Eurofound research has explored the paths European companies take towards workplace innovation and their outcomes, based on EU-wide survey data. It has also examined factors, and specifically workplace practices, associated with innovation in European establishments. Research on win-win arrangements helped to better understand whether certain company practices are linked with mutual gains (or win-win outcomes) that help companies to grow and innovate while at the same time benefiting workers.
Eurofound surveys and innovation
Eurofound’s Europe-wide surveys offer comparative analysis on the scale of company innovation and the role played by employee involvement, training and social dialogue in fostering workplace innovation and better working conditions. Other studies at national, sectoral and workplace levels have highlighted cases that have achieved win–win benefits and analysed the elements that underlie them.
Company practices
The European Company Survey (ECS) 2019, the fourth since 2004, and carried out in partnership with sister Agency Cedefop, analyses workplace practices related to work organisation, workplace innovation, human resources policies, employee participation and social dialogue.
The two Agencies have looked at innovation in EU companies, based on ECS 2019 data and case study research in 2020. The research investigates the characteristics of innovative companies and, in particular, the innovation-enhancing workplace practices that they employ. It offers insight into how these practices link to business innovation and enhance subjective well-being at work, as well as how they contribute to increasing the innovation potential of companies.
A 2017 ECS study on innovative changes in European companies explores which workplace practices have the strongest links to innovative company behaviour. It looks at innovation in the form of new or significantly changed products or processes, new or improved marketing methods, and organisational change.
Eurofound’s 2015 ECS-based research on workplace innovation in European companies has shown that the competitiveness of companies does not depend solely on their capabilities for technological innovation: it is also shaped by the design and organisation of workplaces and the extent to which organisations are innovative in this regard.
Working conditions
The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) 2015, the sixth since 1990, provides a wide-ranging picture of Europe at work, looking at work organisation, work–life balance, health and well-being at work, employee participation and employee involvement. The EWCS 2015 overview report showed that 67% of employees are at least ‘sometimes’ involved in improving the work organisation or work processes of their department or organisation. A smaller proportion (31%) work in a 'high-involvement organisation’, characterised by a high level of task discretion and a high level of organisational participation.
Industrial relations
Research on innovative measures through social dialogue at company level identifies how management, employees and their representatives find common solutions to work organisation problems.
Further research on changes in remuneration and reward systems examines the different types of supplementary pay schemes, their prevalence in different countries and sectors across the EU and Norway, and their relevance to different groups of employees. As part of the human resource management practices, remuneration and rewards play a role in encouraging creative thinking, motivating innovative behaviour and rewarding employees. This research shows the extent to which such practices are used in European establishments.
Born global enterprises
‘Born globals’ are young, small and medium-sized companies engaged in international activities immediately after start-up. While showing diversity in some of their other characteristics, one aspect they have in common is that they are highly innovative. Eurofound research on these enterprises explores their employment and economic potential. The study also examines the public support instruments available to these start-up enterprises, such as entrepreneurship and internationalisation support.
Eurofound will explore the impact of crucial innovations in computing and telecommunications technologies in its digitalisation topic.