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Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) – pre-selected candidates

Eurofound published a Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) for the establishment of a pre-selected list of candidates for the 'Provision of representativeness studies to Eurofound' in the Official Journal of the European Union. All interested parties are kindly invited to submit their applications.

Eurofound published a Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) to establish a pre-selected list of candidates for the 'Provision of representativeness studies to Eurofound' in the Official Journal of the European Union. All interested parties are kindly invited to submit their applications.

Aim of call

Provision of representativeness studies to Eurofound

The aim of this CEI is to establish a list of pre-selected candidates with experience in research projects in the field of industrial relations and social dialogue, and capable of drafting good quality comparative analyses. Specifically, the pre-selected candidates will be contracted for drafting representativeness studies at the request of Eurofound.

This call is not split into any sub-lists as its scope is related to the provision of representativeness studies only.

CEI procedure

This CEI is open to any natural or legal person established in any of the European Union Member States and third countries having special agreements with the Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in those agreements. However, this call is not open to tenderers from GPA countries.

Interested parties, meeting the requirements set in the Specifications, are invited to submit an application to be included on the pre-selected list of candidates.

How the CEI will be implemented:

  • Phase I - selection of candidates (aimed at assessing exclusion and selection criteria). 
    All candidates fulfilling the exclusion and selection criteria will be put on the list of pre-selected candidates. Please note that inclusion in the list entails no obligation on the part of Eurofound to conclude a contract.
  • Phase II (tendering phase) – where a contract regarding a specific representativeness study under this CEI is to be concluded.
    In such a situation, Eurofound will invite successful candidates on the list to submit a tender responding to the tender specifications related to the specific contract in question. The contract will be awarded to the candidate offering the best price–quality ratio.

Validity of call and database

The CEI is open and the list of pre-selected candidates is valid for a period of 12 months, renewed automatically up to three times for a maximum period of validity of four years, until 21 June 2028 unless notification to the contrary is published by Eurofound. Interested parties may submit an application at any time prior to the last three months of validity of the list.

There must be a minimum of five candidates on the list of pre-selected candidates before Eurofound can start using it, provided that a sufficient number of candidates satisfy the selection criteria, i.e. 21 March 2028.


Please consult the call specifications and all annexes for detailed information on the scope of the call, an overview of the procedure, criteria, application process and conditions for inclusion on the list. 

All procurement documents are accessible for downloading directly from the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.

Application process

  • Applications must be submitted to the following dedicated mailbox:
  • Applications submitted to any other email address of Eurofound will be disregarded and not evaluated.
  • Applications shall be drafted using the Application Form (Annex I of the Call Specifications).


Any queries related to this call should be provided through a dedicated Questions and Answers (Q&A) section in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal.


When freely submitting your request, you are consenting Eurofound in handling your personal data to reply to you. Your request will be handled in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. More information, please read the Data Protection Notice.