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The EIRO annual review provides an overview and summary of western Europe's main industrial relations developments in 2001, drawing on the EIROnline database records entered during the year. The review also provides a guide to using EIROnline.

24 April 2002

This national report examines the main trends in temporary agency work and the problems and challenges it poses in Austria. It puts the spotlight on the working conditions of temporary agency workers, and the specific features of such work that might help explain these conditions.

23 April 2002
Research report

The second annual programme of work based on the Foundation's four-year programme 2001-2004: analysing and anticipating change to support socio-economic progress. The principles of the programme include developing and consolidating the main areas of activity: research / development, debate /

27 March 2002

This report examines the main trends in temporary agency work and the problems and challenges it poses for the different Member States and the EU as a whole. It puts the spotlight on the working conditions of temporary agency workers, and the specific features of such work that might help explain

26 March 2002

This literature review places the spotlight on the implications of EMU for the public sector. It provides an overview of the policies and structure of the public sector in Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The focus of the

21 March 2002

Foundation papers aim to highlight knowledge and analysis emanating from the Foundation’s research themes: employment, equal opportunities, social inclusion, time use and diversity. The objective of the papers is to make past, present and future work of the Foundation relevant and accessible in a

12 March 2002

EIRObserver is the bi-monthly bulletin of the European Industrial Relations Observatory. It contains an edited selection of feature and news items, based on some of the reports supplied for the EIROnline database over each two-month period. On top of this, EIRO also conducts comparative research on

14 February 2002

This report describes the operation of workplace gender equality strategies in seven countries of the European Union and assesses their impact on both employees and the organisation. It explains the reasons for the success or failure of these programmes and draws up recommendations for action aimed

01 February 2002
Research report

A leaflet summarising Foundation research into different forms of atypical work such as non-permanent; temporary agency; part-time and self employment.

11 December 2001

Communiqué is the newsletter of the Foundation It is published 10 times per year and provides up-to-date news and information on the Foundation's work and research. The March issue contains the following articles: financial participation, employment and flexibility and agency cooperation.

03 December 2001