent participer pleinement à la société.
  • La crise de la COVID-19 a érodé les niveaux d’optimisme et a davantage affecté l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée des femmes que celui des hommes. Il sera essentiel de réparer ce préjudice afin d’éviter que les femmes ne paient un tribut disproportionné à la pandémie.
  • Préserver la confiance qu’ont les citoyens dans les institutions nationales et européennes doit rester un objectif clé en temps de crise, car le respect des mesures pour contenir la pandémie de COVID-19 dépend largement du niveau de confiance dans les institutions et les avis scientifiques. Le fait que les niveaux de confiance institutionnelle déclarés par les personnes interrogées ayant bénéficié de mesures de soutien aient augmenté envoie également un message clair aux gouvernements nationaux et à l’UE.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound’s research will provide an important insight into the challenges and prospects in the area of living conditions and quality of life in the EU and the role played by various initiatives aimed at alleviating the social hardship of various groups of citizens. Of particular interest are the implications for older people and care needs, youth and their social inclusion and social mobility, and the varying consequences of the crisis on men and women.

Public services across the EU played a major role in addressing the COVID-19 crisis while facing significant challenges and they will be assessed in greater detail, focusing on issues such as quality, access and affordability. As previous findings have shown, the crisis has had disproportionate effects on certain groups according to age, care responsibilities and work-life balance, and Eurofound will analyse this further.

In coordination with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Eurofound intends to research the multidimensional gender gap by investigating the impact on men and women of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of employment participation, material living conditions and well-being – in order to identify the differences and assess its effect on gender gaps.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action addressing the challenges and opportunities for the EU and national levels in the area of living conditions and quality of life. In particular, it will monitor the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis by providing knowledge on status, trends, risks, as well as ways to improve living conditions in the EU. Eurofound will focus on identifying and analysing pressing issues for the most vulnerable groups, specifically older citizens and young people. Eurofound will also inform policymakers by producing evidence on trends and drivers in relation to the delivery of public services, also linking in, for example, with the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support policy initiatives and activities linked with the implementation of the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the Youth Guarantee, the Child Guarantee and the European Semester and its country-specific recommendations.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues to monitor trends in living conditions and quality of life, against the backdrop of the health-related and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications of the war in Ukraine, rising energy prices, and increases in costs of living. Building on the various rounds of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as on data gathered in 2023, the Agency investigates the impact of these challenges on the living conditions of Europeans.

The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) commences in 2024, including some questions on working conditions and living conditions relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) follows in 2026 using lessons drawn from the 2024 EWCS.

Research concludes on identifying groups not covered by social protection, due to coverage gaps and non-take-up of minimum income and unemployment schemes. It also looks at adequacy of these benefits, digitalisation of application procedures, linked service entitlements and sanctioning measures. Eurofound also publishes its findings on EU citizens’ rights and opportunities to live independently. It analyses the situation faced by various vulnerable groups and provides an overview of measures that facilitate family- and community-based care and support in the Member States.

Building on previous work on young people, research concludes on the life and prospects of young people in the post-pandemic era. Using new data collected in 2023, this research assesses the long-term impact of the pandemic on this group, looking into changes in the social situation of young people, as well as their quality of life, mental health and future prospects.

Analysis of the monitoring framework of the European Child Guarantee comes to an end in 2024, while new research starts to support national governments and the EU institutions in the implementation and evaluation of the Child Guarantee since it came into force. This work investigates the Member States’ levels of performance and their disparities, building on its previous work on convergence. It focuses on the workforce needed to deliver the Child Guarantee in areas of early childhood education and care, education, healthcare and other relevant sectors.

Considering the importance of care provision in EU societies, new research investigates informal care provision in the EU, the challenges faced by informal caregivers, and the measures in place to support them. This research considers care provided to people of all ages, while taking into consideration the diversity among informal carers. 

Eurofound launches new research on mental health services, investigating trends in and prevalence of mental health problems for different groups and how these needs are met in various countries in light of the pandemic and the arrival of Ukrainian refugees. 

Key outputs


L’inaccessibilité financière du logement est un sujet de préoccupation majeure dans l’UE. Elle entraîne sans-abrisme, insécurité en matière de logement, pression financière et logement inadéquat. Elle empêche également les jeunes...

30 mai 2023
Research report

L’année 2022 a débuté sur fond d’optimisme prudent. Alors que l’Europe sortait de deux années de pandémie de COVID-19 et que, dans le cadre de NextGenerationEU, un plan pour la...

4 mai 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Massimiliano Mascherini has been Head of the Social Policies unit at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined Eurofound in 2009 as a research manager, designing and coordinating...

Head of Unit,
Social policies research unit

Sanna Nivakoski is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. Before joining Eurofound in 2021, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University College...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (310)

Increasing emphasis on independent living and social inclusion is driving deinstitutionalisation – the shift away from a reliance on residential institutions towards family- and community-based settings for the provision of care and services. The aim is to ensure that people at risk of marginalisati

25 October 2024

This report focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits for people of working age. Individuals with short or no employment records (mainly young people), the self-employed, those with non-standard working arrangements, and the long-term unemployed are often not entitled to higher-tier, or

08 October 2024

During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it had been in recent years, many obstacles remained on their route to independence, such as the rising cost of living and

21 May 2024

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans.

02 May 2024

This background paper focuses on one important aspect of social protection: unemployment benefits, both first tier (usually contributory) and lower tier (predominantly tax-based, non-contributory and means-tested). Unemployment benefits help to cushion the impact of job loss on household finances an

02 February 2024

The various economic and social shocks of the past decade and a half – most recently the COVID-19 pandemic – have ongoing consequences for the living standards and prospects of Europeans, and sometimes these outcomes have been uneven across age groups. Social policies – such as those in the areas of

19 December 2023

The urban-rural divide in EU countries has grown in recent years, and the depopulation of certain rural areas in favour of cities is a challenge when it comes to promoting economic development and maintaining social cohesion and convergence.

18 October 2023

Le présent rapport traite de l’incidence de la crise de la COVID-19 sur les services sociaux dans l’UE. Si la pandémie a eu un impact négatif sur les services sociaux, elle a néanmoins permis de tirer des enseignements quant à la manière de les adapter en réponse à de nouveaux défis et risques

16 August 2023

L’inaccessibilité financière du logement est un sujet de préoccupation majeure dans l’UE. Elle entraîne sans-abrisme, insécurité en matière de logement, pression financière et logement inadéquat. Elle empêche également les jeunes de quitter le foyer familial. Ces problèmes affectent la santé et le

30 May 2023

L’année 2022 a débuté sur fond d’optimisme prudent. Alors que l’Europe sortait de deux années de pandémie de COVID-19 et que, dans le cadre de NextGenerationEU, un plan pour la reprise visant à construire un avenir solide et durable était présenté, l’attaque menée par la Russie contre l’Ukraine au

04 May 2023

Online resources results (219)

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.

25 juin 2024

In this episode Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Senior Research Manager Hans Dubois on the issues that feed into housing insecurity in Europe, and the actions that need to be taken to address them. Together, they analyse findings from Eurofound’s recent Unaffordable and inadequate housing in Eu

15 juin 2023

The rise in cost of living and energy poverty: Social impact and policy responses. 14 October 2022, Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers (EPSCO). Presentation by Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director, Eurofound.

14 octobre 2022

Wages in long-term care and other social services 21% below average

New data from the EU Structure of Earnings Survey (SES) show that, on average, EU Member States paid their social services workers 21% less than the average national hourly earnings in 2018: this compares with 19% less than the average in 2010 and 20% less in 2014. The majority of social services

European Quality of Life Survey 2016 New results for the EU candidate countries Event on Improving quality of life in Europe – Sharing data to shape better policies, 26 June 2018, Belgrade, Serbia Presentation by Tadas Leončikas, Senior Research Manager, Eurofound

26 juin 2018

Germany: Trade unions' approach to climate change policies

While the international trade union movement is calling for a more effective implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, national trade unions differ regarding the way forward. German unions are taking a traditional path in joining forces with employers and calling for governmental

Malta: Latest working life developments – Q3 2017

Compensating workers for weekend public holidays, the effect of legalising marijuana in the workplace, and a proposal that the first day of sick leave should be unpaid are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in Malta in

Finland: Major reform to healthcare and social services underway

The Finnish government is preparing a major reform to health, social services and regional government which will make regional governments a new level of public administration. Healthcare and social services and public employment services will be transferred from local governments to regional

Blogs results (32)

The housing crisis could be tackled by improving public services, better urban planning and ensuring that social protection benefits reach the people who need them most.

2 mai 2024

The state in which the EU finds itself has been described as a ‘permacrisis’, whereby the Union is confronted by challenge after challenge, and citizens are constantly having to adapt to a ‘new normal’.

11 décembre 2023

Spiralling housing costs are causing despair across the EU. The situation is making people anxious that they will lose their accommodation or become homeless; they may become overburdened financially or forced to live in substandard accommodation; and many young people are unable to leave home. Whil

4 avril 2023

A cocktail of insecurity, misinformation and mistrust imperil Europe’s future. Reliable, accessible data are at a premium.

14 décembre 2022

Lower levels of health, increasing financial pressure and a significant degree of unmet healthcare: these are the findings of the fifth round of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey: Living in a new era of uncertainty – a report that presents an overview of responses from over 200,000 people

6 octobre 2022

Rising energy prices are putting more people under increased financial pressure and at greater risk of energy poverty. In this data story, we take a closer look at the data from the fifth round of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to explore the extent of the issue and the threat of energy

3 août 2022

Trust in national institutions has declined across the EU over the past two years. Driven by increasingly difficult economic circumstances and unreliable news sources, even people who previously expressed higher trust levels – such as those in financially secure positions – have become less trusting

25 juillet 2022
Image of people waiting for tram in city street and man cycling on cycle path

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions have caused energy prices to soar. Governments seeking to alleviate the negative impacts of price increases on households have introduced energy subsidies and VAT reductions for electricity, gas and fuel. While such policies may be needed

10 juin 2022
Image of family cooking around camp fire outside home under bombardment in Ukraine

We are 100 days on from the invasion by Russia of Ukraine on 24 February, when peace in Europe was shattered. As the human tragedy began to unfold and with more than 6.8 million Ukrainians, mostly women and children, escaping their country since the start of the war, European citizens have been watc


The European Pillar of Social Rights states that ‘everyone has the right to affordable long-term care services of good quality, in particular home-care and community-based services’. Taking a step to make this principle a reality, the European Commission is currently preparing a European Care Strate

5 mai 2022

Upcoming publications results (2)

This report analyses data from Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS), the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey and official statistics to examine employment trends, working conditions and social inclusion challenges experienced by young people in the Western Balkans (Alba

December 2024
Research report

This factsheet will provide a snapshot of society and quality of life in spring 2024. It will look at a number of issues, including mental well-being, trust, access to healthcare, social support and coping with increases in the cost of living. The analysis is based on the Living and working in the

December 2024
Data results (1)
24 octobre 2023
Reference period:


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