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The first European Working Conditions Observatory seminar (11-12 December 2003, Conseil Central de l'Économie, Brussels) brought together participants and presenters from a variety of different perspectives and allowed the Foundation staff and network correspondents to compare findings from national

07 May 2004

A conference on ‘Illness and employment: retaining the link to work’, organised by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in conjunction with the Italian Presidency, was held in Reggio Calabria on 17-18 November 2003. Links between social inclusion, illness and

05 May 2004
Research report

This document summarises the findings of a research report from the European Foundation for the Improvement and Living Conditions (EF03115), drawing on the results of Eurobarometer surveys carried out in the EU and the 13 acceding and candidate countries. Examining quality of life in 28 European

04 May 2004

In 2002, the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) began to expand the EIRO network to include most of the acceding and candidate countries. Also in 2002, the Foundation launched a new project focusing on social dialogue and EMU, and social dialogue and conflict resolution. The objective

04 May 2004

Financial participation has been the focus of increasing attention over recent years. This report, which draws on research carried out in eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom), provides a comprehensive picture of the current

26 April 2004
Research report

The report (EF0403) includes a collection of advancement indicators of a knowledge-based society for EU countries, enhanced where possible by data from the EU acceding and candidate countries, the US and Japan. It is based on available statistical information. This summary of the report gives a

22 April 2004

The fourth annual programme of work based on the Foundation's four-year programme 2001-2004: Analysing and anticipating change to support socio-economic progress. Among the aims of the programme are: strengthen collaboration and the sharing of results with the European Commission and other EU

20 April 2004

Communiqué contains the following articles: Quality of life in an enlarged Europe; Parental leave in the European Union; Comparing quality of life in Estonia with the rest of Europe; Industrial relations in Europe - a snapshot; EWCs lead to better industrial relations at company level; New Chairman

01 April 2004

This document summarises the findings of a research report from the European Foundation for the Improvement and Living Conditions (EF03106), drawing on the results of Eurobarometer surveys carried out in the EU and the 13 acceding and candidate countries. Examining quality of life in 28 European

01 April 2004

Communiqué contains the following articles: Similar perceptions of quality of life across Europe; Higher collective bargaining levels in EU than Japan, USA; Part-time workers still experience adverse working conditions; Spotlight on working conditions in two sectors; Migration levels likely to be

30 March 2004