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O průzkumech nadace Eurofound s náhodným pravděpodobnostním výběrem vzorku

The three surveys share the following features:

  • Representative samples
  • Coverage of all EU Member States as well as (potential) candidate countries and often Norway and Switzerland
  • Cross-country comparability
  • Multiple waves, enabling time-series analysis
  • Developed in close cooperation with Eurofound’s tripartite stakeholders and experts in the field
  • Questionnaires covering a wide range of topics designed to meet European policy needs
  • Questionnaires built on an inter-disciplinary scientific basis
  • Elaborate strategy for quality assurance
  • Timely availability of results, in policy-relevant reports, online data visualisation and microdata.

Data availability

All survey questionnaires and datasets are freely available to the public.


The aim of Eurofound's survey work is to provide high-quality information on living conditions, working conditions and workplace practices in Europe. To realise this goal, each of the surveys targets a different population to get specific information. Harmonising survey methodology where possible means that lessons learned can be shared between surveys. More information on methodology can be found on the pages related to each survey edition.

Future-proofing the surveys

Over the coming years, Eurofound will roll out a strategy aimed at making the surveys future-proof, which includes an examination of the viability of different and more cost-effective data-collection modes, considering both overall survey quality and comparability over time.

Eurofound is also looking into the potential of big data to complement and contextualise its own data. This work will focus on improving survey sampling, collecting and analysing big data and using text analysis of social media content to investigate marginal phenomena.

Quality assurance

Eurofound is committed to quality assurance in its surveys, aiming to ensure high-quality survey data by complying with commonly agreed standards for the methodology and procedures.

European and international collaboration

Eurofound’s survey methodology and questionnaires can be used by other organisations once copyright conditions are met. Various organisations have therefore expressed an interest in using these materials or collaborating with Eurofound.


When freely submitting your request, you are consenting Eurofound in handling your personal data to reply to you. Your request will be handled in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data. More information, please read the Data Protection Notice.