This EMCC Company Network Seminar was organised jointly by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions and the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). This seminar report summarises the seminar conclusions and highlights how individuals
This report begins by elaborating upon the different factors that appear to influence the degree to which people change employers. It then formulates a number of hypotheses regarding the influence of biographical characteristics, country characteristics, previous job mobility history, job
This report presents a comparison of national industrial relations systems in the EU25, exploring the differences between individual systems and their effects on the economy. The report is based on the more detailed findings of a research project entitled ‘Quality of industrial relations
Electricité de France (EDF) is a leading player in the European energy market. With a generation capacity of 130 GWe (of which 99 GWe is generated on French territory), it has the largest generation fleet in Europe. EDF operates in all sectors of the electricity industry. This includes both the
This report sets out a descriptive analysis of the data collected by the Eurobarometer Survey (2005). It examines two key areas of enquiry: geographical mobility and job mobility. Mobility appears to be not always the result of individual choices. Indeed, mobility, particularly job mobility, is
The main results of the WAGEGAP project were presented at a seminar on 30 May 2011 organised by two research centres associated with the University of Leuven – HIVA [1] and the Faculty of Business and Economics [2]. The event was supported by the Council for Equal Opportunities for Men and Women [3]
The EU Member States have been drawing up national employment action plans based on the EU Guidelines for Member States' employment policies 1998 [1], following the Luxembourg"employment summit" in November 1997 (EU9711168F [2]). The plans are due to be submitted by 15 April 1998 for consideration