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U ovom se izvješću istražuje dinamika ekološke učinkovitosti država članica EU-a i mjere u kojoj su se razlike u njihovoj učinkovitosti smanjile od početka 2000-ih. Izvješće je rezultat suradnje između Eurofounda i Europske agencije za okoliš, pri čemu se susreću Eurofoundova tehnička stručnost iz područja konvergencije te stručnost i iskustvo Europske agencije za okoliš u pitanjima europskog okoliša. Usmjereno je na tri razine analize: glavne pokazatelje, pokazatelje na stambenoj razini i pokazatelje na razini kućanstava.

Kako bi se istražilo višedimenzionalno pitanje ekološke kvalitete života u EU-u, u izvješću se istražuju ekološki pokazatelji s pomoću analize konvergencije. Rezultati upućuju na to da je EU na pravom putu da postane ugljično neutralan, iako se brzina procesa ozelenjivanja razlikuje među državama članicama. Za većinu pokazatelja vidljivo je brzo i stabilno poboljšanje uspješnosti. Jedan od zapaženih zaključaka jest da je gospodarski pad u protekla dva desetljeća negativno utjecao na ispitane pokazatelje na razini kućanstava, koji su bili usmjereni na energetsko siromaštvo.

Key findings

Razlike među državama članicama EU-a smanjile su se tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća, a uspješnost se poboljšala u mnogim ekološkim pokazateljima. Intervencije bi se trebale usmjeriti na tri područja u kojima su utvrđene razlike: kvaliteta stanovanja, energetsko siromaštvo i javni prijevoz.

Financijska kriza u razdoblju 2008. – 2013. imala je znatan negativan utjecaj na pokazatelje na razini kućanstava kojima se mjere energetsko siromaštvo i kvaliteta stanovanja. Kasniji oporavak pokazuje da su neka gospodarstva bila dovoljno otporna.

I dalje postoje velike nejednakosti među osobama s različitim razinama prihoda: populacijama s niskim prihodima drastično je lošije u pogledu kvalitete susjedstva i stanovanja. Međutim, bolji rezultati u pogledu pokazatelja na stambenoj razini, primjerice mjerenje onečišćenja, recikliranja i upotrebe javnog prijevoza, pokazuju da lokalne četvrti postaju ugodnije za život.

Za ekološke ciljeve na stambenoj razini i razini kućanstava možda će biti potrebne strože ili pravodobnije mjere politike od onih koje su trenutačno na snazi. Potrebna su i rješenja na visokoj razini i svakodnevne mjere, a lokalna i nacionalna tijela koja provode ozelenjivanje mogla bi slijediti utvrđene prakse koje su predložile države članice i EU.

Diversifikacija uporabe energije i materijala EU-a putem mjera za obnovljivu energiju i kružno gospodarstvo ubrzala bi zelenu tranziciju, ublažila učinke budućih kriza u vezi s opskrbom energijom i materijalima i posebno bi zaštitila građane s niskim prihodima.

The report contains the following lists of tables and figures.

List of tables

  • Table 1: Macro-level indicators of environmental performance
  • Table 2: Meso-level indicators of environmental performance
  • Table 3: Micro-level indicators of environmental performance
  • Table 4: Summary of convergence analysis of macro-level indicators
  • Table 5: Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption in 2005 and targets for and effective rates in 2020, EU Member States
  • Table 6: Summary of convergence analysis of meso-level indicators
  • Table 7: Summary of convergence analysis of meso-level indicators
  • Table 8: Correlation matrix of environmental and socioeconomic variables, EU27

List of figures

  • Figure 1: Conceptualisation of European environmental quality of life
  • Figure 2: Timeline of the EU environmental acquis
  • Figure 3: Sigma-convergence in net greenhouse gas emissions, EU27, 1990–2019
  • Figure 4: Net greenhouse gas emissions, EU Member States, 1990 and 2020
  • Figure 5: Sigma-convergence in years of life lost due to PM2.5 exposure, EU27, 2005–2019
  • Figure 6: Comparison of years of life lost due to PM2.5 exposure, EU Member States, 2005 and 2019
  • Figure 7: Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, EU27, 2004–2020 (%)
  • Figure 8: Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption, EU Member States, 2008 and 2020 (%)
  • Figure 9: Delta-convergence in national targets for renewable energy, EU27, 2004–2020
  • Figure 10: Circular material use rate, EU27, 2010–2021 (%)
  • Figure 11: Sigma-convergence in circular material use rate, EU27, 2010–2021 (%)
  • Figure 12: Share of population reporting pollution, grime or other environmental problems, for total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2020 (%)
  • Figure 13: Share of population reporting pollution, grime or other environmental problems, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU Member States, 2020 (%)
  • Figure 14: Share of population reporting pollution, grime or other environmental problems, by degree of urbanisation, EU Member States, 2020 (%)
  • Figure 15: Recycling rate of municipal waste, EU27, 2008–2021 (%)
  • Figure 16: Sigma-convergence in the recycling rate of municipal waste, EU27, 2008–2021
  • Figure 17: Sigma-convergence in the share of buses and trains in inland passenger transport, 2008–2020, EU27
  • Figure 18: Share of buses and trains in inland passenger transport, EU27, 2000–2020 (%)
  • Figure 19: Changes in the share of buses and trains in inland passenger transport during the COVID-19 pandemic, EU Member States, 2019 and 2020 (%)
  • Figure 20: Sigma-convergence in the share of the population experiencing noise pollution, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2020
  • Figure 21: Share of households experiencing noise pollution, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2020 (%)
  • Figure 22: Share of households experiencing noise pollution, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU Member States, 2020 (%)
  • Figure 23: Sigma-convergence in population living in dwellings with damp, leaks or rot, EU27, 2009–2020 (%)
  • Figure 24: Share of the population living in dwellings with damp, leaks or rot, EU Member States, 2009 and 2020 (%)
  • Figure 25: Share of the population living in dwellings with damp, leaks or rot, EU Member States, 2019 and 2020 (%)
  • Figure 26: Sigma-convergence in the share of the population living in dwellings with damp, leaks or rot, EU27 without Cyprus, 2009–2020
  • Figure 27: Sigma-convergence in share of households in arrears on utility bills, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2021 (%)
  • Figure 28: Share of households reporting arrears on utility bills, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2021 (%)
  • Figure 29: Share of population in arrears on utility bills, EU Member States, 2008, 2019 and 2021 (%)
  • Figure 30: Sigma-convergence in the share of the population unable to keep home adequately warm, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2005–2021
  • Figure 31: Share of the population unable to keep home adequately warm, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU27, 2008–2021 (%)
  • Figure 32: Inequalities in the population unable to keep home adequately warm in 2021, by total population and population at risk of poverty, EU Member States (%)
  • Figure 33: Correlation between years of life lost due to air pollution and mean and median income, EU27, 2005–2019
  • Figure 34: Correlation between the share of the population experiencing noise pollution and mean and median income, EU27, 2003–2020
  • Figure 35: Correlation between the share of the population experiencing noise pollution and educational attainment, EU27, 2003–2020
  • Figure 36: Correlation between circular material use rate and income and GDP, EU27, 2008–2019
  • Figure 37: Correlation between municipal recycling rate and income and GDP, EU27, 2004–2020
  • Figure 38: Correlation between the share of the population living in dwellings with no indoor toilet or shower and mean and median income and GDP per capita, 2009–2020, EU27
  • Figure 39: Correlation between the share of the population living in dwellings with damp, leaks or rot and educational attainment and employment rate, EU27, 2009–2020
  • Figure 40: Correlation between the share of population in arrears on utility bills and the AROPE or NEET share of the population, EU27, 2015–2021
  • Figure 41: Correlation between the share of the population unable to heat their home adequately and mean and median income and GDP per capita, EU27, 2005–2021
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