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Plaća i dohodak

Plaća i dohodak ključni su za radne odnose i kvalitetu života. To je pitanje dobilo još više pozornosti na razini EU-a zbog krizom izazvanih događaja u gospodarstvu i društvu u cjelini.


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EU context

Europski stup socijalnih prava utvrđuje obveze EU-a u pogledu plaća: pravo radnika na pravednu plaću koja osigurava pristojan životni standard; osiguravanje odgovarajućih minimalnih plaća; sprečavanje siromaštva unatoč zaposlenju.

Rad Eurofounda

Eurofound redovito izvješćuje o različitim aspektima plaće i dohotka u kontekstu promjenjivih gospodarskih okolnosti u cijeloj Europi.

Praćenje plaća

S pomoću Europskog opservatorija radnog vijeka (EurWORK) Eurofound objedinjuje cijeli niz podataka o plaćama. Redovitim izvješćivanjem dobiva se dulji niz zapažanja o kolektivno ugovorenoj plaći kako bi se mogli pratiti trendovi. Eurofound redovito objavljuje tematska izvješća o zajamčenim minimalnim plaćama i kolektivno ugovorenim plaćama. Eurofound prati razvoj događaja na nacionalnoj razini u odnosu na mehanizme za određivanje plaća, jednaku plaću, varijabilnu plaću, nisku plaću i razlike u plaćama među spolovima.

Profili zemalja u pogledu radnog vijeka sadržavaju podatke o plaćama na nacionalnoj razini i redovito se ažuriraju. EurWORK održava dvije baze podataka o plaćama (vidjeti izvore u nastavku).

Eurofoundov Europski centar za praćenje poslova (EJM) prema različitim kvalitativnim mjerama, uključujući plaću, procjenjuje promjene u zaposlenosti po poslovima. To posebno doprinosi našem znanju o pojavi polarizacije zapošljavanja, tj. o mjeri u kojoj postoji veća vjerojatnost da će rast zaposlenosti biti veći u zanimanjima koja su najviše, odnosno najmanje plaćena nego u zanimanjima u kojima su plaće srednje vrijednosti.

Rezultati istraživanja

Eurofoundova istraživanja prate i situaciju u EU-u u pogledu plaća. Plaća je ključan element u Eurofoundovu istraživanju o kvaliteti rada. U Europskom istraživanju o radnim uvjetima (EWCS) zarada je jedan od sedam pokazatelja kvalitete posla. Europsko istraživanje o radnim uvjetima izvješćuje i o razlikama u plaćama među spolovima. Istražite EWCS-ov interaktivni alat za vizualizaciju podataka .

Europsko istraživanje o kvaliteti života (EWCS) prati utjecaj dohotka na životni standard te istražuje kako je nejednakost u dohodcima povezana sa socijalnom kohezijom i dobrobiti. U njemu se analizira kako je gospodarska kriza utjecala na obitelji, pridajući posebnu pažnju obiteljima s niskim dohotkom, dugu kućanstava i skupinama koje su u riziku od siromaštva. U Europskom istraživanju o kvaliteti života prikupljaju se podatci i o dohotku u mirovini te mogućnostima produljenja radnog vijeka. Istražite EQLS-ov interaktivni alat za vizualizaciju podataka.

Europsko istraživanje o poduzećima (ECS) obuhvaća upotrebu sustava varijabilnih plaća u ustanovama, kao i kolektivne ugovore o plaćama svih zaposlenika tih ustanova. Istraživanje omogućava povezivanje podataka o varijabilnoj plaći i pregovaranju o plaćama s podacima o organizaciji rada, upravljanju ljudskim resursima, izravnom sudjelovanju zaposlenika i socijalnom dijalogu, kao i učinkovitosti i dobrobiti na radnom mjestu.

Key outputs


Godišnji pregled minimalnih plaća za 2023. pripremljen je u kontekstu dosad nezabilježene inflacije u cijeloj Europi. Iako je to dovelo do velikih povećanja nominalnih stopa plaća u brojnim zemljama, u...

29 lipnja 2023
Research report

U ovom se izvješću analizira raspodjela bogatstva kućanstava u državama članicama EU-a i uloga bogatstva u okviru društvene mobilnosti. Izvješće je usmjereno na bogatstvo po članu kućanstva i temelji se...

30 ožujka 2021
Research report

Current and ongoing research



Eurofound expert(s)


Christine Aumayr-Pintar is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. Her current research topics include minimum wages, collectively agreed wages and gender...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit

Carlos Vacas Soriano is a research manager in the Employment unit at Eurofound. He works on topics related to wage and income inequalities, minimum wages, low pay, job quality...

Research manager,
Employment research unit
Publications results (126)

Developments in Working Life in Europe is part of a series of annual reviews published by Eurofound and provides an overview of the latest developments in industrial relations and working conditions across the European Union and Norway.

05 September 2016

The use of supplementary employee reward systems has increased across Europe in recent decades, both in terms of the number of companies using them and the number of employees covered. Supplementary reward systems include performance-related pay, profit-sharing, payment by results and benefits in

01 September 2016

The German national statutory minimum wage for international truck drivers has caused considerable controversy. Some Member States fear it will damage the competitiveness of companies sending drivers to destinations via Germany. However, it is important to find a balance between promoting the free

16 June 2016

In 22 out of 28 EU Member States, there is a generally applicable statutory minimum wage and the level of this minimum wage varies greatly from one country to another. This article provides information on statutory minimum wage levels and how this is determined across the EU in January 2016.

29 January 2016

Temporary employment has increased since the 1980s in most European countries as a result of demands for greater flexibility in labour markets and subsequent reforms of employment protection legislation. This report presents a broad picture of temporary employment across the EU27 between 2001 and

15 December 2015

Collective bargaining systems in the EU have undergone a steady change since the end of the 1990s. But as businesses across Europe struggle to respond to intensifying global competition, pressure from employers for greater flexibility in collective bargaining is increasing, especially since the 2008

04 November 2015

Developments in Working Life in Europe is part of a series of annual reviews published by Eurofound and provides an overview of the latest developments in industrial relations and working conditions across the European Union and Norway

04 November 2015

Occupation is a critical factor in determining the type of working conditions a person will experience during their professional life. This report explores the working conditions of workers – particularly medium-to-low skilled and unskilled – in occupations that are found to have low levels of job

29 October 2015

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on aspects of public sector pay and collective bargaining in the EU during the third quarter of 2015. Its main focus is a growing trend of restored pay levels in public sector agreements. It also deals with the broadening scope

27 October 2015

National wage-bargaining institutions are crucial in achieving pay outcomes that help to increase employment and economic growth within the context of avoiding macroeconomic imbalances within the European Monetary Union. Using a large set of empirical macroeconomic data from a variety of sources

11 September 2015

Online resources results (920)

Working life in Slovenia

This profile describes the key characteristics of working life in Slovenia. It aims to provide the relevant background information on the structures, institutions and relevant regulations regarding working life.

Working life in Sweden

This profile describes the key characteristics of working life in Sweden. It aims to provide the relevant background information on the structures, institutions and relevant regulations regarding working life.

In this special episode of Eurofound Talks for International Women's Day 2024, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Carlos Vacas and Barbara Gerstenberger about the gender pay and employment gaps in Europe.

4 ožujka 2024

Working life in Moldova

Eurofound and the European Training Foundation have developed the first working life country profile for Moldova in recognition of its new status as an EU candidate country. The profile is intended to provide an overview of Moldova’s key socioeconomic characteristics and regulations to serve as a ba

Working life in Georgia

Eurofound and the European Training Foundation have developed the first working life country profile for Georgia, which is an EU candidate country. The profile is intended to provide an overview of Georgia’s key socioeconomic characteristics and regulations to serve as a background for its work t

Image of young women placing an order to a waiter in a cafe

Minimum wages in Belgium

Minimum wages in Belgium exist at national and sectoral levels and are the outcome of collective bargaining. The national minimum wage typically lags behind sectoral minimum wages in Belgium, and policymakers have been concerned about the relative decrease in the national minimum wage compared with


Cyprus introduces a national statutory minimum wage

On 31 August 2022, a new decree on minimum wages was published in Cyprus after a long and arduous process of negotiations and social dialogue. The ministerial decree, which came into effect on 1 January 2023, established a national minimum wage in Cyprus for the first time, a groundbreaking and cont


Minimum wage debate in Italy

Italy has no minimum wage prescribed by law. Minimum wages are set through collective agreements at sectoral level, and the majority of employees in Italy are covered by a collective bargaining agreement in which wages are set. This article outlines the latest positions (2023) of the government and


Minimum wage hikes struggle to offset inflation

As the EU economy advanced its recovery following the pandemic, the high rate of inflation throughout 2022 meant that wage setting actors made their decisions under a cloud of uncertainty. While nominal increases in statutory minimum wages reached an all-time high, minimum wage workers in most count

Blogs results (22)

Following a sluggish response by many Member States to introduce or modify gender pay transparency measures, as it recommended in 2014, the European Commission intends to table a proposal for EU-level legislation on pay transparency later in 2020. In this context, a new Eurofound study investigated

6 studenog 2020

As one of their ‘100 days in office’ initiatives, the new European Commission intends to propose an initiative for an EU minimum wage. The aim is that by 2024 every worker in the EU should earn a fair and adequate wage, no matter where they live.

15 siječnja 2020

The Socialist-led Spanish government that emerged last summer had, by the end of 2018, approved a hike in the statutory minimum wage. This was agreed with the left-wing Podemos party as part of an attempt to secure the parliamentary support needed for passing the proposed 2019 budget – although fail

17 srpnja 2019

Seniority entitlements have largely been on the decline since the 1990s, and have been gradually phased-out from legislation in Europe, as well as in collective agreements. However, it would be premature to dismiss seniority-based entitlements as a thing of the past, as they remain in force across E

17 travnja 2019

One year after Germany’s introduction of the Entgelttransparenzgesetz (Wage Transparency Act), the results are somewhat underwhelming. This law is Germany’s take on the European Commission’s recommendation on introducing pay transparency measures to combat the gender pay gap.

4 veljače 2019

Wages grew and wage inequality fell in most EU countries in 2015. Germany is not one of the countries where wages rose most, but it did have the largest reduction of wage inequality. Our analysis shows that the German minimum wage policy introduced in 2015 strongly lifted the wages of the lowest-pai

14 lipnja 2018

Measures to promote gender pay transparency haven’t been delivered yet in half of Europe – making EU level legislative action to speed up implementation an option. In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Christine Aumayr-Pintar details what we know about the measures from countries that ha

28 veljače 2018
Pay inequalities come back into focus in post-crisis Europe

The ability to make ends meet is a vital issue for many Europeans and an important priority for European policymakers. In the immediate aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis the initial focus was to mitigate and reverse job loss, particularly in the countries most affected. With employment back to p

3 studenog 2017

The Great Recession depressed real income levels across European countries. But the impact was very unequal across countries and income groups. Countries in the European periphery have been more affected than those in the core, halting the process of income convergence between European countries tha

23 lipnja 2017

EU-wide income inequality declined notably prior to 2008, driven by a strong process of income convergence between European countries. The Great Recession broke this trend. After 2008, income convergence has been sluggish, while inequality within many countries has increased significantly.

21 ožujka 2017

Data results (4)


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