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- Eurofound and ILO
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and Eurofound were pleased to welcome you to their joint webinar on 25 June 2020 from 13.30 to 14.30 IST (14.30 - 15.30 CET). The panel discussed how COVID-19 is affecting the European labour market, how Europeans are experiencing the current crisis, as well as the policy responses of EU Member States and social partners to the pandemic.
The panellists analysed which sectors and groups of workers are most affected and explored how the global situation compares to that of the EU. They also reflected on possible solutions to mitigate labour market disruption in the wake of COVID-19. The panel discussion was followed by a Q&A.
The ILO estimates that an equivalent of 305 million full-time jobs will be lost globally during the second quarter of 2020. Compared to other regions, Europe presents one of the largest losses in hours worked. The crisis is hitting young people harder and faster than any other group. According to the latest ILO Monitor on COVID-19 and the world of work, more than one in six young people are out of work due to COVID-19 while those who remain employed have seen their working hours cut by 23%.
The first results from Eurofound’s Living, working and COVID-19 online survey paint a stark picture across the EU27, with people experiencing a deterioration in their economic situation and reporting serious concerns for their financial future. A growing number of Europeans are experiencing a dramatic decrease in working time. Over a third of those in employment have started to work remotely as a result of the pandemic, also impacting on their working conditions.
14.30 CET | Welcome by Moderator Lieve Verboven, Director, International Labour Organization Office for the EU and the Benelux countries |
14.35 CET | Panel discussion on How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market Moderated by Lieve Verboven
15.00 CET | Q&A on LIVE chat |
15.25–15.30 CET | Closing remarks |
![]() | Speaker: Steven Kapsos Steve is Head of the Data Production and Analysis Unit at the International Labour Organization in Geneva. Previously, he served as a Senior Economist in the ILO’s Research Department. He has authored publications on the employment intensity of economic growth, gender gaps in wages and labour force participation, the emerging middle class in developing countries and trends in working poverty. Before joining the ILO, he worked as a researcher at the Malcolm Wiener Centre for Social Policy at Harvard University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in economics and international relations from the University of Wisconsin and a Master’s degree in international development from Harvard University. @ilobrussels |
![]() | Speaker: Massimiliano Mascherini Massimiliano is Head of Unit for Social Policies at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined in 2009 to design and coordinate projects on youth employment, NEETs and their social inclusion, as well as on the labour market participation of women. As a Senior Research Manager, he led new research on monitoring convergence in the European Union. He studied at the University of Florence, majoring in Actuarial and Statistical Sciences and completing a PhD in Applied Statistics. He has been visiting fellow at the University of Sydney and at Aalborg University and visiting professor at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. @MascheriniM |
![]() | Speaker: Barbara Gerstenberger Barbara is Head of Working Life at Eurofound. She joined Eurofound in 2001 as a research manager and in 2007 moved to Eurofound’s Information and Communication Unit as Head of Communication Products, before being appointed Coordinator in the Directorate in March 2011. Previously, she worked as senior research officer in the European Metalworkers' Federation in Brussels (1993–2001) and also at the European Commission (1999–2000). A graduate in political science from Hamburg University, she completed a Master’s degree in Public Administration at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. |
![]() | Moderator: Lieve Verboven Lieve is Director of the International Labour Organization’s Office for the European Union and Benelux. She has built international and national expertise of over 20 years in social dialogue, conflict resolution and collective bargaining. Before joining ILO-Brussels, she worked as a Federal Labour Mediator at the Belgian Federal Public Service for Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue. She previously joined the ILO as a Social Dialogue Expert in Senegal. She has also has experience in Mediation and Labour Relations in Alberta, Canada. She holds a Master’s in Law from the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven) and a specialised Master of European Law from the Free University of Brussels (ULB). @ilobrussels |
- Publication: Living, working and COVID-19: First findings – April 2020
- Data: COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch
- ILO publication: ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. 4th edition
- ILO portal: COVID-19 and the world of work
- ILO repository: COVID-19 Country policy responses