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Labour market policies

The European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan sets out to increase the employment rate of the population aged 20 to 64 to at least 78% by 2030. Inclusive labour market policies aimed at increasing the labour market participation of underrepresented groups such as older people, low-skilled people or persons with disabilities are needed to ensure inclusive employment growth. At the same time, Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) which aim to increase employment opportunities for jobseekers and to improve the matching between vacancies and the unemployed play a key role in addressing long-term unemployment and existing skills mismatches. Examples of ALMPs include training, job matching services, recruitment subsidies, direct job creation for public work schemes or special programmes aimed at ensuring transitions from school to work. Public Employment Services play a key role in delivering effective ALMPs and providing income support during periods of joblessness. 


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Company practices to tackle labour shortages

Explore our digital report summary. This report centres on the recruitment and retention measures that organisations have deployed to address labour shortages, based on 17 case studies in different sectors...

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Eurofound research

Eurofound monitors structural changes in the labour market via its European Jobs Monitor (EJM) and European Restructuring Monitor (ERM), including the overview of legal instruments. Research investigates labour market dynamics, company practices, restructuring, and social partner involvement in addressing the policy-driven green transition, the advancing technological change and a global reconfiguration of supply chains. It aims to provide evidence to inform the understanding of the EU’s competitiveness and reinforce socioeconomic resilience.

This evidence on structural change in the labour market helps to inform labour market policies and industrial policy initiatives, offering knowledge on potential upgrading or polarisation of jobs, on how task requirements in jobs are changing, and on whether shifts in the employment structure are accelerating or slowing.

Investigating new forms of work, including digitally enabled such as platform work and ICT-based mobile work, helps to assess their prevalence over time, and how the opportunities or risks they create affect the employment and labour market prospects for people involved. Eurofound continues to update its Platform Economy Repository with information concerning the developments and regulation of employment in this type of economic activity.

The EU PolicyWatch database captures the measures introduced by governments and social partners in the Member States to alleviate the effects on businesses, workers and citizens of recent crises – COVID-19, the war in Ukraine and rising inflation. It also lists policies to support the digital and green transitions, as well companies that need to restructure. 

EU context

Article 4 of the European Pillar of Social Rights focuses on active support to employment. This supports the right to timely and tailor-made assistance to improve employment or self-employment prospects, the right of young people to continued education, apprenticeship, traineeship or a job offer within four months of becoming unemployed or leaving education via the Youth Guarantee, as well as the right of unemployed people to personalised, continuous and consistent support. In 2021, the European Commission issued a Recommendation for Effective Support to Employment.

In recent years, labour shortages have increasingly been the main factor affecting labour markets in the EU and beyond. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic the prevalence of labour shortages has become a key concern for governments and social partners alike. Key drivers of labour shortages include demographic change, job quality and the green and digital transition.

In March 2024, the European Commission presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages, setting out key measures that the EU, Member States and social partners should take to reach its 2030 targets on skills and employment.

Key outputs


This report provides updated evidence on the persistence of labour shortages amid declining levels of labour market slack in the EU and at Member State level. This serves as a...

10 September 2024
Research report

While unemployment is still a huge challenge in Europe, some countries, sectors and occupations are experiencing labour shortages. This report explores various approaches to identifying labour shortages and maps national...

20 July 2021
Research report

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of individuals and societies, including on the economy and labour markets, is unprecedented. The impact of the global health emergency has...

24 June 2020
Research report

Eurofound expert(s)


Tina Weber is a senior research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Her work has focused on labour shortages, the impact of hybrid work and an ‘always on’ culture and the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Dragoș Adăscăliței is a research officer in the Employment unit at Eurofound. His current research focuses on topics related to the future of work, including the impact of...

Research officer,
Employment research unit
Publications results (152)

This Eurofound research paper explores the decarbonisation of residential heating through the adoption of heat pumps, a key component in the EU’s strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Heat pumps offer a highly efficient alternative to traditional heating systems, leveraging renewable energy

30 September 2024

This report describes the implementation and changing features of job retention schemes in the EU between 2020 and 2022. In response to the COVID-19 health emergency, EU governments swiftly deployed job retention schemes to preserve employment, support businesses and maintain individual incomes.

23 September 2024

This report provides updated evidence on the persistence of labour shortages amid declining levels of labour market slack in the EU and at Member State level. This serves as a background to the main focus of the report, which is on organisational policies aimed at attracting workers to occupations

10 September 2024

During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it had been in recent years, many obstacles remained on their route to independence, such as the rising cost of living and

21 May 2024

The rise of the platform economy during the last decade is one of the main disrupting forces for European labour markets. While standard employment remains the norm, platforms are expanding their reach and diversifying into novel business models. In doing so, they are also attracting an increasing n

16 May 2023

On request by the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Eurofound prepared a background paper as a basis for the discussion at the informal Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) meeting on 3-4 May 2023. The paper outlines some of the key challenges

04 May 2023

As economies begin to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, labour shortages are becoming increasingly evident despite the impact of the war in Ukraine on energy and commodity prices. These include shortages exacerbated by the crisis in some sectors and professions where they had been endemic for some

28 March 2023

Historically, the political debate around EU convergence has gathered momentum in the aftermath of a crisis. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the purpose of this report is to take stock of the last two decades of convergence trends. The study begins with an empirical investigation of economic

22 March 2023

The European Union Agencies Network on Scientific Advice (EU-ANSA) consists of technical and regulatory agencies that provide scientific advice to EU policymakers. This report demonstrates how EU-ANSA member Agencies are addressing the socioeconomic effects of sustainable development. It is based on

05 January 2022

The rapid rise of the platform economy has led to a marked transformation of European labour markets, and existing regulatory frameworks and voluntary initiatives have yet to catch up. While platform work offers opportunities for workers and employers and potentially contributes to innovation, econo

02 December 2021

Online resources results (200)

Sweden: Government scraps contested labour market reforms

Sweden’s coalition government has reversed changes to the welfare system made by the previous centre-right government. It has removed a cut-off point of 2.5 years for claiming sickness benefit and scrapped a scheme for mandatory workplace activities for the unemployed. The decision to reverse rather

Finland: Migrant experiences of the labour market

A recent survey from Finland finds that fluency in Finnish is crucial for the employment prospects of workers of migrant origin. It also finds that – while most migrants feel they are fairly treated at work – people of African and Middle-Eastern origin report the greatest difficulties.

Ireland: National Minimum Wage rise follows Low Pay Commission report

The first rise in Ireland's National Minimum Wage (NMW) since 2007 was implemented on January 1, 2016. It comes after a recommendation in the Low Pay Commission’s first annual report to increase the NMW by 50 cents per hour to a new hourly rate of €9.15.

Italy: Streamlining of social safety nets in new Jobs Act

Unions in Italy are divided over reforms in the new Jobs Act regarding welfare payments for workers who are temporarily unemployed. Employer organisations, however, have generally welcomed the way the act has streamlined certain measures.

Sweden: Fast-track initiative to help asylum-seekers enter labour market

​The Swedish government has launched a fast-track initiative to match newly arrived immigrants with jobs in sectors that have skill shortages. The healthcare and restaurant sectors have already implemented the new system. Many employers and trade unions have shown an interest in participating while

Sweden: Debate on 'simple jobs' and lower entry-level wages

During the last quarter of 2015, and in preparation for the 2016 wage bargaining rounds, there was an intensive debate in Sweden on how best to reduce unemployment. One of the proposals put forward was to lower entry-level wages, thereby encouraging employers to hire additional staff.

Italy: Active labour market policy reform gets underway

​The Italian government has introduced reform of active labour market policies as part of the 2014 ‘Jobs Act’, aimed at stronger coordination by public and private actors at local level. The reform is expected to foster the better matching of labour demand and supply, but its effectiveness could be

Blogs results (11)

Improving the lives of people in Europe, strengthening social dialogue, and embracing the principle that economic competitiveness and social progress are complementary objectives are the very essence of Eurofound.

8 January 2025

The European Commission declared 2023 as the European Year of Skills, stating ‘Helping people get the right skills for quality jobs and helping companies, in particular small and medium enterprises, address skills shortages in the EU is what this year is all about.’

27 March 2023

We need to study and understand the blow Europe’s youth have suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to adjust recovery and resilience measures to their needs: without prioritising young people in the present, we have little hope for the future.

3 December 2021

Following the declines in employment rates and working hours across Europe in 2020, economies began to show signs of recovery during the first quarter of 2021. The gradual rekindling of economic activity has led to a surge in demand for workers and reawakened concerns over labour shortages. Difficul

20 July 2021

Decision-makers approached minimum wage setting for 2021 cautiously due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. Despite this, nominal statutory minimum wages rose in most Member States and the UK, although at lower rates than in recent years.


​​​​​​​To date, close to six million workers in the EU have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Many businesses have closed their doors forever or been pushed to the brink, bringing severe financial and psychological hardship to the individuals and families affected. However, the toll of the pandemic c

9 February 2021

On 2 April, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a new fund of up to €100 billion to support EU Member States to introduce short-time working or similar schemes, including for the self-employed, in an effort to safeguard jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Known as SURE (Suppo

5 May 2020

At the very outset of its mandate, the new European Commission presented the European Green Deal, establishing the objective of becoming the first climate-neutral bloc in the world by 2050. The initiative emphasises the seriousness which the European Commission places on the climate and biodiversity

21 February 2020

Economic disparities have been decreasing between EU member states over the past decade, but at the same time inequality has been growing within member states. Despite national level convergence, the gap in wealth and income between the rich and the poor is growing in most of Europe. Some of this ri

29 October 2019

Unemployment in the EU is continuing to fall, with the rate approaching its 2008 low point. This is good news: the Europe 2020 target of 75% employment in the working age population is now in sight for many Member States. However, as unemployment reaches new lows, the opposite problem is emerging –

19 November 2018


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