This programming document describes Eurofound’s planned work over the programming period 2021–2024. It sets out the policy and institutional context for the programme, describes the multiannual programme for the four-year period and sets out the work programme for 2021. Eurofound’s priorities for 2021–2024 are shaped by the key challenges for social cohesion and just transitions in a changing environment in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis. The Agency focuses on issues where it can draw on its core expertise in the areas of working conditions, industrial relations, employment and living conditions, to support its stakeholders, by providing evidence that can assist their policy action.
List of tables
- Table A1: Resource allocation
- Table A2: Expenditure
- Table A3: Commitment appropriations
- Table A4: Payment appropriations
- Table A5: Revenue
- Table A6: Revenue breakdown
- Table A7: Budget outturn and cancellation of appropriations
- Table A8: Human resources outlook
- Table A9: Staff evolution
- Table A10: Reclassification of temporary staff/promotion of officials
- Table A11: Reclassification of contract staff
- Table A12: Gender balance (on 31 December 2019)
- Table A13: Gender balance in senior and middle management positions (on 31 December 2019)
- Table A14: Staff breakdown by nationality (on 31 December 2019)
- Table A15: Current buildings
- Table A16: Overview of privileges
- Table A17: Action plan
- Table A18: Identified risks, responses and actions
- Table A19: Overview of draft procurement plan
- Table A20: Plan for grant, contribution or service-level agreements
- Number of pages
- Reference nº
- Catalogue nº
- Permalink
The following translations of the programming document 2021-2024 are available.
- BG - Програмен документ за периода 2021—2024 г.: Към възстановяване и устойчивост, Дъблин
- ES - Documento de programación 2021–2024: Hacia la recuperación y la resiliencia
- CS - Programový dokument na období 2021–2024: Na cestě k oživení a odolnosti
- DA - Programmeringsdokument 2021-2024: Mod genopretning og modstandsdygtighed
- DE - Programmplanungsdokument 2021–2024: Auf dem Weg zu Aufbau und Resilienz [full version with annexes]
- ET - Programmdokument 2021–2024: taastumise ja vastupidavuse suunas
- EL - Έγγραφο προγραμματισμού 2021–2024: Πορεία προς τη σύγκλιση και την ανθεκτικότητα
- FR - Document de programmation 2021–2024: Cap sur la relance et la résilience [full version with annexes]
- HR - Programski dokument za razdoblje 2021. – 2024.: prema oporavku i otpornosti
- IT - Documento di programmazione 2021-2024: verso la ripresa e la resilienza
- LV - 2021.-2024. gada plānošanas dokuments. Ceļā uz atveseļošanos un noturību
- LT - 2021–2024 m. programavimo dokumentas: ekonomikos gaivinimas ir atsparumo didinimas
- HU - Programozási dokumentum (2021–2024): A helyreállítás és a reziliencia felé
- NL - Programmeringsdocument 2021–2024: naar herstel en veerkracht
- PL - Dokument programowy na lata 2021–2024: W kierunku odbudowy i zwiększania odporności
- PT - Documento de programação 2021-2024: Rumo à recuperação e à resiliência
- RO - Documentul de programare 2021-2024: Către redresare și reziliență
- SK - Programový dokument na roky 2021 – 2024: Na ceste k obnove a odolnosti
- SL - Programski dokument za obdobje 2021–2024: Na poti k okrevanju in odpornosti
- FI - Ohjelma-asiakirja 2021–2024: Kohti elpymistä ja palautumista
- SV - Programplaneringsdokument 2021–2024: Mot återhämtning och motståndskraft
Cite this publication
Eurofound (2020), Programming document 2021–2024: Towards recovery and resilience, Dublin.