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It is arguable that employer organisations often receive rather less attention than trade unions in industrial relations research and reporting. The comparative supplement in this issue of EIRObserver seeks to redress the balance a little by examining employer organisations in the 15 ‘old’ European

01 June 2004

The survey on quality of life in the workplace (in Spanish; Encuesta de Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo 2003) is carried out annually by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. This is a summary of the 2003 results. Main findings are that: in general, Spanish workers are satisfied at work

31 May 2004

Communiqué contains the following articles: Overall dissatisfaction with health services across 28 countries; Moderate pay increases across Europe in 2003; Stable year for industrial relations; Advisor bids farewell to the Foundation; 71st Administrative Board meeting; Living to work – working to

26 May 2004

In November 2003, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and the European Economic and Social Committee jointly organised a major conference on the subject of ‘Industrial change in Europe: current situation, prospects and responsibilities’. The conference

18 May 2004

This report examines the forces of change affecting rural areas: the scope for local participation in rural economic development and planning; the experience of various groups who suffer from social exclusion in rural areas; and the relationship between cultural identities and participation. It also

13 May 2004

In the context of its four-year work programme, Analysing and Anticipating Change to Support Socio-Economic Progress 2001-2004, the Foundation launched a project on 'European Knowledge Society (KS) foresights for living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations'. The purpose of this

07 May 2004
Report summary

In the context of its four-year work programme, Analysing and anticipating change to support socio-economic progress 2001-2004, the Foundation launched a foresight project (Euforia) on the ‘European Knowledge Society and its influence on living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations

07 May 2004
Report summary

This report provides results on the advancement indicators of the knowledge-based society for EU countries, enhanced where possible by data from the EU acceding and candidate countries, the US and Japan. It is based on available statistical information and can be used as a starting point in the

07 May 2004

This report highlights a number of major differences and a smaller number of similarities between the industrial relations systems in the EU, Japan and the USA. It examines a number of basic industrial relations actors, structures and processes: trade unions; employer organisations; collective

07 May 2004

Financial participation has been the focus of increasing policy attention in recent years. This document summarises a Foundation study into financial participation which examined to what extent governments, trade union confederations and employer organisations influence the shape of financial

07 May 2004
Research report