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Maria Jepsen

Deputy Director, Eurofound

Maria Jepsen is Eurofound’s Deputy Director, appointed on 1 November 2019. She coordinates the Agency’s programme development. Prior to this, she was Director of the research department at the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), and assistant professor and research fellow at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). She is currently also associate professor in labour economics at ULB and external lecturer at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. Her main research interests include gender studies, the impact of welfare states on labour supply, wages and working conditions, and the development of the European social dimension. Ms Jepsen has been a member of various committees, councils and advisory boards at national and international level on employment, social, gender and research issues. She has also served as a coordinator on the European Commission tripartite advisory committee on health and safety at work. She holds a PhD in Economics and a Master’s degree in Econometrics from the Free University of Brussels (ULB).

X: @MariaJepsenEF

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Outputs by Maria Jepsen