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Work organisation

Work organisation is about the division of labour, the coordination and control of work: how work is divided into job tasks, bundling of tasks into jobs and assignments, interdependencies between workers, and how work is coordinated and controlled to fulfil the goals of the organisation. It encompasses the tasks performed, who performs them and how they are performed in the process of making a product or providing a service. Work organisation thus refers to how work is planned, organised and managed within companies and to choices on a range of aspects such as work processes, job design, responsibilities, task allocation, work scheduling, work pace, rules and procedures, and decision-making processes. 


Recent updates


Termenul de „muncă hibridă” a fost popularizat odată cu intensificarea telemuncii în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19, când întreprinderile și angajații au început să discute despre modalitățile de organizare a muncii...

25 Mai 2023
Research report

Raportul explorează scenarii plauzibile și imaginabile care examinează modul în care ar putea evolua telemunca și munca hibridă în UE până în 2035, precum și implicațiile acestora pentru lumea muncii...

28 Aprilie 2023
Research report

Policy pointers

  • Many jobs still offer little autonomy and few challenges: in 36% of EU27 establishments, a small proportion of workers (less than one in five) can organise their work autonomously, and in 42%, a similarly small proportion are in a job requiring problem-solving.
  • Establishments offering jobs with high levels of complexity and autonomy to most of their workers score highest on both workplace well-being and establishment performance. Differences in workplace well-being are particularly pronounced.
  • Nearly half of employees (47%) working in a high-involvement organisation report a high level of work engagement, almost double the share working in a low-involvement organisation (24%). The greater scope for decision-making in high-involvement organisations is intrinsically motivating.
  • A high-involvement organisation provides more opportunity for both formal and informal skill development, but it is particularly strongly associated with informal skill development. 

Eurofound research

Eurofound research examines the different ways in which work is organised across organisations and their potential effects on productivity, efficiency and competitiveness, as well as on working conditions, worker well-being and the sustainability of work over the life course. Research finds that some types of work organisation are associated with a better quality of work and employment. These, more people-centred, forms of work organisation emphasise the value of teamwork, skills use and skills development, as well as employee involvement and autonomy. 

Data collection on work organisation

Eurofound monitors developments in work organisation and workplace practices, based on its Europe-wide surveys and on national-level data collection by the Network of Eurofound Correspondents.

Aspects of work organisation are a key element in the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), focusing in particular on those aspects of work organisation that are linked with job quality and well-being at work.

Using EWCS data, the European Restructuring Monitor has considered the effects of restructuring on work organisation outcomes such as work intensification, autonomy, access to training, formal work assessment and teamwork.

The European Company Survey (ECS) is the only EU-wide establishment survey that encompasses a wide range of questions about work organisation, skills use and skills development, human resource management, direct employee involvement and social dialogue. Eurofound collaborated with sister agency Cedefop to carry out the ECS 2019, which covers aspects of work organisation, looking at job complexity and autonomy, spanning teamwork and problem-solving, as well as at collaboration and outsourcing.

Impact of digitalisation, new forms of employment and COVID-19

Work organisation has an impact on various aspects of the quality of work and employment, such as physical risk factors, working time, intensity of work, flexibility and satisfaction with working conditions, and also affects establishment performance. Eurofound research therefore looks at changes in the different forms of work organisation, including new methods of organising work resulting from a higher use of digital solutions

For instance, Eurofound looks into the emerging new forms of employment that are transforming work organisation and work patterns. A collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) has also analysed the impact of new information and communications technologies (ICT) on work and life, examining the increasing use of telework and ICT-based mobile work and what this means for work organisation, working time, health, and well-being, as well as work–life balance. 

The COVID-19 pandemic was another important driver of changes in the way work is organised. When discussing ways of organising work after the pandemic, the focus is around hybrid forms of work organisation. Eurofound research looks at the main features of hybrid work, aiming to determine if this form of work reflects an evolution of earlier remote work and telework or a transition to a qualitatively new form of work.

Eurofound’s EU PolicyWatch collates information on the responses of government and social partners to the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation, and collects examples of company practices to deal with changes in work organisation. Research using the ECS 2019 and a follow-up edition of the survey that was carried out in 2020 analysed the impact of COVID-19 on workplace practices in companies. Other studies, using information collected though Eurofound’s Network of European Correspondents, documented the measures agreed in two sectors severely disrupted by the crisis – hospitals and civil aviation – such as the adaptation of work organisation to secure greater capacity.

Importance of work organisation for companies and workers

Analysis of ECS data explores the links between innovations in work organisation and the potential benefits for both employees and organisations, such as optimising production processes and improving the overall experience of work. It shows that well-functioning social dialogue and direct employee involvement can also make a valuable contribution to the implementation of innovation in the workplace, creating potential win–win arrangements for workers and their employers. 

More recent analysis of the ECS 2019 data examined the link between skills and company performance, and how workplace practices related to work organisation affect this association. This analysis showed that businesses with a culture that values employees are more likely to put workplace practices in place that ensure that employees have the appropriate skills, have the opportunities to use these skills and are motivated to do so, resulting in better establishment performance. These results make a clear business case for applying a people-centred approach to job design and work organisation. 

EU context

Work organisation is a key element underpinning economic and business development, with important consequences for productivity, innovation, working conditions and worker-well-being. Promoting certain forms of work organisation contributes to attaining the objectives set by the European Commission’s European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience launched on 1 July 2020 and its workplace innovation projects. These objectives aim to move Europe towards a more competitive knowledge-based economy, centred on a skilled workforce and innovation – not only in products and processes, but also in the organisation of work and quality of work standards, as it transitions to a digital and carbon-neutral economy. The European Commission dedicated 2023 as the European Year of Skills to support skills development and help companies to address skills shortages in the EU.

Workplace innovation and the link with how work is organised can happen in a variety of ways including changes in business structure and business models, human resources management, relationships with clients and suppliers, or in the work environment itself. Social dialogue also has an important role to play in the organisation of work aimed at fostering employee potential, as highlighted in theEU Directive on informing and consulting employees. The European Pillar of Social Rights reiterates the importance of social dialogue and involving workers in processes related to work organisation.

Key outputs


The term ‘hybrid work’ was popularised with the upsurge of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic, when companies and employees started to discuss ways of organising work after the crisis. The...

25 Mai 2023
Research report

Research into the transformative potential of the digital revolution tends to take a quantitative approach in an attempt to monitor changes in employment levels due to digitalisation. The fear of...

25 Octombrie 2021
Research report

Data and resources

Related data and resources on this topic are linked below.


European Industrial Relations Dictionary 

Eurofound expert(s)


Gijs van Houten is a senior research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He has specific expertise in cross-national survey methodology and the analysis of workplace...

Senior research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (159)

This short report examines the projected structural change for the wage and task structure of employment in EU Member States, up to 2030, using the framework developed in Eurofound’s European Jobs Monitor.

17 December 2018

This report examines the issues in relation to ‘work on demand’, a topic that has received considerable attention in the media recently, mainly due to its links with the platform economy. Work on demand is often presented as a ‘win–win situation’: workers get to tailor their work according to their

14 December 2018

Using data from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), carried out in 2015, the ERM report 2018 examines how workplace factors may influence the relationship between restructuring (with job losses) and the outcomes for employees. It also reviews policy and academic research on good

25 October 2018

Despite years of gender equality legislation, men outnumber women in management positions by two to one. While structural barriers continue to impede women’s career advancement, women themselves may be deterred from becoming managers if they perceive that it would have a negative impact on their

02 October 2018

Across Europe, new forms of employment are emerging that differ significantly from traditional employment. Some of these forms of employment transform the relationship between employer and employee while others change work organisation and work patterns.

25 July 2018

Working time is a recurrent topic of study because the nature of work, its content, the conditions under which it is performed and the labour market itself keep changing. This report provides an overview of the recent evolution of working time duration and organisation in the EU and highlights the

18 September 2017

Innovation is an important driver of improved competitiveness, productivity and growth potential. This report explores which workplace practices have the strongest links to innovative company behaviour, looking at innovation in the form of new or significantly changed products or processes, new or

22 June 2017

New information and communications technologies have revolutionised work and life in the 21st century. The constant connectivity enabled by these devices allows work to be performed at any time and from almost anywhere. This joint report by the ILO and Eurofound synthesises the findings of national

15 February 2017

Teachers across Europe have been protesting about their working conditions. Pay levels and pay inequalities, working time and workload, recruitment procedures and staffing at schools have been the main focus of social dialogue and collective action. Several of the reported cases are set in the

09 January 2017

The Foundation Seminar Series (FSS) is an opportunity for governments, trade unions and employers to share knowledge and experiences on the development of EU social, employment and work-related policies.

23 December 2016

Online resources results (249)

Working conditions in healthcare professions

The demographic development of European society means healthcare is a rapidly expanding sector and field of employment, with a growing demand for qualified workers. Attractive working conditions in the sector are crucial to meeting this huge future challenge.

New outlook for occupational risk trends

In March 2010, the Danish Working Environment Authority [1] (Arbejdstilsynet, AT [2]) published a report assessing the likely development in occupational risk trends from 2010 to 2020. The report, entitled /The working environment of the future 2020/ (Fremtidens arbejdsmiljø 2020 (1.2Mb PDF) [3])

Case study examines working conditions of women in large retail chains

The KARAT Coalition [1] is a regional alliance of organisations and individuals. Its mission is to ‘ensure gender equality in the central and eastern European (CEE) countries/Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), monitor the implementation of international agreements and lobby for the needs and

Development and structure of flexible forms of employment

In recent years, the German labour market has undergone profound reforms. For example, rules on social welfare benefits and temporary agency work [1] have been reorganised (DE0409204N [2], DE0608049I [3], DE0212203N [4]). While these reforms were undertaken to stimulate job creation, among other

Impact of reward practices on perception of fairness and job satisfaction

The changes imposed by global competitiveness make organisations more receptive to the implementation of measures for rapid adaptation to new market demands. In this context, organisations have a growing interest in implementing reward systems to incentivise workers to commit to organisational goals

Differences in corporate family policies between MNC HQ and Czech subsidiary

At the turn of 2006 and 2007, the Department of Gender and Sociology of the Sociological Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (Sociologický ústav Akademie věd ČR [1]) carried out a research project, which sought to reveal employees’ work-life balance [2] conditions, and the

Proposal to screen and certify workplaces in order to improve work environment

Previous studies concerning the workplace environment have been limited to covering its environmental effects on employees and have therefore disregarded the business and competition sides of the working environment. As a result, the Swedish government (Regeringskansliet [1]) considered it necessary

Organisational innovation in companies

In 2008, the Centre for Population, Poverty and Socioeconomic Policy Studies (Centre d’Études de Populations, de Pauvreté et de Politiques Socio-Economiques/International Network for Studies in Technology, Environment, Alternatives, Development, CEPS/INSTEAD [1]), in cooperation with the Luxembourg

Companies and stress management systems

Over the last decade, stress at work [1] has become a major issue in the Belgian health and safety [2] debate. A European and national legal framework has been developed, and several methods for stress diagnosis and stress management intervention have been identified and supported by the Federal

New measures to improve working conditions in bus transport

In July and August 2009, the National Labour Inspectorate (Národný inšpektorát práce, NIP [1]) carried out checks to examine the working conditions of road transport drivers. These conditions are stipulated under Act No. 462/2007 Coll. on the organisation of working time in the transport sector, as

Blogs results (6)

As we leave behind the lockdowns and business disruptions of COVID-19 and enter a ‘new normal’, it is time to talk about how workplaces might be transformed to drive innovation. Some may baulk at this suggestion, as we continue to grapple with the pandemic fallout, but crises have always been a crad

28 Iunie 2021

COVID-19 has shown that some things can hit us out of the blue. The pandemic sent a shockwave through businesses all over the world and has brought massive changes to work organisation, internal communication and day-to-day operations for many companies. Doubtless, the depth of the pandemic’s impact

21 Iunie 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic compelled governments to take exceptional measures to monitor and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Among them was the introduction in most EU Member States of tracking apps to gather data on citizens who have contracted the virus and to trace their contacts, a measure tha

13 Ianuarie 2021

After more than 60 years of European policy on the equal treatment of women and men, men still outnumber women in management positions by almost two to one. The women who do make it into management are more likely to be in non-supervising management roles where they manage operational responsibiliti

7 Martie 2019

Manual jobs in European manufacturing are being transformed as blue-collar workers take on more intellectual tasks. This is a consequence of the increasing use of digital tools and the growing importance of quality control in production. The severe losses of middle-paying jobs in the manufacturing s

27 Septembrie 2018

In the digital age, there are fewer routine jobs because of a higher risk of automation. But a great paradox of this age is this: workers in most types of jobs, including high-skilled ones, are reporting higher levels of routine at work. This emerges from a new study of the task content of occupatio

28 Septembrie 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

This policy brief investigates how organisations are adapting their work organisation and practices to hybrid work. Based on case studies and on data from the European Working Conditions Survey 2024, the policy brief examines how hybrid work is being managed in organisations and profiles t

April 2025


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