Employment statistics consistently show that having a foreign background has an influence on people’s employment prospects. Less is known about the types of jobs workers with foreign backgrounds hold and their working conditions. This policy brief contributes to filling this gap. It compares the experience of workers with a foreign background to that of native workers; it also distinguishes between the experiences of first-generation and second-generation migrants and between those of women and men.
The evidence shows that having a foreign background can have a negative impact both on labour market integration and working conditions. However, significant differences emerge between different groups of migrants. The findings highlight the clear need for a nuanced approach to policymaking to ensure a level playing field in the labour market for workers with a foreign background.
Table 1 : Job quality profiles by native or foreign background
Table 2 : Summary of differences in working conditions between native workers and workers with a foreign background, by sex, 2015
Figure 1 : Origin of foreign-born individuals in EU Member States (%), 2014
Figure 2 : Breakdown of working-age populations based on migration status (%), by Member State, 2014
Figure 3 : Employment rates (%), by migration status, Member States, 2014
Figure 4 : Unemployment rates (%), by migration status, Member States, 2014
Figure 5 : Sectoral distribution of male and female workers (%), by migration status, EU, 2015
Figure 6 : Occupational distribution of male and female workers (%), by migration status, EU 2015
Figure 9 : How the five job quality profiles compare on the seven job quality dimensions
Figure 10 : Breakdown of working hours per week by migration status (%), according to sex, 2015
Figure 11 : Share of workers reporting difficulty making ends meet (%), by sex and migration status, EU, 2015
Figure 12 : Share of workers with a second job (%), by sex and migrant status, EU, 2015
Figure 13 : Share of workers reporting discrimination on different grounds (%), by migration status and sex, 2015
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Eurofound (2019), How your birthplace affects your workplace, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.