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Condizioni e qualità della vita

Le condizioni e la qualità della vita rappresentano una delle sei attività principali del programma di lavoro di Eurofound per il periodo 2021-2024. Eurofound continuerà a mappare e ad analizzare gli aspetti chiave relativi al miglioramento delle condizioni di vita degli europei, comprese le informazioni sulla loro percezione della qualità della vita e della società. Dal momento che la pandemia da COVID-19 e la conseguente crisi economica hanno profondamente inciso sulla vita cittadini dell’UE, Eurofound indagherà ulteriormente sull’impatto di questa crisi sulle diverse fasi della loro vita.

Nel corso del periodo 2021-2024, la ricerca di Eurofound fornirà un’importante panoramica delle sfide e delle prospettive nel settore delle condizioni e della qualità della vita nell’UE e sul ruolo svolto da varie iniziative volte ad alleviare il disagio sociale di vari gruppi di cittadini. Di particolare interesse sono le implicazioni per gli anziani e le esigenze di assistenza nonché per i giovani e la loro inclusione e mobilità sociale, come anche le diverse conseguenze della crisi su uomini e donne.

servizi pubblici in tutta l’UE hanno svolto un ruolo importante nel far fronte alla crisi da COVID-19 affrontando al contempo sfide significative e saranno valutati in modo più dettagliato, prestando particolare attenzione a questioni quali la qualità, la disponibilità e l’accessibilità economica di tali servizi. Come hanno dimostrato i risultati precedenti, la crisi ha avuto effetti sproporzionati su alcuni gruppi in base all’età, alle mansioni di assistenza e all’ equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata , aspetti che Eurofound analizzerà ulteriormente.

In coordinamento con l’Istituto europeo per l’uguaglianza di genere (EIGE), Eurofound intende svolgere una ricerca sul divario di genere multidimensionale indagando l’impatto su uomini e donne della crisi da COVID-19 in termini di partecipazione al lavoro, condizioni di vita materiali e benessere, al fine di individuare le differenze e valutarne l’effetto sui divari di genere.

La qualità dei servizi pubblici è stata fondamentale per creare fiducia nelle istituzioni dell’Europa contemporanea e sarà cruciale per affrontare le sfide attuali e future. Quella dei servizi di qualità rappresenta altresì un’area di innovazione, soprattutto nel passaggio a servizi digitali e più rispettosi dell’ambiente e nella preparazione ad affrontare i rischi, come la pandemia, in futuro.

— Tadas Leončikas, responsabile di alto livello della ricerca, unità Politiche sociali


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.


During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it...

21 Maggio 2024
Research report

Messaggi strategici chiave


I principali risultati emersi dalla ricerca di Eurofound servono ai responsabili politici da spunto per affrontare alcune delle questioni chiave in questo settore.

  • La percezione delle tensioni nella società è il fattore che esercita l’impatto maggiormente negativo sulla fiducia nelle istituzioni, che viene invece accresciuta in modo determinante dalla qualità percepita dei servizi pubblici.
  • È necessario offrire una migliore assistenza a lungo termine, con maggiore flessibilità. L’assistenza e l’assistenza domiciliare dovrebbero essere maggiormente disponibili, soprattutto negli Stati membri dell’UE in cui il reddito è più basso.
  • L’accesso immediato all’assistenza sanitaria di base, all’assistenza sociale e all’assistenza a lungo termine può innescare un intervento precoce e il monitoraggio dei mutevoli bisogni nonché prevenire l’intensificazione dei problemi di assistenza a lungo termine.
  • I problemi di salute mentale sono in aumento tra i giovani, anche se non è chiaro se ciò sia dovuto a una maggiore incidenza o a una migliore consapevolezza e diagnosi. La salute mentale è strettamente legata ad altre questioni giovanili e può essere sia il risultato di disuguaglianze che essa stessa una fonte di disuguaglianza. I fattori di rischio relativi ai problemi di salute mentale includono disabilità e malattie a lungo termine, problemi familiari, problemi relazionali con i coetanei e l’uso intenso dei social media.
  • Sebbene i livelli di fiducia e di coesione sociale abbiano complessivamente registrato una ripresa nell’UE dopo la crisi finanziaria, l’insorgenza della COVID-19 ha avuto un impatto significativo sul benessere dei paesi più duramente colpiti dalla pandemia.
  • I giovani sono tra i soggetti maggiormente colpiti dal blocco: insieme ai disoccupati, riferiscono i livelli di benessere più bassi, nonostante qualche miglioramento dall’inizio della pandemia. Benché la soddisfazione personale e l’ottimismo siano cresciuti a partire da aprile 2020, i giovani continuano a sentirsi esclusi dalla società e rimangono esposti a un maggior rischio di depressione, mostrando di essere più colpiti di altre categorie dalle restrizioni introdotte durante il blocco.
  • Le misure volte a mitigare i rischi per la salute mentale dei disoccupati e dei giovani in seguito alla COVID-19 saranno di importanza fondamentale nelle nuove ondate di coronavirus. Gli interventi politici in atto devono comprendere azioni volte a fornire sostegno mirato a coloro che sono in cerca di lavoro, affinché possano rimettersi in carreggiata e far fronte all’impatto della pandemia, nonché a garantire la piena partecipazione dei giovani alla società.
  • La crisi da COVID-19 ha eroso i livelli di ottimismo andando a colpire l’equilibrio tra vita professionale e vita privata delle donne in misura maggiore rispetto agli uomini. Sarà essenziale porre rimedio a questi effetti negativi per garantire che le donne non debbano pagare un prezzo sproporzionato per la pandemia.
  • Fare sì che i cittadini continuino ad avere fiducia nelle istituzioni nazionali ed europee deve restare un obiettivo fondamentale in tempi di crisi, dal momento che il rispetto delle misure volte a tenere sotto controllo la pandemia di COVID-19 dipende in gran parte dal grado di fiducia nelle istituzioni e nelle raccomandazioni scientifiche. Anche l’aumento della fiducia nelle istituzioni espresso dai partecipanti che hanno beneficiato di misure di sostegno rappresenta un chiaro messaggio per i governi nazionali e l’UE.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound’s research will provide an important insight into the challenges and prospects in the area of living conditions and quality of life in the EU and the role played by various initiatives aimed at alleviating the social hardship of various groups of citizens. Of particular interest are the implications for older people and care needs, youth and their social inclusion and social mobility, and the varying consequences of the crisis on men and women.

Public services across the EU played a major role in addressing the COVID-19 crisis while facing significant challenges and they will be assessed in greater detail, focusing on issues such as quality, access and affordability. As previous findings have shown, the crisis has had disproportionate effects on certain groups according to age, care responsibilities and work-life balance, and Eurofound will analyse this further.

In coordination with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Eurofound intends to research the multidimensional gender gap by investigating the impact on men and women of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of employment participation, material living conditions and well-being – in order to identify the differences and assess its effect on gender gaps.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action addressing the challenges and opportunities for the EU and national levels in the area of living conditions and quality of life. In particular, it will monitor the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis by providing knowledge on status, trends, risks, as well as ways to improve living conditions in the EU. Eurofound will focus on identifying and analysing pressing issues for the most vulnerable groups, specifically older citizens and young people. Eurofound will also inform policymakers by producing evidence on trends and drivers in relation to the delivery of public services, also linking in, for example, with the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support policy initiatives and activities linked with the implementation of the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the Youth Guarantee, the Child Guarantee and the European Semester and its country-specific recommendations.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues to monitor trends in living conditions and quality of life, against the backdrop of the health-related and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications of the war in Ukraine, rising energy prices, and increases in costs of living. Building on the various rounds of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as on data gathered in 2023, the Agency investigates the impact of these challenges on the living conditions of Europeans.

The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) commences in 2024, including some questions on working conditions and living conditions relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) follows in 2026 using lessons drawn from the 2024 EWCS.

Research concludes on identifying groups not covered by social protection, due to coverage gaps and non-take-up of minimum income and unemployment schemes. It also looks at adequacy of these benefits, digitalisation of application procedures, linked service entitlements and sanctioning measures. Eurofound also publishes its findings on EU citizens’ rights and opportunities to live independently. It analyses the situation faced by various vulnerable groups and provides an overview of measures that facilitate family- and community-based care and support in the Member States.

Building on previous work on young people, research concludes on the life and prospects of young people in the post-pandemic era. Using new data collected in 2023, this research assesses the long-term impact of the pandemic on this group, looking into changes in the social situation of young people, as well as their quality of life, mental health and future prospects.

Analysis of the monitoring framework of the European Child Guarantee comes to an end in 2024, while new research starts to support national governments and the EU institutions in the implementation and evaluation of the Child Guarantee since it came into force. This work investigates the Member States’ levels of performance and their disparities, building on its previous work on convergence. It focuses on the workforce needed to deliver the Child Guarantee in areas of early childhood education and care, education, healthcare and other relevant sectors.

Considering the importance of care provision in EU societies, new research investigates informal care provision in the EU, the challenges faced by informal caregivers, and the measures in place to support them. This research considers care provided to people of all ages, while taking into consideration the diversity among informal carers. 

Eurofound launches new research on mental health services, investigating trends in and prevalence of mental health problems for different groups and how these needs are met in various countries in light of the pandemic and the arrival of Ukrainian refugees. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Gennaio 2024
Work programme

Il caro alloggi è motivo di grande preoccupazione nell’UE in quanto può comportare deprivazione o insicurezza abitativa, difficoltà finanziarie e condizioni precarie degli alloggi. Inoltre, impedisce ai giovani di andare...

30 Maggio 2023
Research report

Il 2022 si è aperto con cauto ottimismo. L’Europa stava uscendo da due anni di pandemia di COVID-19, con NextGenerationEU che definiva un piano per una ripresa che costruisse un...

4 Maggio 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Massimiliano Mascherini has been Head of the Social Policies unit at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined Eurofound in 2009 as a research manager, designing and coordinating...

Head of Unit,
Social policies research unit

Sanna Nivakoski is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. Before joining Eurofound in 2021, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University College...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (308)

Feelings of insecurity in several dimensions of life are widespread in the EU population, even among those who are materially well-off. Policymakers need to take these insecurities into account to better understand the concerns and dissatisfactions of citizens.

09 October 2018

Living and working in Europe, Eurofound’s 2017 yearbook, provides a snapshot of the latest developments in the work and lives of Europeans as recounted in the Agency’s research activities over the course of 2017. As economies recover, Eurofound reported on the positive trends in employment, with

12 June 2018

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European Quality of Life Survey. This overview report presents the findings for the EU Member States. It uses information from

23 January 2018

With people living longer, the need for affordable care of high quality to support Europe’s population increases. Over the last ten years there has been an expansion of the private sector in terms of the number of care homes and the places they provide. This increase takes place in a context of

28 November 2017

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for central government administration. The aim of Eurofound’s series of studies on representativeness is to identify the relevant national

17 November 2017

Employment policies tend to focus on unemployed people, but evidence indicates that many people who are economically inactive also have labour market potential. This report examines groups within the inactive population that find it difficult to enter or re-enter the labour market and explores the

31 October 2017

The ‘working poor’ are a substantial group, the latest estimate putting 10% of European workers at risk of poverty, up from 8% in 2007. This report describes the development of in-work poverty in the EU since the crisis of 2008, picking up where an earlier Eurofound report on this subject, published

05 September 2017

EU citizens are increasingly concerned that today’s young people will have fewer opportunities for upward social mobility than their parents’ generation. This report maps patterns of intergenerational social mobility in the EU countries. It first looks at absolute social mobility – how societies

19 April 2017

In the past 10 years there has been a substantial increase in the number of for-profit private hospitals, while the number of public hospitals decreases. This has been heightened by the recent economic and financial crisis where hospital closures have created new opportunities for private providers.

27 January 2017

This issue of Foundation Focus looks at work–life balance and some of the factors that help or hinder workers in combining working with non-working life.

23 December 2016

Online resources results (219)

Young women challenge gender stereotypes in face of crisis

The results of a study [1] into the effects of the financial and economic crisis on women in Cyprus have been published. The research was carried out by the Pancyprian Federation of Women’s Organisations (POGO [2]) and was published in June 2013. [1] [2]

Social workers report a good work–life balance

A survey to assess the occupational well-being of employees in Lithuania’s social work sector was carried out in 2011 by researchers from the Lithuanian Social Research Centre (LSTC [1]). The results of the findings were published in 2103 in a report, /Occupational well-being in the sector of social

Survey reveals impact of long hours on well-being

The work and employment relations survey (2011 WERS [1]) is published by the UK government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills [2] and is the sixth in a series of studies carried out on work and employment in the UK. It covers wide-ranging issues from collective bargaining coverage to

Survey looks at work and family life

The European Company Survey on Reconciliation of Work and Family Life 2010 (1.36Mb PDF) [1] has provided a detailed description and analysis of family-friendly policies implemented by companies in six European countries – Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Sweden and Poland. [1]

Sick leave caused by work overload

White-collar staff in Sweden are increasingly taking time off through stress and because they are overloaded with work according to a new study (in Swedish, 563KB PDF) [1]. The research was conducted by Annelie Carlberg and Björle Sjöholm in 2012 on behalf of white-collar union Unionen [2]. The

Denmark: Increased exposure to noise, overtime and employees witnessing bullying

The National Research Centre for the Working Environment has conducted a new cohort study entitled Working Environment and Health in Denmark 2012–2020 (WEHD), which is a continuation of the former Danish Working Environment Cohort Study (DWECS). Results from 2012 serve as baseline measurements due

Impact of the crisis on gender equality

The main aim of the report, The impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men and on gender equality policies (3MB PDF) [1], is to chart the impact of the financial and economic crisis on those working in the EU and on gender equality [2] policies in particular. The report was

EU Level: EU employers take family-friendly working seriously

A survey investigating family-friendly working policies in companies in six European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden, UK) finds that employers take family-friendly working seriously and have put in place a range of policies to support this, especially in areas such as flexible

Increase in stress and physical demands in the health sector

Pensions specialist Keva [1] has published Municipal Workers’ Well-being 2011 (in Finnish, 405Kb PDF) [2], the most recent in a series of similar surveys conducted annually since 2008. Keva handles pension applications, pension decisions, rehabilitation, customer service and the payment of pensions

New police rosters both healthier and less costly

New rosters for Ireland’s police force, An Garda Síochána [1], are seen as a key achievement under the terms of the Public Service Agreement (2010–2014) – known as the Croke Park agreement (IE1007039I [2]). The wide-ranging agreement commits the Irish Government [3] to maintaining core pay and

Blogs results (32)

Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support. O

3 Febbraio 2016

Eurofound has been doing extensive work on the issues of mobility and migration. This blog gives a brief overview of the different aspects of EU mobile workers, posted workers and third-country migration, as well as a preview of our upcoming research.

11 Dicembre 2015

Upcoming publications results (4)

This factsheet will provide a snapshot of society and quality of life in spring 2024. It will look at a number of issues, including mental well-being, trust, access to healthcare, social support and coping with increases in the cost of living. The analysis is based on the Living and working in the

December 2024

This report analyses data from Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS), the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey and official statistics to examine employment trends, working conditions and social inclusion challenges experienced by young people in the Western Balkans (Alba

November 2024
Research report

Social protection can include a range of entitlements to monetary and in-kind benefits. Eurofound’s project focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits. Social protection can provide a safety net for people who are negatively impacted by the green and digital transitions. During the COVID-19

October 2024

This report explores the implications of the right of all EU citizens to live independently. It investigates the barriers faced by people who wish to live independently, and the situation of people at risk of living in institutional settings. It maps the various measures taken by EU Member States to

October 2024
Data results (1)
24 Ottobre 2023
Reference period:


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