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With the objective of raising employment rates of older people the EU is promoting policies aimed at abolishing early retirement schemes, setting up more flexible working hours, improving health and safety, and developing access to lifelong learning. This report examines the measures taken by seven

16 July 2004

The concept of the 'working poor' has become increasing applicable to social and labour market realities in the EU, due to the rise in atypical and precarious work patterns and a growing polarisation in the labour market between low or unskilled work and highskilled work. Based primarily on a

14 July 2004

This EWCO annual review examines four key dimensions in working conditions and quality of work and employment: career and employment, health and well-being, skills development and work-life balance. The report first outlines relevant legislative and policy developments, before examining trends in

14 July 2004

Part-time work has become increasingly commonplace in the European Union. This report explores the profile of part-time workers and analyses the main factors underlying the development of part-time work practices. It also analyses the quality of work and employment conditions faced by part-time

25 June 2004

Incidence rates of physical violence, bullying and sexual harassment have increased, according to the European Working Conditions Survey and national surveys. This report examines the manner in which these ‘new’ issues have been studied in the national surveys of seven European countries. It is

15 June 2004
Research report

Euforia came into being as part of the Foundation’s work on knowledge society. It has tested ways of studying the emergence of a knowledge society in the EU 15. This report sets out the results of the pilot project, in particular, its implications for living conditions, working conditions and

11 June 2004

Examining quality of life in 28 European countries, including the acceding and candidate countries as well as the current Member States of the EU, this report provides, for the first time, an analysis of views and experiences of the citizens of the new Europe on aspects relating to fertility and

09 June 2004

This report examines the quality of industrial relations in the public sector in five EU Member States: France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, and Italy. Today there is pressure for change and reform across the European Union public sector, with particular emphasis on increased efficiency and

09 June 2004

Euforia came into being as part of the Foundation’s work on knowledge society. It has tested ways of studying the emergence of a knowledge society in the EU 15. During this process, preliminary ideas have been obtained on how a knowledge society may be evolving in the three pilot Member States

03 June 2004
Report summary

In recent years, new evidence and conclusions on the characteristics of innovation across the economy as a whole have given rise to new theories and new approaches to policy. There is a reference group of eight countries for this report: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the

01 June 2004
Research report