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Participation at work

Participation at work refers to the involvement of employees in management decision-making in the workplace by means other than information and consultation, either in relation to wider company issues (workplace social dialogue) or in their immediate job (task discretion).  


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Човешките ресурси допринасят за успеха на дадена организация със своите умения. Според модела на способностите, мотивацията и възможностите (AMO), приносът на служителите към ефективността на организацията зависи от техните умения...

30 March 2023
Research report

EU context

According to Council Directive 2001/86/EC supplementing the European Company Statute with regard to the involvement of employees, participation is the influence of the body representative of the employees and/or the employee representatives in the affairs of a company through 1) the right to elect or appoint some of the members of the company’s supervisory or administrative organ, or 2) the right to recommend and/or oppose the appointment of some or all of the members of the company’s supervisory or administrative organ (Article 2(k)). This definition of participation is repeated in Council Directive 2003/72/EC of 22 July 2003 supplementing the Statute for a European Cooperative Society with regard to the involvement of employees.


European Industrial Relations Dictionary 

Eurofound expert(s)


Gijs van Houten is a senior research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He has specific expertise in cross-national survey methodology and the analysis of workplace...

Senior research manager,
Employment research unit

Franz Eiffe is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. He is involved in projects on sustainable work, quantitative analyses and upward convergence in the EU, as...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (58)

The reinsurance group SCOR was the first French listed company to create a European Company (SE) with employee participation. Three parallel agreements secure employee involvement through a common SE works council for the SCOR SE and its two subsidiaries. This was an important progress, since with

25 April 2011

Headquartered in Utrecht/The Netherlands with subsidiaries in Germany, Italy and Finland, Equens is a full-service payment processing company offering services in payment and card processing and a European leader in this business segment. The transformation of Equens N.V. into an SE was concluded in

25 April 2011

MAN was the first German company to create a SE, by the conversion of its subsidiary MAN B&W Diesel into MAN Diesel SE in August 2006. This was followed in 2009 by the conversion of MAN itself into MAN SE. Both management and the employee representatives were well prepared for negotiating an

25 April 2011

Allianz SE is an integrated financial services provider with more than 150,000 employees. The company serves approximately 75 million customers in about 70 countries. Allianz SE operates and manages its activities primarily through four operating segments: property-casualty, life/health, asset

13 March 2011

The European Company Statute (SE) is based on the Council Regulation on the Statute for a European Company (2157/2001/EC) and on the Directive supplementing the Statute for a European Company with regard to the involvement of employees (2001/86/EC). It is one of the most important pieces of company

08 March 2011

This report provides an overview of the extent, practice and impact of employee information and consultation (I&C) in 26 European countries five years after the implementation date of Directive 2002/14/EC. Procedures for establishing I&C arrangements and the scope for organisation- or sector

20 January 2011

In a European policy context, the biomedical sector offers a potential for establishing a knowledge base which may contribute to Europe’s competitiveness in the world market. The purpose of this mapping report is to give a concise overview of the biomedical healthcare sector and to identify the main

04 September 2007

The research indicates that financial participation can deliver real benefits for employees, enterprises and national economies. However, despite this potential, it remains little used in most Member States, and is very unevenly distributed across the EU. This background paper has updated the

28 August 2007

This report describes the current situation in relation to employee financial participation (EFP) in the new Member States of the European Union. It provides a summary of the main findings regarding the incidence of the different forms of EFP and their implementation. It also describes the

23 July 2007

During the years 1999-2004, the Foundation carried out research into the nature and extent of financial participation in the EU. The research examined national level policies and the attitudes of key actors in relation to the development and implementation of financial participation schemes. It

01 August 2006
Information sheet

Online resources results (200)

Grand conference to launch new government’s social reform strategy

During the French election campaign, the attitude of socialist candidate François Hollande towards relations with trade unions and business leaders, indicating that he would respect their autonomy, set him apart from Nicolas Sarkozy, his competitor for the Presidency.

Retirement age raised despite trade union opposition

Raising the retirement age to 67 for both men and women was one of the most important reforms that the Civic Platform (PO [1]) government planned to introduce (*PL1112019I* [2]) as a way of safeguarding public finances (*PL1201019I* [3]). The government argued that the economically active population

Workers increasingly excluded from bargaining model

A new anthology entitled Insiders and outsiders – the scope of the Danish bargaining model (in Danish) [1] draws on a series of studies carried out by scholars at the University of Copenhagen’s Employment Relations Research Centre (FAOS [2]). It explores the impact of union membership and collective

ESF-funded projects to promote social dialogue

On 21 February, 20 contracts covering the funding and administration of projects designed to promote social dialogue were signed by Lithuania’s Ministry of Social Security and Labour (SADM [1]), the European Social Fund Agency (ESFA [2]) and the leaders of employer and employee organisations. [1]

Trade union ‘facility time’ under review

The UK’s Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 [1] obliges employers to grant reasonable paid time off work for employees who are representatives of recognised trade unions. This time is for them to carry out certain duties, notably collective bargaining, representation of

European Commission launches new consultation on restructuring

The European social partners have been working on the issue of restructuring [1] for a number of years and even tried to agree a common text. After a first consultation, launched by the Commission in 2002, on how to anticipate and manage the social effects of corporate restructuring, the social

Key cases highlight impact of consultation legislation

The Information and Consultation of Employees (ICE) Regulations [1] first came into effect in England, Wales and Scotland in April 2005, applying initially to businesses with 150 or more employees (*UK0502103N* [2]). The ICE regulations were then extended to those with 100–149 employees in April

Luxembourg: Workers prone to stress and burn-out at work

Through itssurvey ‘Well-being at work in Luxembourg 2010’carried out by TNS-ILRES in December 2009 to January 2010, the Luxembourg Chamber of Employees (CSL) sought to provide an insight into the feelings of Luxembourg workers in 2010 about their workplace. More than 1,500 employees (both Luxembourg

Government adopts new law on distribution of profits

French President Nicolas Sarkozy promised during his election in 2007 to ‘give back purchasing power to the French’, in particular through better distribution of company profits. As a result of that promise, a new law is to be put before parliament that would oblige larger private sector companies

EC labour directives transposed into national legislation

On 2 February 2011 the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (MK [1]) supported a draft law on informing and consulting employees in community-scale undertakings [2] and community-scale groups of undertakings. These are companies with at least 1,000 employees within the EU and at least 150

Blogs results (5)

As we leave behind the lockdowns and business disruptions of COVID-19 and enter a ‘new normal’, it is time to talk about how workplaces might be transformed to drive innovation. Some may baulk at this suggestion, as we continue to grapple with the pandemic fallout, but crises have always been a crad

28 June 2021

COVID-19 has shown that some things can hit us out of the blue. The pandemic sent a shockwave through businesses all over the world and has brought massive changes to work organisation, internal communication and day-to-day operations for many companies. Doubtless, the depth of the pandemic’s impact

21 June 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled governments to take exceptional measures to monitor and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Among them was the introduction in most EU Member States of tracking apps to gather data on citizens who have contracted the virus and to trace their contacts, a measure tha

13 January 2021

According to the dictionary, an organisation is an organised group of people with a particular purpose. To achieve this purpose, tasks are divided between the members of the group, and the task of some of those people is to manage the others. Interestingly, whereas most tasks are allocated based on

27 November 2020

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that fosterin

20 March 2019
Data results (2)
24 October 2023
Reference period:


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