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Management Board

Eurofound's Management Board represents the social partners and national governments of all Member States, as well as the European Commission. It also has one independent expert appointed by the European Parliament. It is assisted by an Executive Board of eight members. The Executive Board is set up with the task of preparing the meetings of the Management Board in an appropriate manner and supporting its decision-making and monitoring processes. The Executive Board meets at least three times a year, usually in Brussels.

In April 2022, the Management Board adopted a decision that representatives of six EU Agencies will participate in meetings of the Board as observers. This includes the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), the European Labour Authority (ELA), the European Training Foundation (ETF), the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA).

The mandate of the Board was renewed on 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2027.  The Council Decision appointing the new members is available here. On appointment, members of the Board must complete a Declaration of Interests and provide a short Curriculum Vitae. See an explanation on conflicts of interest here. These forms will be published on the website below.

Management Board Members

Executive Board Members


Chair of the Management Board

Jerzy Ciechański
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy 



Antti Närhinen
Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

EMPLOYERS GROUPVice-Chair of the Management Board

Stefania Rossi
General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria)

Anna Kwiatkiewicz

Vice-Chair of the Management Board

Salvatore Marra
Italian General Federation of Labour (CGIL)


Tea Jarc
European Trade Union Confederation
Aline Hoffmann
European Trade Union Institute

Vice-Chair of the Management Board

Barbara Kauffmann
DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Imad Kanjou Auge
DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Advisory Committees Members


Living conditions, social cohesion & convergence

Working conditions & sustainable workIndustrial relationsEmployment/Anticipating & managing the impact of change
EUROFOUNDMassimiliano MascheriniBarbara GerstenbergerChristine AumayrTadas Leoncikas
GOVERNMENTSSilvia Gregorcova (SK)
Rita Skrebiskiene (LT)
Jerzy Ciechanski (PL)
Miranda Visser (NL)
Thomas Voigtländer (DE)
Petra Pencs (AT)
Vladka Komel (SI)
Maija Lyly-Yrjanainen (FI)
Orestis Messios (CY)
Rita Skrebiskiene (LT)
Triantafyllia Toutou (GR)
Ineta Tare (LV)
Antti Närhinen (FI)
Magdalena Zawadzka (PL) 
Teodora Todorova (BG)
Iva Musić (HR)
EMPLOYERSChristos Ioannou (GR)
Marcelino Pena Costa (PT)
Celia Ferrero Romero (ES)
Rosa d'Adelhart Toorop (NL)
Jurre de Haan (NL)
Kris De Meester (BE)
Christiane Miβlbeck-Winberg (DA)
Katerina Daskalaki (GR)
Tobias Sonnweber (AT)
Kris De Meester (BE)
Andrzej Rudka (PL)
Matthias Rohrmann (DE)
Meelis Kitsing (EE)
Vladimíra Drbalová (CZ)
Matthias Rohrmann (DE)
Gabrielle Strassegger (AT)
UNIONSSotiria Theodoropoulou (ETUC)
Adi Buxbaum (AT)
Rossella Benedetti (IT)
Viktoria Szucs (HU)
Romain Lasserre (FR)
Juha Antila (FI)
Katarzyna Bartkiewicz (PL)
Dimitra Theodori (ETUI)
Josef Bugeja (MT)
Fernando Rocha Sanchez (ES)
Salvatore Marra (IT)
Aline Hoffmann (ETUI)
Béla Galgóczi (ETUI)
Linda Romele (LV)
Daiva Kvedaraite (LT)
Antonio Luna Pavon (ES)

Anna Lalova (DG EMPL)
(A) Fabiana Pierini (DG EMPL)

Stefan Schreck (DG SANTE)
(A) Ragnar Horn (DG EMPL)

Luz Rey Novas (DG EMPL)
(A) Andrea Glorioso (DG EMPL)

Klemen Knez (DG EMPL)
(A) Karolina GRALEK (DG EMPL)

Alfonso Arpaia (DG EMPL)
(A) Edouard Turkisch (DG EMPL)

Evi Roelen (DG EMPL)
(A) Diana Crumpana (DG EMPL)

Victor Ruiz Salgado (DG Empl)
(A) Lars Engsted (DG EMPL)

William O’Keeffe (DG GROW)
​​(A) Linda Kunertova (DG EMPL F3) 


Mia Tammelin (FI)

Declaration of Interests

Raquel Sebastián Lago (ES)

Declaration of Interests

Kirsi Ahola (FI)

Declaration of Interests

Steven Dhondt (NL)

Declaration of Interests

Observer: Xabier Irastorza (EU-OSHA)

Guglielmo Meardi (IT)

Declaration of Interests

Aurora Trif (RO)

Declaration of Interests

Werner Eichhorst (DE)

Declaration of Interests

Emily Murphy (IE)

Declaration of Interests


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