Премини към основното съдържание

Постигане на равновесие между професионалния и личния живот

Равновесието между професионалния и личния живот представлява задоволително състояние на баланс между трудовата дейност на индивида и личния му живот. Постигането на по-добро равновесие между професионалния и личния живот на работещите през целия жизнен цикъл е политическа цел на ЕС в продължение на много години, тъй като е от основно значение за гарантиране устойчивостта на труда за всички. 


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In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...


EU context

На 26 април 2017 г. Комисията стартира пакета „Европейски стълб на социалните права“. Това включва инициатива за подпомагане на равновесието между професионалния и личния живот за родители и за полагащите грижи. Инициативата има за цел да обърне внимание на недостатъчното участие на жените на пазара на труда и очертава редица нови или усъвършенствани минимални стандарти за родителски отпуск, отпуск по бащинство и отпуск за полагане на грижи.

Дейност на Еurofound

Събиране на данни

Европейските проучвания за качеството на живот на Eurofound (EQLS) правят сравнения между държавите по отношение на съвместяването на професионалния и семейния живот, договореностите за гъвкаво работното време и предоставянето на качествени услуги за полагане на грижи. Проучванията на европейските дружества (ECS) предоставят данни защо и как фирмите използват широко разнообразие от договорености във връзка с работното време. Европейските проучвания за условията на труд (EWCS) разглеждат организацията на работното време в ЕС и свързаните с това въпроси, включително договорености за гъвкаво работно време, предпочитания за работното време и равновесие между професионалния и личния живот.

Европейската обсерватория на професионалния живот (EurWORK) предоставя информация относно условията на труд и устойчивата работа, включително база данни за трудовите възнаграждения, работното време и колективните спорове. Освен това Eurofound извършва оценка на икономическите и социалните разходи, свързани с разликата в заетостта на жените и мъжете и може да предложи информация относно създаването на заетост в услугите за полагане на грижи.

Визуализация на данните

Включено: Фондация „Фокус“ акцентира върху решения за постигане на равновесие между професионалния и личния живот

23 декември 2016 г. – Този брой на Фондация „Фокус“ разглежда равновесието между професионалния и личния живот и някои от факторите, които подпомагат или затрудняват работещите при съчетаването на професионалния с личния живот. Тъй като средната продължителност на работното време постоянно намалява, в документа се поставя въпроса дали равновесието между професионалния и личния живот все още е от значение. Как Директивата за работното време може да помогне и каква е ролята на политиките за гъвкаво работно време? Каква специфична подкрепа е необходима за полагащите грижи за деца или възрастни? Равновесието между професионалния и личния живот е свързано с други жизнени аспекти, включително нуждата от висококачествени грижи за детето, преодоляване на разликата в заетостта между мъжете и жените и гаранции за по-възрастните работници, които не могат да продължат да работят на пълен работен ден.
Равновесие между професионалния и личния живот: Създаване на решения за всеки

Key outputs


Петият кръг на електронното проучване на Eurofound, проведено от 25 март до 2 май 2022 г., дава информация за социалното и икономическото положение на хората в цяла Европа две години...

7 July 2022
Research report

Цифровите технологии позволиха на много служители да извършват работата си по всяко време и навсякъде, с произтичащите от това предимства и недостатъци. Данните на Eurofound показват, че е два пъти...

9 September 2021
Research report

Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s...

3 March 2020
Research report

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update...

7 February 2019
Customised report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (121)

In November 2010, the Employment Committee (EMCO) issued a report (239Kb PDF) [1] on the quality of work [2] in the European Union. The report was based on the findings of a thematic review held in June 2010 which aimed to examine and exchange experiences about labour market policies intended to

14 March 2011

This report reviews the policy contribution of the fourth EWCS, paying particular attention to the: contribution that the survey currently makes to debates and action regarding specific EU social and employment policies and concerns; potential contribution of the survey in identifying new policy

23 March 2010

Working time policies, although designed within the national and sectoral framework and the boundaries of institutional regulations, are fine-tuned and implemented at the level of each company, taking account of the environment in which the company operates and the workforce it is employing. Hence

08 December 2009

This issue of Foundation Focus looks at families in the light of recent policy developments at EU and national level and based on Foundation research findings in this area. The aim of each issue of the series is to explore a subject of social and economic policy importance and contribute to argument

25 February 2009

There is evidence to support the case that innovative working time and work–life balance policies can lead to a variety of positive impacts at company level, including enhanced employee performance, reduced absenteeism levels, better recruitment and retention potential as well as greater overall

25 September 2008

This report examines the extent of occupational segregation by gender and how it impacts on the quality of women’s and men’s working lives. The analysis is based on findings from the fourth European Working Conditions Survey carried out across 31 countries, including the 27 EU Member States. The

21 September 2008

Европейският съюз (ЕС) е изправен пред дилема от гледна точка на социалната политика: той трябва да повиши равнището на заетостта, за да осигури траен икономически растеж и да насърчи социалното включване. За да направи това обаче, ЕС трябва да улесни хората да съчетават ангажиментите към работата

13 December 2007

This report addresses the key issue of time use and work–life options over the life course. The report aims to contribute to current debates on the subject, placing them in the wider context of 25 European countries and viewing them from a life course perspective. It considers the ways in which the

10 April 2007

This analytical report addresses the important question concerning the extent to which quality of work influences people’s overall quality of life. More specifically, the report undertakes a detailed analysis of how working conditions, job satisfaction and work–life balance affect life satisfaction

09 April 2007

Initiatives promoting reconciliation of work and family life have become popular across Europe as part of employment policies as well as social policies dealing, among other things, with the challenges of competitiveness, the renewed Lisbon targets for increased participation in the labour market

26 July 2006

Online resources results (153)

Hungary: Effects of ban on Sunday trading

A ban on Sunday opening for shops, which came into effect in Hungary in March 2015, appears to have had no direct negative effect on the economy. Overall retail sales have remained steady, and there have been no major lay-offs or closures. Shops have offset the closures by staying open longer on all

Spain: State of play regarding work–life balance and working time in companies

The economic crisis and recent labour reforms in Spain have hindered the development of policies to help employees have a better work–life balance, according to a report released in March 2015. The report, backed by the CCOO union federation, examines existing rights concerning work–life balance and

Czech Republic: Conference highlights difficulties for carers in labour market participation

Research findings presented during a conference on informal caregivers in the Czech Republic revealed the difficulties that workers providing long-term care face in participating in the labour force due to a lack of flexible working regimes and part-time jobs.

UK: Opportunities for flexible working are increasing

Opportunities for flexible working are widely available in the UK and employers’ enthusiasm for the concept is increasing, a survey has shown. However, the government-funded survey has also provided a mixed picture of the awareness of these opportunities and of the use of recent statutory provisions

Estonia: Identifying ways to improve the parental leave system

This study looked at parental leave schemes and benefits in place in Estonia with a view to assessing how well the existing system meets the needs of parents and employers. The aim was to identify new solutions to support policy development and to suggest ways to change the system to support work

Germany: Family benefit rule changes encourage parents to share childcare duties

In November 2014, the German government remodelled its parental benefit scheme to promote part-time working for mothers and fathers. The reform is a further step towards refocusing the country's family dynamic from the typical male breadwinner model towards a Nordic dual-earner model.

France: Donation of leave to employees with seriously ill children

Certain French companies have traditionally allowed employees to donate some of their leave to colleagues with seriously ill children. This tradition is sometimes implemented informally and sometimes enshrined in a company-level labour agreement. The French National Assembly has now passed a law

France: A legal right to switch off from work

On 19 June 2013, France’s social partners adopted a national interprofessional agreement on well-being at work which encourages businesses to find ways of avoiding intrusion on employees' private lives by defining periods when devices can be switched off and no company emails will be sent. The aim

Italy: Work climate improves while job satisfaction declines

The third Quality of work survey report, published by Italy’s National Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training Employment and Social Policies (Isfol), provides both synthetic indicators and an accurate overview of the quality of work in Italy. It shows that while the work climate is

Blogs results (18)

The impact of COVID-19 continues to create chaos in people’s lives across Europe and the world. The economy is heading towards another major dip, and a sense of general insecurity pervades. The daunting challenges confronting health services and projections on the long-term impact of the crisis domi


Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that fosterin

20 March 2019

After more than 60 years of European policy on the equal treatment of women and men, men still outnumber women in management positions by almost two to one. The women who do make it into management are more likely to be in non-supervising management roles where they manage operational responsibiliti

7 March 2019

Few events challenge the equilibrium between work and life like the arrival of a child. As gender roles continue to change in Europe, supporting the uptake of paternity and parental leave among fathers is fundamental, not just to close the ‘caring gap’ between men and women, but also to provide the

11 October 2018

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), carried out by Eurofound every four years, explores a variety of aspects related to living standards, health, family and work–life balance, as well as people's happiness levels, satisfaction with their lives, and their perceptions regarding the quality of

21 February 2018

One of the common values that unites the European Union is that of equal opportunities: all citizens should have the same possibility to improve their lives and participate in the labour market regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Ensuring equal opportunities in finding w


Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support. O

3 February 2016

The latest research from Eurofound on working conditions in Europe highlights that the 9-to-5 day is not the norm for many workers, and work commonly spills over into home life. Such patterns make it difficult to balance work and life outside work.

25 November 2015

Data results (3)
27 October 2023
Reference period:
24 October 2023
Reference period:


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