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For workers, leave arrangements have a direct impact on quality of life, work-life balance and the overall sustainability of working life. The main leave entitlements of importance to workers are annual leave, maternity leave, parental leave, paternity leave and sick leave, so that the worker can recover from being ill. The European Pillar of Social Rights encourages gender-balanced use of family-related leave and flexible working arrangements. Women and men shall have equal access to special leaves of absence in order to fulfil their caring responsibilities towards both children and ageing parents.


Recent updates


This report examines the average weekly working hours across Europe in 2021 and 2022. It covers important developments resulting from legislative reforms in collective bargaining at national or sectoral level...

24 Říjen 2023
Research report

The most relevant changes in working time regulation in Europe in 2019 and 2020 addressed challenges arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most focused on short-time working schemes...

14 Říjen 2021
Research report

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (14)

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on aspects of individual employment relations in the EU during the first quarter of 2014. The terms and conditions of employment, entitlements and obligations and aspects related to the termination of the employment

18 February 2015

Working time policies, although designed within the national and sectoral framework and the boundaries of institutional regulations, are fine-tuned and implemented at the level of each company, taking account of the environment in which the company operates and the workforce it is employing. Hence

08 December 2009

The Foundation’s Company Survey on Working Time and Work–Life Balance 2004–2005 set out to map the use of a variety of working time arrangements in companies, to assess the reasons for their introduction and their impact. This analytical report addresses the issue of parental leave as well as other

17 June 2008

The comparative supplement in this issue of EIRObserver looks at the current position on family-related leave in 19 EU Member States and Norway, focusing on regulation by collective bargaining. The supplement also examines the views of trade unions and employers on this issue and assesses the impact

30 November 2004

Online resources results (102)

Government unveils proposals for a fairer workplace

On 21 May 1998, the Government published a white paper entitled Fairness at work [1] setting out its legislative agenda in the area of industrial relations. As well as giving details of the Government's proposed statutory trade union recognition procedure, the white paper outlines a range of other

Company doctors criticise privatisation of Sickness Benefits Act

The Sickness Benefits Act (Ziektewet, ZW) has undergone a process of "privatisation" in recent years, with a new allocation of responsibilities and risks between the Government, employers and employees, and the transfer of the Act's financing and administration from the public to the private sector

Austrian survey reveals patterns of parental leave

Commissioned by the Public Employment Service (Arbeitsmarktservice, AMS), the Institute of Demographics at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW) has produced a detailed study on the use and effects of parental leave. The legislation on parental leave has

Social partners accept joint mediation proposal for 1998 bargaining round

On 30 March 1998, the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (Landsorganisationen i Danmark, LO) and Danish Employers' Confederation (Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, DA) accepted the Public Conciliator's joint mediation proposal for the entire LO/DA bargaining area. This followed the conclusion of an

New initiatives to grant employees the right to work part time

In February 1998, both the Christian Democrats and the left-wing Groenlinks party formulated new legislative proposals to give employees a right to work part time. The latter party's initial bill on this issue had been blocked by the Christian Democrats in late 1997.

Equal opportunities measures cause controversy

Each of the EU Member States have been drawing up national employment action plans based on the EU Guidelines for Member States' employment policies 1998 [1], following the Luxembourg"employment summit" in November 1997 (EU9711168F [2]). The plans are due to be submitted to the Cardiff European

The 1998 bargaining round will be at industry level

At its general council meeting on 10 February 1998, the LO trade union confederation voted in favour of industry-level settlements in the spring 1998 bargaining round in Norway's private sector. In addition, LO wants to bargain with the NHO employers' confederation over the principles which are to

Profit-sharing and personnel policy at Audi

In December 1997, management and company works council [1] at the German car producer Audi AG concluded a works agreement on the introduction of a new permanent profit-sharing system for all employees, which comes into effect from 1998. This is the latest in a number of new personnel policies that

Big pay gap remains between men and women

A report published by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat) on 9 December 1997 shows that, despite the adoption of equal pay legislation at European level more than 20 years ago, a large pay gap remains between men and women. The report (, Eurostat statistics in focus

Lightening the load of long working hours among Europe's managerial staff

EUROCADRES (the Council for European Professional and Managerial Staff) represents over 4 million professional and managerial staff in Europe who are members of trade unions affiliated to the European Trade Union Confederation. The organisation hosted a conference on 2-3 December 1997 to showcase

Blogs results (1)

Few events challenge the equilibrium between work and life like the arrival of a child. As gender roles continue to change in Europe, supporting the uptake of paternity and parental leave among fathers is fundamental, not just to close the ‘caring gap’ between men and women, but also to provide the

11 Říjen 2018


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