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Episode 27 – How can we effectively tackle cyberbullying at work?

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Over the last decade, information and communication technologies have changed the way employees work and communicate with each other. While the digitalisation of work offers many benefits, widespread access to digital devices in working life has provided fertile ground for the emergence of new forms of antisocial behaviours, including workplace cyberbullying.

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Senior Research Manager Sara Riso about what constitutes cyberbullying, how widespread the issue of cyberbullying at work is, and whether there is sufficient legislation and workplace rules to address it effectively.

They discuss how bullying and cyberbullying have emerged as prominent issues in national policy debates, primarily as problems affecting young people rather than as a more general phenomenon in the workplace and detrimental to workers’ well-being.

Whether online or face to face – it would seem that bullying at work is more prevalent than commonly acknowledged.


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