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Living and working in Europe, Eurofound’s 2016 yearbook, provides a snapshot of developments and trends in the work and lives of Europeans as described in the research activities of Eurofound over 2016. Despite the strains on the European Union – slow economic recovery, rising euro-scepticism and the UK vote to leave the EU – Eurofound’s work reported much good news for its citizens in 2016. Full-time, permanent employment rose across all pay categories; the gender employment gap is narrowing and policy could narrow it further; working conditions have improved across many dimensions; more options around retirement are opening up for older workers; and many Member States have solid measures to ease the plight of asylum-seekers. While social developments, work and employment undeniably present challenges, Eurofound contributes to the EU’s capacity to address them through well-thought-out, evidenced-based policies. The yearbook is accompanied by the Consolidated annual activity report of the Authorising Officer for 2016, which is the Agency’s formal reporting on operations, staff and budgets - see Related content.

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