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Group photo of members of the Eurofound management board on 18 November 2022

Stefania Rossi has been elected Chair of Eurofound’s Management Board at the Agency’s annual Management Board meeting in Dublin on 18 November. She takes over from outgoing chair Jan Kouwenberg, representing the Federation of Dutch Trade Unions (FNV) in Eurofound’s tripartite management structure.

18 November 2022
Corporate news

The issue of care has moved to the forefront of the policy agenda in Europe following the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased care needs during this time brought into focus shortfalls in care provision, inequalities in unpaid domestic care, and the long-term challenges of increased care needs in the years

25 October 2022
Image of young woman working in an office

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis has deepened the traditional gender divides across many areas including the labour market, working conditions, work-life conflict and overall working time, according to findings from Eurofound’s latest research report COVID-19 pandemic and the gender divide at work

21 October 2022

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis has deepened the traditional gender divides across many areas including the labour market, working conditions, work-life conflict and overall working time, according to findings from Eurofound’s latest research report COVID-19 pandemic and the gender divide at work

17 October 2022

Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director of Eurofound, have signed a framework agreement for cooperation between the two organisations for the 2022-2025 period. The renewed framework agreement covers joint research projects

28 September 2022

Access to telework and working arrangements when working from home are still largely determined at company level in most EU Member States, with just France, Lithuania and Portugal currently enshrining the right to request telework in legislation. While some common ground exists, there are varying

1 September 2022

Recorded trust in institutions such as national governments, the EU, the police and news media has declined across the EU over the past two years, with those who previously expressed higher trust levels, such as those in financially secure positions, now becoming less trusting. Declines in trust are

7 July 2022

Eurofound’s Executive Director, Ivailo Kalfin, and Deputy Director, Maria Jepsen, met with President Michael D Higgins this morning to discuss latest research on issues such as trust, housing, youth, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on society in Europe. They also spoke about Eurofound’s

21 June 2022