This summary outlines some major themes and issues regarding the concept of the knowledge society. It draws heavily on material generated from the Euforia project, a research project of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions.
This report was prepared as a contribution to discussions about Knowledge Society Foresight (KSF) in the Republic of Ireland. It draws on earlier work completed for the EUFORIA project by the Foundation, in which three pilot KSF exercises were undertaken for Finland, Germany and Greece. It outlines
Euforia came into being as part of the Foundation’s work on knowledge society. It has tested ways of studying the emergence of a knowledge society in the EU 15. This report sets out the results of the pilot project, in particular, its implications for living conditions, working conditions and
Euforia came into being as part of the Foundation’s work on knowledge society. It has tested ways of studying the emergence of a knowledge society in the EU 15. During this process, preliminary ideas have been obtained on how a knowledge society may be evolving in the three pilot Member States