Skoči na glavni sadržaj


Odlazak u mirovinu s plaćenog posla u dobi od 65 godina, a često i ranije, donedavno je bio norma u EU-u. Dob u kojoj ljudi odlaze u mirovinu razlikuje se u zemljama članicama EU-a, a dobna granica za odlazak u mirovinu sve je viša. 


Recent updates


The various economic and social shocks of the past decade and a half – most recently the COVID-19 pandemic – have ongoing consequences for the living standards and prospects of...

19 prosinca 2023
Policy brief

Ovo se izvješće bavi utjecajem krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 na kvalitetu života starijih građana, uključujući utjecaj na njihovu dobrobit, financije, zaposlenost i socijalnu uključenost. U njemu se istražuju učinci...

28 siječnja 2022
Research report

Much policy is developed and operationalised through the prism of age, and addressing differences in the economic and social circumstances of different age groups is an ongoing concern of policymakers...

5 veljače 2019
Policy brief

EU context

Kad „baby boom” generacija bude odlazila u mirovinu, bit će više radnika koji se povlače s tržišta rada nego onih koji u njega ulaze. Budući da ljudi žive duže, a stopa nataliteta pada diljem Europe, jedan je od prioriteta politike EU-a potaknuti Europljane da ostanu duže radno aktivni kako bi se osigurala održivost mirovinskih sustava i odgovarajuća socijalna zaštita. Posljednjih su godina neke države članice započele podizati dobne granice odlaska u mirovinu (na primjer, Irska će podići državnu dob umirovljenja na 68 godina do 2028., a Njemačka na 67 godina do 2031.) i traže načine poticanja radnika da duže ostanu radno aktivni. Sve više starijih radnika želi duže raditi.

U Bijeloj knjizi o mirovinama objavljenoj 2012. Europska komisija predlaže inicijative za stvaranje okvira kojim bi se starijim radnicima omogućilo da nastave raditi, ako su u mogućnosti, i time uštede više za mirovinu. Isto tako, Komisija je pozvala države članice da smanje razlike u zakonskoj dobi za umirovljenje između muškaraca i žena te da preispitaju dobi za obvezno umirovljenje  Komisija je razmotrila sustave umirovljenja za radnike u teškim ili opasnim poslovima u Europi te raspravila o reformama u tijeku i najboljim praksama, uključujući preporuke za države članice EU-a.

Rad Eurofounda

Tijekom godina Eurofound je analizirao pitanja povezana s umirovljenjem u zemljama EU-a. Istraživanjima se nastojalo razmotriti mogućnosti prijevremene i progresivne mirovine, kombiniranja rada s djelomičnim umirovljenjem, rada nakon umirovljenja, volontiranja u mirovini te pitanja povezana s mirovinama. Posljednjih godina istraživanja su usmjerena na produženje radnog vijeka u odnosu na sadašnju dob za umirovljenje, kao i na pitanja u vezi s preferencijama u pogledu rada, dohotka i kvalitete života.

Preferencije u pogledu rada u razdoblju prije umirovljenja

Analiza rezultata Eurofoundova trećeg Europskog istraživanja o kvaliteti života istražuje preferencije starijih radnika u pogledu radnog vremena. Rezultati otkrivaju da bi gotovo polovina radnika u dobi od 50 godina i više radije radila manji broj sati, uzimajući u obzir financijske potrebe. Znatan udio umirovljenika koji trenutačno ne rade plaćen posao volio bi raditi barem nekoliko sati tjedno. Istraživanje je analiziralo na koji način pregled karijere na polovini radnog vijeka može pomoći radnicima u razmatranju mogućnosti za ostajanje na radnom mjestu do što kasnije dobi pred umirovljenje. 

Kombiniranje rada s djelomičnim umirovljenjem

Trenutačno stariji radnici često napuštaju tržište rada prije zakonske dobi za umirovljenje zbog zdravstvenih problema, invaliditeta i odgovornosti u pogledu skrbi. Velik broj ljudi jednostavno želi raditi manje, usklađujući radno vrijeme sa svojim preferencijama. Jedan od načina motiviranja ljudi i omogućivanja da rade dulje jest olakšati im smanjenje broja radnih sati i istovremeno omogućiti da nadoknade gubitke u dohotku djelomičnom mirovinom ili naknadom. Istraživanje Eurofounda analizira utjecaj takvih sustava djelomičnog umirovljenja.

Rad nakon umirovljenja

U mnogim se zemljama starije osobe bave plaćenom djelatnošću nakon dobi za umirovljenje. Eurofoundovo istraživanje o dohotku od rada nakon umirovljenja u EU-u razmatra motive umirovljenika za traženje plaćenog posla i njihove mogućnosti zapošljavanja. Istražuje i strategije poduzeća za zapošljavanje i zadržavanje umirovljenika te ističe nedoumice i prednosti za starije ljude koji se žele baviti plaćenom djelatnošću. Isto tako, istraživanje proučava u kojoj je mjeri posao nakon umirovljenja povezan s primjerenošću dohotka među umirovljenim stanovništvom.

Mirovinska reforma

Mirovine su glavni izvor prihoda mnogim umirovljenicima. Reforma mirovinskih sustava posljednjih je godina usmjerena na održivost javnih mirovina i na povećanje stvarne dobi za umirovljenje. U Eurofoundovu istraživanju o uključenosti socijalnih partnera u mirovinsku reformu u EU-u razmatraju se reforme uvedene kao odgovor na gospodarsku i financijsku krizu, pri čemu se naglašava uloga socijalnih partnera u takvim reformama od 2008.


S obzirom na starenje europskog stanovništva, socijalna uključenost starijih osoba i strategije za promicanje volontiranja među starijima važne su stavke u političkom programu EU-a. Istraživanje o volontiranju starijih ljudi u EU-u pokazuje najbolju praksu u svim aspektima volontiranja i njegovu povezanost sa socijalnom uključenošću. U istraživanju se razmatraju i mjere za poticanje volontiranja tijekom prijelaza s posla u mirovinu.

Žene i muškarci u mirovini

Žene odlaze u mirovinu ranije od muškaraca u većini država članica, dijelom zato što posvećuju više vremena brizi za uzdržavane osobe od svojih muških kolega. Međutim, to će se vjerojatno promijeniti narednih godina zbog planiranog povećanja dobi za umirovljenje u mnogim zemljama. Eurofound se bavio slučajevima starijih radnica u Europi i pružanjem motivacije da nastave više sudjelovati na tržištu rada, što bi dovelo do smanjenja stope prijevremenog umirovljenja žena. 

Key outputs


Ovo se izvješće bavi utjecajem krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 na kvalitetu života starijih građana, uključujući utjecaj na njihovu dobrobit, financije, zaposlenost i socijalnu uključenost. U njemu se istražuju učinci...

28 siječnja 2022
Research report

Much policy is developed and operationalised through the prism of age, and addressing differences in the economic and social circumstances of different age groups is an ongoing concern of policymakers...

5 veljače 2019
Policy brief

Feelings of insecurity in several dimensions of life are widespread in the EU population, even among those who are materially well-off. Policymakers need to take these insecurities into account to...

9 listopada 2018
Policy brief

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 prosinca 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Sanna Nivakoski is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. Before joining Eurofound in 2021, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University College...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (46)

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Eurofound’s research on ‘Restructuring in recession and labour force participation’ explored the age management practices of companies in light of restructuring undergone during the recession. The study looked at policy in relation to the retention of older workers (aged 50 or more) in employment at

22 January 2012

Europeans are living longer than ever before, on average ten years more than in 1960. This greater life expectancy coincides with another demographic development: fewer children are being born, which will mean fewer people paying into state pension and healthcare systems and a smaller pool of

15 January 2012

Over the past five years employment rates among workers aged 65 to 74 years increased by 15% in the EU27 (Eurostat, 2011). Most people in this age group are pensioners, demonstrating that it has become more common for pensioners to take on paid employment, albeit starting from a fairly low level

14 December 2011

Europeans are living longer than ever before, but fewer babies are being born. The increased lifespan is great news but also poses many questions for individuals, their families and social systems. This fact sheet forms part of the Eurofound resource pack on 'Living longer, working better – Active

14 December 2011

Keeping older employees in the workforce for longer has been at the heart of national and European policies since the late 1990s. These policies have had an impact. Employment rates for older workers aged 55 to 64 have increased considerably over the last ten years, from 38% to 47% (Eurostat, 2000

14 December 2011

For most people work is not only a source of income but also an important aspect of their personal identity and their social life. When workers grow older, the positive elements of work often retain their importance, but for many it becomes more difficult to do their jobs. This fact sheet forms part

14 December 2011

Europe is undergoing a previously unwitnessed ageing of the population. In view of this, social inclusion of the elderly and strategies to promote voluntary work among older people are now important items on the EU’s political agenda. This report is based on 30 case studies from 11 Member States in

08 September 2011

Older people have typically been seen as the beneficiaries of voluntary activities. Indeed, the role of voluntary services is likely to become increasingly important in the context of cuts in state-provided welfare services and payments as a result of the economic crisis. However, increasing

14 March 2011

Online resources results (98)

Dispute erupts in Flemish education sector

Teachers in the Flemish education system went on strike for three days in October 2001. The trade unions involved were protesting against the plan of the Flemish Minister of Education, Marleen Vanderpoorten, to increase the early retirement age for teachers from 55 to 58 years. Her stated aim is to

Impact of Opel restructuring plans in Spain

In August 2001, the management of Opel (a subsidiary of the US-owned General Motors) announced plans to cut European production by 15%. Press reports suggested that this could lead to closure or major workforce cuts at the motor manufacturer's plant at Figueruelas in Spain. However, a subsequent

Social partners debate pension and unemployment benefit reforms

In September 2001, the Finnish social partners debated a number of proposed pension and unemployment benefit reforms, which are at present being examined in tripartite working groups. The trade unions consider that benefits should be left untouched, while the employers would like to introduce a

2001 NAP focuses on growth and employment

Finland's National Action Plan () for employment for 2001 [1], in response to the EU Employment Guidelines [2], was presented in May 2001. [1] [2]

GSEE sets out social security positions and proposals

Social security is at the top of the Greek industrial relations agenda in mid-2001, following government proposals for reform of the system, particularly in the area of pensions. Trade unions have staged two 24-hour general strikes, and in May the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE)

Shiftwork bill to be discussed

In late May 2001, draft legislation on shiftwork was due to be discussed in the Portuguese parliament. The bill seeks to regulate this type of work more fully, with special provisions on working time, holidays, health and safety and early retirement.

Government issues controversial social security proposals

In April 2001, the Greek government announced to the social partners and the public a set of proposals on social security reform, focusing on changes in pensions. The plan involves reductions in pension benefits and less advantageous retirement terms, and has caused conflict with trade unions.

Government proposes compulsory right to work until 67 years of age

The Swedish government has recently proposed the addition of a new, compulsory rule to the Employment Protection Act (lagen om anställningsskydd1982:80) giving employees the right, but not the obligation, to remain in employment until the age of 67. This will mean that it will not be permitted to

Agreement signed on early retirement in banking

In January 2001, a sectoral agreement on "an early retirement scheme for the banking industry" was signed by the AFB employers' association and the banking federations of the CGT-FO and CFTC trade union confederations. This five-year agreement will, through a system of new recruitment to compensate

Union unite against employers' proposals on supplementary pensions

The "industrial relations overhaul" project initiated by France's MEDEF employers' confederation in early 2000 has given rise to a protest movement involving all trade unions in early 2001, including a day of demonstrations on 25 January. At the root of this protest are MEDEF's proposals on

Blogs results (1)

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in employmen

26 rujna 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025


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