The project on Social Dialogue Capacity Building at sectoral and company levels is a follow-up of a similar project held at a national level in 2005. The methodology used included carrying out interviews with members of the nationally recognised representative organisations of employers and
This paper analyses the capacity of Cyprus’s social partners to effectively engage in social dialogue at various levels. The paper forms part of a wider, comparative project, managed by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Ireland) and the Work Life
Greece's state-owned airline, Olympic Airways (OA) is the first in a series of public corporations to be restructured in the framework of the measures accompanying the devaluation in March 1998 of the drachma (GR9803161F [1]), by which the Government is seeking to achieve Greece's participation in
A strike was held on 8-9 April 1998 in marine transport by administrative staff and port workers all over Greece, who were protesting at the privatisation of the Piraeus and Thessaloniki Port Authorities. The action closed down all commercial ports for two days and disrupted coastal shipping. The
The 29th congress of Greece's GSEE trade union confederation concluded in March 1998 with the election of a new 45-member administrative board. As well as issues such as development, employment, incomes and social protection, the congress discussed the devaluation of the drachma - a move which has
In March 1998, the Federation of Industrialists of Northern Greece submitted a package of proposals on the labour market and on boosting the competitiveness of Greek businesses.
In February 1998, a law was passed by the Greek Parliament under which labour relations may be altered in public enterprises in financial difficulties. The Government subsequently decided to implement a package of measures on public enterprises, one of whose aims, according to the Prime Minister, is
After a year of existence, in January-February 1998 Greece's first union of unemployed people began mobilising dynamically and formulating demands for improving the living and working conditions of the unemployed in north-central Euboea.
In February 1998, the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) appealed to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and other international organisations and national bodies, with a view to repealing a new law which provides for labour relations in some public corporations to be governed by
The third conference of female trade unionists in the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE), held in February 1998, has highlighted the serious lack of representation and participation of women in trade union bodies in Greece.
Since early January 1998, the Greek shipping industry has been facing serious problems, with workers mobilising strongly and making numerous demands, while at the same time being divided over several issues. A key factor in the current difficulties is the ending of the system of "cabotage", whereby