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Anticiperen op en omgaan met de gevolgen van verandering

Het anticiperen op en omgaan met de gevolgen van verandering is een van de zes hoofdactiviteiten in het werkprogramma van Eurofound voor de periode 2021-2024. Eurofound zal bewijsmateriaal verstrekken over structurele ontwikkelingen die van invloed zijn op de economie en de arbeidsmarkten van de EU en die voornamelijk het gevolg zijn van de digitalisering en de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie , maar ook van de COVID-19 -crisis. Het onderzoek is bedoeld om beleidsmakers bij te staan bij het anticiperen op en voorbereiden van de Europese arbeidsmarkten en werkplekken op deze veranderingen.

Vanaf 2021 zal Eurofound inzicht verschaffen in de impact van deze megatrends op de levens- en arbeidsomstandigheden in de EU. Op het gebied van digitalisering zal het onderzoek zich toespitsen op de gevolgen voor de werkgelegenheid, de arbeidsomstandigheden en de arbeidsmarkt. Hieronder vallen onder meer de sociale dialoog en de rol daarvan bij het vormgeven van structurele veranderingen, regelgevingskaders, sociale bescherming en kunstmatige intelligentie (AI). Voortbouwend op eerder onderzoek naar platformwerk zal de periode 2021-2024 gelegenheid bieden om de aandacht te richten op het in kaart brengen en beoordelen van de doeltreffendheid van beleidsinitiatieven bij het aanpakken van de uitdagingen die op het gebied van platformwerk zijn geconstateerd.

Eurofound zal ook de overgang van de EU naar een koolstofneutrale economie, met inbegrip van de circulaire economie en de tenuitvoerlegging van het EU-herstelinstrument NextGenerationEU, ondersteunen door de sociaaleconomische effecten te onderzoeken. Daarbij gaat het onder meer om verschuivingen in de werkgelegenheid en de transformatie van banen en arbeidsomstandigheden, alsook om verdelingseffecten van het klimaatveranderingsbeleid. Sommige van deze werkzaamheden zullen voortbouwen op de resultaten van een door Eurofound uitgevoerd proefproject over de toekomst van de productie (FOME) .

Om deze werkzaamheden in 2021-2024 voort te zetten, zal Eurofound samenwerken met verschillende internationale organisaties en EU-agentschappen, bijvoorbeeld met het Europees Milieuagentschap (EEA) op het gebied van de sociale gevolgen van het klimaatveranderingsbeleid. Voorts zal de bestaande samenwerking met andere onderzoeksactoren op het gebied van digitalisering — het Gemeenschappelijk Centrum voor onderzoek (JRC), het Bureau voor de grondrechten (FRA) en het Europees Agentschap voor veiligheid en gezondheid op het werk (EU-OSHA) — worden geconsolideerd. Er is ook voorzien in een verder partnerschap met de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie (IAO) met betrekking tot de veranderende arbeidswereld.

“De economie en arbeidsmarkten van de EU worden gekenmerkt door de impact van megatrends, met name digitalisering en de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie. Het is belangrijk om na te gaan hoe deze transities precies werken, wat er verandert en welke gevolgen zij niet alleen voor bedrijven zullen hebben, maar ook voor de werknemers en de samenleving.”

Irene Mandl, hoofd van de eenheid Werkgelegenheid


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Human–robot interaction: What changes in the workplace?

Explore our digital report summary. Understanding how workers and robots interact and the implications for work organisation and working conditions is crucial for robots’ successful integration into the workplace.

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Belangrijke beleidsboodschappen


De belangrijkste bevindingen van Eurofound-onderzoek dienen als input voor beleidsmakers om enkele van de belangrijkste kwesties op dit gebied aan te pakken.

  • Het is van cruciaal belang om werkgevers en werknemers te ondersteunen bij de gelijktijdige overgang naar het digitale tijdperk en naar een koolstofneutrale economie. Naast deze structurele ontwikkelingen vormt de recente COVID-19-pandemie een enorme uitdaging voor de Europese economie en arbeidsmarkt.
  • Nieuwe vormen van werkgelegenheid, zoals platformwerk en op ICT gebaseerde mobiele werkzaamheden spelen een steeds belangrijker rol op de Europese arbeidsmarkten. Gedreven door het gebruik van ICT worden deze gekenmerkt door nieuwe vormen van arbeidsrelaties tussen werkgever en werknemer en veranderende arbeidsorganisatie en werkpatronen. Zij brengen zowel kansen als risico’s met zich mee voor de arbeidsmarkten van de EU die worden geconfronteerd met de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie en een digitale transformatie tegen de achtergrond van de COVID-19-pandemie.
  • Digitale technologieën transformeren het werk en de werkplek en brengen veranderingen op de arbeidsmarkt teweeg, zoals herstructureringen en het verlies van banen, terwijl zich ook nieuwe beroepsprofielen beginnen af te tekenen. Functieprofielen veranderen door de digitalisering van de productie en de dienstverlening. Het resultaat is een vraag naar andere vaardigheden.
  • Het zal belangrijk zijn om de gezamenlijke effecten van de digitalisering en van de overgang naar een koolstofneutrale economie in het kielzog van de COVID-19-pandemieen de wijze waarop ze elkaar versterken te onderzoeken of na te gaan hoe de voordelen van de ene de negatieve effecten van de andere ontwikkeling kunnen compenseren.
  • Het technologiegedreven potentieel om een grote hoeveelheid gegevens te produceren, te verzamelen en te gebruiken kan het concurrentievermogen van het Europese bedrijfsleven en de kwaliteit van de werkgelegenheid verbeteren. Om uitbuiting en onethisch gedrag te voorkomen is het echter van essentieel belang dat kwesties als gegevenseigendom en gegevensbescherming worden verduidelijkt, goed worden gereguleerd en dat de desbetreffende regelgeving wordt gehandhaafd.

2021–2024 work plan

From 2021 onwards, Eurofound will provide insights into the impact of these megatrends on living and working conditions in the EU. In the area of digitalisation, research will focus on the impact on employment and working conditions, as well as on the labour market. Areas to be covered will include social dialogue and its role in shaping structural change, regulatory frameworks, social protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Building on previous research on platform work, the 2021–2024 period will be an opportunity to focus on mapping and providing an assessment of the effectiveness of policy initiatives in tackling the challenges identified with platform work.

Eurofound will also aim to support the EU’s transition to a carbon-neutral economy, including the circular economy and the implementation of the EU’s recovery instrument NextGenerationEU, by investigating the socioeconomic effects. These include employment shifts and the transformation of jobs and working conditions, as well as the distributional impact of climate change policies. Some of this work will build on the results of a pilot project on the future of manufacturing (FOME) carried out by Eurofound.

To continue this work in 2021–2024, Eurofound will cooperate with various international organisations and EU agencies, for example with the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the area of social impacts of climate change policies. Furthermore, existing collaboration with other research actors in the fields of digitalisation – the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) – will be consolidated. Further partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is also foreseen on the subject of the changing world of work.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to address the transitions to both a carbon-neutral economy and the digital age in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as helping to understand the impact of these changes at EU and national levels. For example, research on the impact of these drivers of change on the workplace level will provide insight into how to best support employers and workers so they can seize the opportunities and mitigate the challenges related to these developments. Eurofound’s research will also seek to support businesses in their efforts to adapt to a constantly evolving global economy. Furthermore, the examination of the distributional impacts of climate change policies and of measures to ensure social justice will provide knowledge to help implement the Just Transition Fund. The monitoring of reforms and recent financial support will also allow for an exchange of policy approaches and lessons learned.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines for 2021–2024, feeding directly into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support the following Commission priorities:


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues its research on the impact of digitalisation and the transition to a climate-neutral economy on working life. 

Various research strands linked with the digital and green transitions come to completion. This includes research into the impact of new developments in human–machine interaction on work organisation and working conditions. Research concludes on the impact of changes caused by the twin transitions at the sectoral level, focusing on the transformation of business activities, occupational and skill profiles, work organisation and working conditions. And analysis wraps up on the roles, opportunities and challenges of policy actors in the just transition, examining the design and implementation of Just Transition policies at the regional level, their mechanisms and the actors involved. 

Research continues on the impact of the green and digital transitions on the labour market and labour market actors with a project to explore company restructuring approaches and their ongoing adaptation strategies. Further research takes place on the socioeconomic impact of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, monitoring the employment and social dimension of the green transition.

New research focuses on how managers’ roles and functions are impacted by the increase in telework and the shift towards more hybrid working in terms of challenges and opportunities.

The ongoing monitoring of the developments in the platform economy continues through Eurofound’s regularly updated web repository. Building on previous studies on platform work and the ongoing monitoring of policies and measures with regard to platform work through the web repository, new research focuses on the working conditions of online platform workers. This work aims to explore the characteristics of online platform workers and how they fare in relation to contractual arrangements and job quality, including pay, work intensity, working time, occupational health and safety, social environment and career prospects. It also explores the career goals of platform workers. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 januari 2024
Work programme

Het jaar 2022 begon met voorzichtig optimisme. Europa was na twee jaar COVID-19-pandemie weer aan het opkrabbelen met het herstelplan NextGenerationEU, dat moet helpen bouwen aan een sterke en duurzame...

4 mei 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Tina Weber is a research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Having previously shared her time between the Employment and Working Life units, her work has focused on labour...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (67)

New digital technologies have expanded the possibilities of employee monitoring and surveillance, both in and outside the workplace. In the context of the increasing digitalisation of work, there are many issues related to employee monitoring that warrant the attention of policymakers. As well as th

09 December 2020

Platform work– the matching of supply and demand for paid labour through an online platform – is still small in scale but is expected to grow. Accordingly, it is important to anticipate the opportunities and risks related to this business model and employment form. This report explores potential sce

21 September 2020

Developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have been among the key drivers of change in working life over the past two decades. Specifically, telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) exemplifies how digital technology has led to more flexible workplace and working time practice

02 July 2020

What have been the major trends and policy developments regarding the flexibilisation of employment in recent years? Eurofound’s work programme for 2017–2020 set out to document and capture these changes in the world of work. This flagship publication provides an overview of developments in Europe

16 April 2020

To support the European Commission’s objective of ensuring Europe is fit for the digital age, this report examines the use of digital technologies in social services and the policies that promote digital transformation. The report explores some of the main issues involved in implementing digitalisat

02 April 2020

Innovation and technological advancement are natural features of developed economies, and they are necessary to maintain and improve sustainable competitiveness in an era of globalisation. However, while most innovation tends to be incremental, some has a disruptive effect on production and service

22 January 2020

Advances in ICT have opened the door to new ways of organising work. We are shifting from a regular, bureaucratic and ‘factory-based’ working time pattern towards a more flexible model of work. Telework and ICT-based mobile work (TICTM) has emerged in this transition, giving workers and employers th

16 January 2020

Accumulating evidence indicates that large metropolitan centres are faring much better than other regions within the Member States of the EU. Such interregional inequality contributes to disenchantment with existing political systems, which in turn can weaken the social bonds that ground democratic

07 October 2019

Platform work emerged onto European labour markets about a decade ago. While still small in scale, it is growing and evolving into a variety of forms. Different types of platform work have significantly different effects on the employment and working conditions of the affiliated workers.

23 September 2019

Eurofound’s European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) is a unique EU-wide dataset on larger-scale restructuring events, which monitors the announced employment effects of restructuring in the EU28 and Norway. Using reports from selected media titles, the ERM is updated on a daily basis. This report gives

16 May 2019

Online resources results (49)

Human–robot interaction: What changes in the workplace?

Explore our digital report summary. Understanding how workers and robots interact and the implications for work organisation and working conditions is crucial for robots’ successful integration into the workplace.

Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database captures new legislation concerning the use of algorithmic management in the employment

Climate change objectives and decarbonisation measures are vital for the future of Europe. But how will these objectives impact employment and the labour market? In this episode of the Eurofound Talks podcast series, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Senior Research Manager John Hurley about new

22 november 2023
Image of a group of cyclists crossing at a street junction.

Facing up to the social realities of the green transition

The European Green Deal binds the European Union to becoming a climate-neutral territory by 2050. As part of this, the European Climate Law (June 2021) commits the EU to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% (compared with 1990 levels) by 2030. To achieve this, a fundamental transformati


Coronavirus highlights sick pay void for platform workers

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is starting to have a serious impact on the world economy. The consequences for platform workers are especially severe in light of forced work stoppages due to self-isolation and lack of sick pay in many cases. Recent media coverage shows that platform workers in


Amazon’s expansion in Europe

The U.S. online retail giant Amazon is investing heavily in Europe, creating 11,580 jobs in 2018 alone. As Europe turns towards e-commerce, automation and digitalisation, Amazon will play a key role in reshaping the retail sector. But its impacts are unlikely to be confined to retail alone.


Lloyds bank’s digital transformation

Lloyds Banking Group is investing £3 billion (€3.35 billion) in technology and staff to improve its digital services. As a result, the Group has announced that it is cutting over 6,000 existing positions while creating 8,000 new jobs oriented towards digital technologies. The move reflects the growi

Platform work and employment conditions Informal meeting of EU Employment and Social Policy Ministers (EPSCO), 19 July 2018, Vienna, Austria Presentation by Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director, Eurofound

19 juli 2018

Task profiles development in response to future job needs EMCO meeting, 22 March 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria Presentation by Martina Bisello, Research Officer, Eurofound

27 maart 2018

Blogs results (27)

In the abstract, platform work is the matching of supply and demand for paid work through an online platform. In practice, most people are likely to have encountered it through big online platforms such as Uber, Deliveroo or Amazon Mechanical Turk. This is a new form employment that began to emerge

2 november 2018

Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. The severe losses of middle-paying jobs in the manufacturing s

27 september 2018

Digital technologies are transforming work, but the implications have not yet been fully grasped. In a recent Eurofound report, we focus on three main vectors of change to discuss the effects of digital technologies on work and employment and the policy responses such change demands.


There are fears that thousands of jobs could be lost in financial services following the UK’s exit from the European Union. This blog piece explores some of the implications of Brexit for London’s financial hub, including the reactions of US banks.

12 februari 2018
New-generation cars boost manufacturing employment

Rising levels of employment in manufacturing in the EU since 2013 have seen the part reversal of a long-term decline in employment in this sector. Data from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) database to early September 2017 show that, for the first time since 2005, the number of new manufactu

25 oktober 2017

In the digital age, there are fewer routine jobs because of a higher risk of automation. But a great paradox of this age is this: workers in most types of jobs, including high-skilled ones, are reporting higher levels of routine at work. This emerges from a new study of the task content of occupatio

28 september 2016

Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, technological change has brought both opportunities and risks. However, the widespread entry of computing technology into the workplace in the 1980s, and in particular the arrival of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, has profoundly affected society and t

25 mei 2016


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