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Quality of society

The quality of society has a major impact on well-being and quality of life. In the aftermath of the global economic crisis, trust among Europeans in society and its institutions declined, causing concerns about economic and social insecurity, perceived inequalities, societal tensions and lack of fairness. With the economic recovery, trust in institutions has also recovered. However, improving the social fabric and citizen engagement remain significant for both individual quality of life and resilience of society as a whole.


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This report investigates the political dimensions of social cohesion in Europe, offering a 20-year perspective derived from 10 rounds of the European Social Survey. It scrutinises trends and regional variations...

26 avril 2024
Research report

Eurofound research

The lives of individuals are intertwined with others, and thus relationships with people in a person’s household, local community and beyond, as well as with institutions and services, play a fundamental role in their quality of life. One reason for the emphasis on the quality of society in Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) is the significance of the social and institutional environment – mapping access to collective as well as individual resources.

To examine the quality of society, the EQLS provides information on perceived social exclusion, sense of belonging, trust in people and institutions, satisfaction with democracy and economy, societal tensions between different groups, economic and social insecurity, as well as lack of personal safety. The survey also contains indicators on social cohesion – participation in social activities, voluntary work and civic and political involvement. 

The EQLS 2016, the fourth survey to date, has expanded on the examination of citizens’ perceptions of the quality of society, and in particular the quality, access and fairness of public services. 

  • Exploring wealth and transmission of (dis-) advantage in the context of social mobility, with the possibility to inform policymakers about equality of opportunity and fairness in society 
  • Report to examine fairness and optimism for the future and their relationship to people’s perceptions and realities (objective indicators of social and economic situation and living standards)

Key outputs

Cover image for Eurofound's publication entitled 'Maintaining trust during the COVID-19 pandemic'

The report examines how citizens’ trust in institutions – including national governments, the EU, science and the media – evolved during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. The role...

16 novembre 2022
Research report

Following a long recovery from the economic crisis (2007–2013), young people in the EU proved to be more vulnerable to the effects of the restrictions put in place to slow...

9 novembre 2021
Research report

This report explores the distribution of household wealth in the EU Member States and analyses the role of wealth in social mobility. Using data from three datasets (the Household Finance...

30 mars 2021
Research report

Quality of life data show that in most countries, the capital city has advantages compared to the regions outside the capital. In light of the continued growth of capital city...

27 janvier 2020
Policy brief

This report provides an analysis of European societies in terms of social cohesion – in particular, social tensions, perceived social exclusion and community engagement are explored as key dimensions. It...

13 novembre 2018
Research report

EU context

Recent policy measures at EU level have addressed the participation of older people and encouraged active ageing. Dealing with the high level of young people not in employment, education, or training (NEETs), youth disengagement and its effects have also been on the agenda. Promoting participation in society has also been shown to play a role in combating social exclusion. EU policies acknowledge the importance of citizen engagement for both the quality of society in Member States and the European project itself.

The Commission’s Social Investment Package calls on Member States to prioritise social investment and to focus on growth and social cohesion in the form of active inclusion strategies and more effective use of social budgets to allow people to participate in society. Through the European Semester process, the Commission will closely monitor the social protection systems of Member States and offer country-specific recommendations where necessary.

The European Pillar of Social Rights, endorsed in November 2017, also emphasises the importance of equal opportunities for all to access the labour market and fully participate in society. 

Eurofound’s work on quality of society links in with the Commission’s 2019–2024 priority on a new push for European democracy. 


European Industrial Relations Dictionary 

Eurofound expert(s)


Massimiliano Mascherini has been Head of the Social Policies unit at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined Eurofound in 2009 as a research manager, designing and coordinating...

Head of Unit,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (54)

Eurofound’s e-survey captures the situation of European respondents and their post-pandemic concerns. This factsheet outlines the most recent data on the main challenges faced by Europeans, with a particular emphasis on the rising cost of living, health and mental health, access to healthcare

13 January 2025

This report investigates the political dimensions of social cohesion in Europe, offering a 20-year perspective derived from 10 rounds of the European Social Survey. It scrutinises trends and regional variations in political participation, examining correlations with levels of institutional distrust

26 April 2024

The urban-rural divide in EU countries has grown in recent years, and the depopulation of certain rural areas in favour of cities is a challenge when it comes to promoting economic development and maintaining social cohesion and convergence.

18 October 2023

Le rapport examine l’évolution de la confiance des citoyens envers les institutions, y compris les gouvernements nationaux, l’UE, la science et les médias, au cours de la pandémie de COVID 19 en 2020 et 2021. Le rôle des médias est analysé, en particulier la relation entre l’utilisation des médias

16 November 2022

La qualité des institutions est un facteur clé pour parvenir à une convergence économique et sociale vers le haut dans l’UE car elle joue un rôle fondamental dans la croissance de l’économie, attire les investissements étrangers, garantit la mise en œuvre de politiques et de réformes et assure un

07 November 2022

Après une longue période de reprise au sortir de la crise économique (2007-2013), les jeunes de l’UE se sont révélés plus vulnérables aux effets des restrictions mises en place pour ralentir la propagation de la pandémie de COVID-19. Les jeunes étaient plus susceptibles que les groupes plus âgés de

09 November 2021

L’incertitude face à l’avenir ne cesse de croître dans la plupart des pays de l’UE depuis plus de dix ans. De nombreux citoyens pensent que la société est en déclin, d’où un sentiment général de pessimisme. Existe-t-il un lien entre la popularité grandissante des partis antisystèmes et le pessimisme

16 September 2021

Le présent rapport examine la répartition du patrimoine des ménages dans les États membres de l’UE et analyse le rôle du patrimoine dans la mobilité sociale. Fondé sur trois ensembles de données (la Household Finance and Consumption Survey, l’enquête sur la santé, le vieillissement et la retraite en

30 March 2021

Les données sur la qualité de vie montrent que, dans la plupart des pays, la capitale présente des atouts par rapport aux régions situées en dehors de la capitale. Compte tenu de la croissance continue de la population des capitales et de la concentration des ressources en leur sein, cette note d

27 January 2020

Demographic change, social progress and economic cycles have impacted household composition in Europe. This report provides an overview of household types in the European Union, how they have changed over the period 2007–2017 and how household type relates to outcomes in terms of living conditions a

19 December 2019

Online resources results (1)

European Quality of Life Survey 2016 New results for the EU candidate countries Event on Improving quality of life in Europe – Sharing data to shape better policies, 26 June 2018, Belgrade, Serbia Presentation by Tadas Leončikas, Senior Research Manager, Eurofound

26 juin 2018
Blogs results (4)

Today is Europe Day, and one hundred young people from Ireland and Ukraine will be marking the event at Eurofound, in peaceful south Dublin. Europe Day has traditionally been seen as a celebration of peace and unity in Europe, but, unfortunately, it must be marked differently this year. Europe Day 2

9 mai 2022

Vaccine acceptance is key to the success of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns worldwide. Worryingly, over a quarter of people living in Europe are hesitant about taking a COVID-19 vaccine, and the level of hesitancy is especially high among heavy users of social media. The spread of misinformation on s

23 juin 2021

Depopulation of rural areas and the concentration of employment and education opportunities in urban centres is a fact of modern life. What impact does this have on the quality of life of rural residents? Do they feel increasingly isolated, and what are the emerging trends? New research by Eurofound

8 mai 2019

Equality of opportunity and upward social mobility are important aspects of the European social model. Until quite recently concerns about rising inequalities were often countered by assurances about protecting social mobility, and the assertion that an individual’s status is mainly down to their wo

26 avril 2017


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