Eurofound’s website offers users the option of accessing information by topic, by language or by country, drawing on relevant data and analysis from all Eurofound’s surveys and databases, as well as parallel in-depth Eurofound research. The site is optimised for use on tablets and smartphones as well as PCs.
- What does Eurofound do?
- How is Eurofound organised?
- How does Eurofound approach its activities?
- Does Eurofound carry out research on request?
- Does Eurofound publish its datasets?
- Does Eurofound publish country-level information?
- Who pays for Eurofound?
- Does Eurofound offer financial assistance for specific projects?
- Is Eurofound's work evaluated?
- How can I find out more ?
- Where can I find information on vacancies?
- Does Eurofound offer traineeships?
- Can I visit Eurofound?
- How can I get to Eurofound?
- Are Eurofound facilities available for rent?
What does Eurofound do?
Eurofound is a tripartite Agency of the European Union and undertakes comparative, independent research that examines practical experience and identifies factors for successful change in the areas of social, employment and work-related policies.
For information on Eurofound’s research and communication activities, current work programmes, annual reports, latest pan-European surveys and other databases, see our section on ‘What we do’.
- About us: What we do
Eurofound does not offer citizen advice and is unable to advise on conditions and rights pertaining to individuals living and working in the European Union. However, you may find the information you require on the portal website of the European Union and under the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
- European Commission portal:
- European Commission: Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Eurofound's core business is both research and communicating the results of that research. It carries out research and development projects, to provide data and analysis for informing and supporting the formulation of EU policy on working and living conditions. Eurofound has a network of experts throughout Europe who conduct research on its behalf including assessing the current national situations, the preparation of case studies and national reports and the conducting of surveys.
Eurofound has developed three regularly repeated pan-European surveys to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions.
- European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS)
- European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS)
- European Company Survey (ECS)
In response to COVID-19, Eurofound has adjusted its research to monitor the evolving situation and collect data on the social and economic impact of the pandemic. The data collection includes an online survey and a database of national-level policy responses. Eurofound also provides an analysis of specific topics, such as the effects on employment and specific sectors, as well as the effectiveness of support measures.
Eurofound's unique data collections and web applications give access to information from all EU Member States and are updated in regular intervals by research experts at Eurofound and the Network of Eurofound Correspondents (NEC).
- Resources: Eurofound apps
How is Eurofound organised?
For information on the composition of Eurofound’s Management Board and multinational staff, as well as stakeholders and partners, see our section on ‘Who we are’.
- About us: Who we are
In addition to its main headquarters in Dublin, Eurofound also maintains a Brussels Liaison Office, with the dual role of strengthening the visibility and impact of Eurofound research at EU level, and monitoring developments in policymaking.
- About us: Brussels Liaison Office
How does Eurofound approach its activities?
Every four years, Eurofound reviews its strategy and the orientation to be given to its work and after widespread consultation prepares a multiannual work programme. This programme is the result of detailed deliberations among the groups making up Eurofound’s Management Board as well as consultations with the EU institutions.
The current Multiannual programme describes Eurofound’s planned work over the period 2025–2028. It sets out the policy and institutional context for the programme, describes the multiannual programme for the four-year period and sets out the work programme for the current year. Eurofound’s research priorities for 2025–2028 are shaped by the opportunities and challenges arising from four mega-drivers: climate change, demographic change, technological change and re-globalisation.
- About us: Work programmes
Eurofound research focuses on the four policy areas mandated in the Founding Regulation:
- Working conditions and sustainable work
- Industrial relations and social dialogue
- Employment and labour markets
- Living conditions and quality of life
See the 'Topics' section of the website for a full list of research areas. Each topic page explains what the topic is about and highlights the EU policy debate, Eurofound’s research, ongoing work, important data and resources, as well as related publications, articles, news and events.
Does Eurofound carry out research on request?
Eurofound only carries out research on the basis of the work programmes adopted by its Management Board. However, in areas where it has existing data, it offers a limited ad hoc information requests service to core stakeholder organisations.
- About us: Ad hoc information requests
Does Eurofound publish its datasets?
Eurofound offers specialist databases plus a Data explorer to explore and visualise survey data. Survey questionnaires and datasets are also available for download.
- Data and resources: Data explorer
- Surveys: Data availability
Does Eurofound publish country-level information?
Eurofound undertakes a programme of activities at national level as part of its work to map and analyse socioeconomic and related trends across the Member States.
In addition to its living and working country profiles, Eurofound also offers additional resources by country: report summaries in all official languages, comparative analysis between countries and sectors, information on the work of the social partners at national level, country fact sheets, case studies and databases.
- Countries: Country profiles
Who pays for Eurofound?
Eurofound is financed as part of the general budget of the European Commission. Funds are allocated during the official budgetary process between the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. Eurofound’s work programme outlines the details of the annual budget.
- About us: Work programmes
Does Eurofound offer financial assistance for specific projects?
Eurofound’s mandate is to work in specialised areas of EU social policy and more specifically to contribute to the planning and design of better living and working conditions in Europe. This mandate does not permit the granting of financial assistance. For more information on other possible sources of funding, visit the European Commission’s web page on funding opportunities and tenders.
- European Commission: Funding, Tenders
Is Eurofound's work evaluated?
As an EU agency, Eurofound is required to 'regularly carry out ex-ante and ex-post evaluations of programmes and activities entailing significant spending', according to article 28 (1) of its Founding Regulation, and article 29 (5) of the Consolidated Financial Regulation. All evaluation reports are published on the website.
Eurofound publishes information on the management and external evaluation control systems and assessment of their effectiveness in its Consolidated annual activity report of the Authorising Officer.
- About us: Performance monitoring and evaluation
- About us: Annual reports/Yearbooks
How can I find out more?
Register online to receive Eurofound’s monthly newsletter for a regular update on all our activities or stay in touch with Eurofound through social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube.
Visit the 'Publications' section of the website for results of Eurofound's research activities, including the Living and working in Europe yearbook.
View also Eurofound’s online calendar for recent and forthcoming publications.
Members of the public may request access to internal documents subject to certain conditions. Eurofound has also set up a register of internal documents which are available for download. It also offers a range of information services.
- Publications: Subscriptions
- Publications: All publications
- About us: Communications calendar
- About us: Annual reports/Yearbooks
- About us: Access to internal documents
Where can I find information on vacancies?
See the 'Vacancies' section of the website for open and ongoing vacancy notices, as well as important information on working at Eurofound, including how to apply. Eurofound can only consider applications through an open vacancy procedure and does not accept spontaneous applications for jobs or submission of CVs.
Vacancies in Eurofound tend to occur very rarely, as we are a small organisation of approximately 100 staff. When vacancies for permanent posts occur, advertisements are placed in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Official Journals are available at all EU Information Offices, government publications offices or directly from the Office of Official Publications of the European Union. You may also wish to subscribe to the official Open Competitions journal which deals specifically with recruitment competitions. To be eligible for employment in Eurofound, it is necessary for candidates to be nationals of the EU Member States.
- About us: Vacancies
Does Eurofound offer traineeships?
Eurofound has a traineeship programme and usually runs an application process every year. See the 'Vacancies' section of the website for information on traineeships and read about the experiences of previous Eurofound trainees.
If you are considering a traineeship, follow Eurofound’s social media channels to receive up-to-date information on the launch of the application process.
- About us: Vacancies
- Vacancies: Information on traineeships
Can I visit Eurofound?
Eurofound is open to visitors and offers tailor-made programmes in order to meet the specific information needs of groups or individuals. Visits are arranged by prior appointment.
How can I get to Eurofound?
Eurofound is located to the south of Dublin city, some 16 kilometres from the city centre. The address is: Eurofound, Wyattville Road, Loughlinstown, Co. Dublin, D18 KP65, Ireland
- About us: Map and transport information
Are Eurofound facilities available for rent?
The Raymond-Pierre Bodin Conference Centre is available for rent. The main hall, which accommodates up to 120 participants, has been fitted out with state-of-the art technology and has nine interpretation booths built to ISO standards. Smaller meeting rooms are also available, most of which are located in the historic Loughlinstown House.
To book the conference centre or to check availability, please contact or call +353 1 204 3100.
- About us: Loughlinstown House