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The digital age: Automation, digitisation and platforms

Digitalisation is the ongoing integration of digital technologies and digitised data across the economy and society. The digital transition is having an impact on all aspects of our lives, including work, its content, its organisation and design, and its regulation and protection.


Image of team of automotive engineers using computers to design advanced 3D models for high-tech engines

But what are the implications of the digital revolution for employment and work? And how might it affect social dialogue? Eurofound explores these questions in a body of work structured around three vectors of change in digitalisation – automation, digitisation and platforms – that are affecting employment and working conditions and social dialogue.

About this resource

The main results of this research have been compiled in this online resource, which presents a set of policy pointers, research digests and definitions, as well as an accompanying report. As it can be challenging to keep abreast of the constant advance of technology, this resource has been created to provide policymakers, employers, workers and their representatives, as well as anyone else interested in the subject, with insights on how digitalisation is reshaping employment and work. In line with the developments in the society, economy, labour market and policy, its contents will be adapted over time. 


Digitalisation is transforming the EU economy and labour markets: nearly one-third of EU workplaces are categorised as highly digitalised.


Digitalisation intensity of establishments by size, EU27 and the UK, 2019 (%)


Policy pointers

Policy pointer icon

The developments explored in the research digests (see below) have implications for policy, which are discussed here under six themes. They summarise key issues presented by digitalisation that have gained policy attention in the EU and suggest how these issues could be addressed.



Access all policy pointers

Research digests


Image of icon for digitalisation

A series of research digests has been compiled to provide an overview of research findings on topics at the centre of digitalisation. Each topic is analysed in terms of how it relates to the three vectors of change.


Access all research digests



Image of icon for blockchain

The definitions page briefly explains the key concepts and terminology used in this online resource.

Access all definitions


About this digital age resource: 

This online resource is part of the Eurofound flagship series ‘Challenges and prospects in the EU’ and is an output of the strategic area of intervention ‘The digital age: Opportunities and challenges for work and employment’.

Image © Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock Photos


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