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Eurofound exhibition: The future of living and working in Europe


For over 50 years, Eurofound has provided evidence-based research, data and analysis to inform EU policymakers. At this week-long exhibition, Eurofound’s experts showcased fresh findings on topics that are at the heart of Europe’s priorities – such as AI in the workplace, affordable housing, employment, a just transition, industrial relations, inequalities, the future of work, and more.


ASP Bar area 3D, European ParliamentBrusselsBelgium

In-person event
Organised by


The exhibition also kicked off Eurofound’s 50th anniversary celebrations and was a unique opportunity to engage with experts, explore new data from the Agency’s surveys on living and working conditions, and see how its evidence-based research can support EU priorities and the European Parliament’s policy and legislative work.

Alongside the exhibition a programme of events also took place at the European Parliament.

Browse photographs from the event on our Flickr page.

Check out the short video clip for a flavour of the week’s activities. 


Programme highlights

Just Ask info session: Tuesday 15 October 10.00 – 12.00, Room Spinelli A1E1

During this face-to-face meeting, Eurofound’s Heads of Research shared key data in the social and employment policy field with EP staff – including topics such as AI at the workplace; hybrid work; social and economic inequalities; housing; social protection; upward convergence; the state of play with social dialogue; trends in the labour market and employment; just transitions; working conditions; quality jobs; and more.

Moderated by Anna Ludwinek, Liaison Manager - Brussels Liaison Office, Eurofound, with short inputs by: Barbara Gerstenberger, Head of Unit Working LifeTadas Leončikas, Head of Unit EmploymentMassimiliano Mascherini, Head of Unit Social Policies Unit. Followed by a Q&A and discussion with participants.

You can view the presentation here.

Opening Reception: Tuesday 15 October 18.00–21.00, ASP Bar area 3D

Networking, keynote speeches and insights were heard from Jagna Kinga Marczułajtis-Walczak, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Mario Nava, European Commission Director-General of DG Employment, and Ivailo Kalfin, Eurofound Executive Director.


Panel Debate: Wednesday 16 October, 10.00–12.00, Room Spinelli A1E1

Building a competitive Europe for its people – A future with quality jobs, affordable housing and access to opportunities

How can the EU build a more competitive, inclusive Europe for its people? This panel debate brought together Eurofound experts, MEPs Jana Toom, Evelyn Regner, Gordan Bosanac, Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin and Maria Ohisalo, and key EU stakeholders to dive into the most pressing challenges and opportunities shaping Europe's future. Topics discussed included: AI and algorithmic management in the workplace; the rise of remote work and its impact on job quality; tackling Europe’s labour shortages; the role of social dialogue in shaping the future of work; the social impact of the green and digital transitions; and ensuring affordable and adequate housing for all.

Presentations are available for download.


For more information, please contact Cristina Arigho.


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