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The Danish Work Environment Cohort Study from the National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH) shows that the work environment and working conditions have generally improved from 1990 to 2000. However, these developments are largely explained by a changing labour force rather than by

06 February 2004

In the context of its four-year work programme, Analysing and Anticipating Change to Support Socio-Economic Progress 2001-2004, the Foundation launched a project on 'European Knowledge Society (KS) foresights for living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations'. The purpose of this

05 February 2004

In the context of its four-year work programme, Analysing and Anticipating Change to Support Socio-Economic Progress 2001-2004, the Foundation launched a project on 'European Knowledge Society (KS) foresights for living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations'. The purpose of this

05 February 2004

This report provides a snapshot of working conditions in the EU hotel and restaurant sector. It highlights the trends and developments shaping the industry and examines the issues of concern for those working in the sector and for policymakers. The report, based on analyses of working conditions and

02 February 2004

Communiqué is the newsletter of the Foundation. It is published 6 times per year and provides up-to-date news and information on the Foundation's work and research. This issue contains the following articles: 2004 programme presents challenges and opportunities; Spotlight on social policy for Irish

08 January 2004

Supporting social inclusion through partnerships with civil society is the focus of this fourth Foundation paper. It draws largely on research carried out by the Foundation in this area over the past decade. This paper outlines the strategic and practical importance of civil society in supporting

22 December 2003
Foundation paper

The objective of this report is to awaken the interest of the research community in surveys of working conditions, and to illustrate how a variety of working conditions surveys are conducted in different European and other industrialised countries. In this case, priority has been given to a

08 December 2003
Research report

The European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC), at the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, commissioned two scenarios relating to the fishing industry: Sustainable eFishing and Troubled waters. The aim was to assess the impact of information and communication

04 December 2003

Communiqué is the newsletter of the Foundation. It is published 6 times per year and provides up-to-date news and information on the Foundation's work and research. This issue contains the following articles: Approaching enlargement; Changes in Europe’s financial services market; Foundation seminar

17 November 2003

The comparative supplement in this issue of EIRObserver is the first to focus exclusively on some of the new Member States, looking at the way in which labour disputes, both individual and collective, are resolved in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. The supplement looks at: individual dispute

17 November 2003