Migration is a major policy concern at national and European level. However, while Member States have put in place specific regulations to deal with certain aspects, the overall architecture of migration-related policies is perceived as a challenge. In recent months, the significant inflow of refugees has profoundly changed the situation in Europe. Most countries have been grappling with how to respond to the immediate needs of asylum seekers in a comprehensive and coordinated way, while taking into account the longer-term issue of integration. It has become clear to all parties that the ongoing challenges of responding to labour shortages and demographic change are here to stay and also require comprehensive policies. This report focuses on third-country nationals and looks at how policies related to migration, the labour market and integration are coordinated. It reviews how policy coordination works in practice, with a focus on the social partners and local-level initiatives.
Challenges of policy coordination for third-country nationals
English (1.37 MB - PDF)Udfordringer ved koordineringen af politikken for tredjelandsstatsborgere
Udfordringer ved koordineringen af politikken for tredjelandsstatsborgere
dansk (66.29 KB - PDF)Challenges of policy coordination for third-country nationals
Engelsk (65.16 KB - PDF)Трудности при координирането на политиките за граждани на трети страни
Български (68.16 KB - PDF)El reto de coordinar las políticas destinadas a nacionales de terceros países
Español (65.64 KB - PDF)Problémy v oblasti koordinace politik týkajících se státních příslušníků třetích zemí
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Français (66.39 KB - PDF)Izazovi koordinacije politika za državljane trećih zemalja
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Suomi (62.55 KB - PDF)Utmaningar för samordningen av politiken angående tredjelandsmedborgare
Svenska (65.28 KB - PDF)- Number of pages
- Reference nº
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