Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής

Η ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής είναι η ικανοποιητική εξισορρόπηση της επαγγελματικής ζωής ενός ατόμου με την προσωπική ζωή του. Η εξασφάλιση καλύτερης ισορροπίας μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής για τους εργαζομένους καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της ζωής τους αποτελεί εδώ και πολλά χρόνια στόχο της πολιτικής της ΕΕ, καθώς είναι καθοριστικός παράγοντας για την εξασφάλιση βιώσιμης εργασίας για όλους. 


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...


EU context

Στις 26 Απριλίου 2017, η Επιτροπή παρουσίασε τον ευρωπαϊκό πυλώνα κοινωνικών δικαιωμάτων. Πρόκειται για μια δέσμη μέτρων που περιλαμβάνει μια πρωτοβουλία για τη στήριξη της ισορροπίας μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής για γονείς και για άτομα που παρέχουν φροντίδα. Η πρωτοβουλία αυτή έχει ως στόχο να αντιμετωπίσει την υποεκπροσώπηση των γυναικών στην αγορά εργασίας, ενώ ταυτόχρονα καθορίζει μια σειρά νέων ή βελτιωμένων ελάχιστων προτύπων για τη γονική άδεια, την άδεια πατρότητας και την άδεια φροντίδας.

Το έργο του Eurofound

Συλλογή δεδομένων

Οι Έρευνες του Eurofound για την Ποιότητα Ζωής στην Ευρώπη (EQLS) παρέχουν συγκρίσεις μεταξύ των χωρών, όσον αφορά τον συνδυασμό επαγγελματικής και οικογενειακής ζωής, τις ευέλικτες ρυθμίσεις χρόνου εργασίας, και την παροχή ποιοτικών υπηρεσιών φροντίδας. Οι Έρευνες για τις Ευρωπαϊκές Επιχειρήσεις (ECS) παρέχουν δεδομένα σχετικά με τους λόγους για τους οποίους οι εταιρείες χρησιμοποιούν ευρύ φάσμα ρυθμίσεων χρόνου εργασίας και τους τρόπους με τους οποίους τις χρησιμοποιούν. Οι Ευρωπαϊκές Έρευνες για τις Συνθήκες Εργασίας (EWCS) εξετάζουν την οργάνωση του χρόνου εργασίας σε ολόκληρη την ΕΕ, καθώς και σχετικά ζητήματα, τα οποία συμπεριλαμβάνουν τις ευέλικτες ρυθμίσεις, τις προτιμήσεις ως προς τον χρόνο εργασίας και την ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής.

Το Ευρωπαϊκό Παρατηρητήριο του Εργασιακού Βίου (EurWORK) παρέχει πληροφορίες για τις συνθήκες εργασίας και τη βιώσιμη εργασία, καθώς και βάση δεδομένων σχετικά με τις αποδοχές, τον χρόνο εργασίας και τις συλλογικές διαφορές. Επίσης, το Eurofound έχει εκτιμήσει το οικονομικό και κοινωνικό κόστος της διαφοράς μεταξύ των φύλων στην απασχόληση και μπορεί να προσφέρει πληροφορίες για τη δημιουργία θέσεων απασχόλησης στις υπηρεσίες φροντίδας.

Απεικόνιση δεδομένων

Εστίαση: Τεύχος του Foundation Focus με θέμα τις λύσεις για την ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής​

23 Δεκεμβρίου 2016 - Αυτό το τεύχος του Foundation Focus εξετάζει την ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής και ορισμένους από τους παράγοντες που βοηθούν ή παρεμποδίζουν τους εργαζομένους να συνδυάσουν την επαγγελματική με την προσωπική τους ζωή. Δεδομένου ότι μειώνεται σταθερά ο μέσος όρος των ωρών εργασίας, στο τεύχος τίθεται το ερώτημα αν εξακολουθεί να έχει σημασία η ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής. Πώς μπορεί να βοηθήσει η οδηγία για τον χρόνο εργασίας και ποιος είναι ο ρόλος των πολιτικών σχετικά με τις ευέλικτες ρυθμίσεις του χρόνου εργασίας; Ποια συγκεκριμένα μέτρα στήριξης χρειάζονται για τα άτομα που έχουν την ευθύνη της φροντίδας παιδιών ή ενηλίκων; Η ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής συνδέεται και με άλλες πτυχές της ζωής, για παράδειγμα με την ανάγκη για υψηλής ποιότητας παιδική μέριμνα, την αντιμετώπιση της διαφοράς των φύλων στην απασχόληση και την πρόνοια για εργαζομένους μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας που δεν μπορούν να συνεχίσουν να εργάζονται υπό καθεστώς πλήρους απασχόλησης.
Ισορροπία μεταξύ επαγγελματικής και προσωπικής ζωής: δημιουργία λύσεων για όλους

Key outputs


Στον πέμπτο γύρο της ηλεκτρονικής έρευνας του Eurofound, που διεξήχθη από τις 25 Μαρτίου έως τις 2 Μαΐου 2022, σκιαγραφείται η κοινωνική και οικονομική κατάσταση των πολιτών της Ευρώπης δύο...

7 Ιούλιος 2022
Research report

Οι ψηφιακές τεχνολογίες παρέχουν σε πολλούς εργαζόμενους τη δυνατότητα να εργάζονται οποτεδήποτε και οπουδήποτε, η οποία συνεπάγεται διάφορα πλεονεκτήματα και μειονεκτήματα. Από τα στοιχεία του Eurofound προκύπτει ότι οι τηλεργαζόμενοι...

9 Σεπτέμβριος 2021
Research report

Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s...

3 Μάρτιος 2020
Research report

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update...

7 Φεβρουάριος 2019
Customised report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (121)

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on aspects of working time in the EU during the first quarter of 2014. Work–life balance and weekend working are the main focus of this report.

18 February 2015

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on health and well-being in workplaces in the EU during the second quarter of 2014. The new strategic framework on health and safety, work–life balance, patterns of sick leave and initiatives to combat violence and harassment

18 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the activities of households as employers of domestic personnel sector (NACE 97), referred to here as the households as employers sector.

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in administrative and support services activities (NACE78–82). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the transport and storage sector (NACE 49 to 53). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the insurance sector (NACE 65). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the financial services sector, covering the subsectors of banking (NACE 64), insurance (NACE 65), and activities auxiliary to banking and insurance (NACE 66). It is based mostly on the fifth

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the motor vehicles sector (NACE 45). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the manufacturing sector. It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the industrial cleaning sector (NACE 81). The findings are based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work

14 November 2014

Online resources results (153)

Work–life balance policies: a win-win situation for all

In December 2005, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ [1]), the Allensbach Institute for Polling (Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, IfD [2]) looked at the prevalence of family-friendly policies in enterprises. The

Fathers taking parental leave: impact on work–life balance

Employees in the Czech Republic are entitled to up to three years of parental leave [1] which must be taken before the child’s third birthday. Parents may share the leave equally, or either the father or mother can take the entire period of leave (36 months). Another option is to take a few months

Reconciling work and family life in the financial services sector

Reconciling work and family life is becoming an increasingly topical issue in the financial services sector’s social agenda, particularly in light of its strategy on corporate social responsibility. In this context, two of the largest private Spanish banks, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) [1]

Working time after parental leave

In Sweden, compensation during parental leave is set at 16 months, of which 13 months are compensated at 80% of the previous income and three months at a fixed rate. In total, individual arrangements over four months are given to each parent, i.e. two months for mothers and two months for fathers

Work-life balance in the ICT and retail sectors

A study developed between October 2000 and July 2004 analysed the results of a survey carried out among a number of Portuguese companies in the information and communication technologies (ICT) and the retail trade sectors. One of the findings of this study is that the female workers experienced more

Work-life balance in Bulgaria

The June 2005 Bulgarian National Working Conditions Survey (BG0509SR01 [1]) explored the issue of work-life balance in some detail, by adding four questions to the 2001 questionnaire devised by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. The issue was further

Teleworking at home

Teleworking is based on the use of computers by knowledge and communication workers. A study on teleworking (available for purchase; in German) [1] focused on highly and medium qualified workers teleworking at home at least one day per week. The study is based on a combination of narrative and semi

Working conditions improving in Estonia

A comparison of results of the two Working Life Barometers in the Baltic countries (1998 and 2002) reveals an improvement in working conditions in Estonia. However, significant problems remain, such as increasing stress and limited access to job-related training. This report introduces the main

Working time in Germany

The report on Working time in 2003 (2.1MB pdf file; in German) [1] by the Institut zur Erforschung sozialer Chancen (ISO) [2] updates previous survey findings. The new survey, conducted between July and October 2003, includes in its analysis characteristics of work, work organisation and strain. [1]

Challenges of achieving a work-life balance in Spain

The report Informe España 2004 [1] (2004 Report for Spain) was published by the Fundación Encuentro [2] in May 2004. An annual publication since 1993, the report provides a series of analyses on social, economic and political issues in Spain. The 2004 report devotes a chapter to the balance of work

Blogs results (18)

The impact of COVID-19 continues to create chaos in people’s lives across Europe and the world. The economy is heading towards another major dip, and a sense of general insecurity pervades. The daunting challenges confronting health services and projections on the long-term impact of the crisis domi

12 Μάιος 2020

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that fosterin

20 Μάρτιος 2019

After more than 60 years of European policy on the equal treatment of women and men, men still outnumber women in management positions by almost two to one. The women who do make it into management are more likely to be in non-supervising management roles where they manage operational responsibiliti

7 Μάρτιος 2019

Few events challenge the equilibrium between work and life like the arrival of a child. As gender roles continue to change in Europe, supporting the uptake of paternity and parental leave among fathers is fundamental, not just to close the ‘caring gap’ between men and women, but also to provide the

11 Οκτώβριος 2018

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), carried out by Eurofound every four years, explores a variety of aspects related to living standards, health, family and work–life balance, as well as people's happiness levels, satisfaction with their lives, and their perceptions regarding the quality of

21 Φεβρουάριος 2018

One of the common values that unites the European Union is that of equal opportunities: all citizens should have the same possibility to improve their lives and participate in the labour market regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Ensuring equal opportunities in finding w

8 Μάρτιος 2017

Austerity measures introduced during the crisis have disproportionately concerned cuts in the measures that are most vital for reducing child poverty: cash and tax benefits, a new Eurofound report shows. Furthermore, there has been a move away from universal coverage towards more targeted support. O

3 Φεβρουάριος 2016

The latest research from Eurofound on working conditions in Europe highlights that the 9-to-5 day is not the norm for many workers, and work commonly spills over into home life. Such patterns make it difficult to balance work and life outside work.

25 Νοέμβριος 2015

Data results (3)
27 Οκτώβριος 2023
Reference period:
24 Οκτώβριος 2023
Reference period:


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