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Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars

Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars ir apmierinošs līdzsvara stāvoklis starp personas darba un privāto dzīvi. Labāka darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvara nodrošināšana darba ņēmēju dzīvē jau vairākus gadus ir bijis ES politikas mērķis, jo tas ir būtiski svarīgs faktors, kas jāņem vērā, lai nodrošinātu ilgtspējīgu darbu visiem. 


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In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...


EU context

Komisija 2017. gada 26. aprīlī ieviesa Eiropas sociālo tiesību pīlāra pasākumu kopumu. Tajā ir iekļauta iniciatīva, kas paredz atbalstīt darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvarošanu vecākiem un aprūpētājiem. Iniciatīvas mērķis ir paplašināt sieviešu līdzdalību darba tirgū, un tajā izklāstīti vairāki jauni vai uzlaboti obligātie standarti attiecībā uz vecāku, tēvu un aprūpētāju atvaļinājumiem.

Eurofound darbs

Datu vākšana

Eurofound Eiropas dzīves kvalitātes apsekojumi (EQLS) sniedz pārskatu par atšķirībām dalībvalstīs attiecībā uz darba un ģimenes dzīves līdzsvarošanu, elastīgu darba laika režīmu un kvalitatīvu aprūpes pakalpojumu nodrošināšanu. Eiropas uzņēmumu apsekojumi (ECS) sniedz datus par to, kādēļ un kā uzņēmumi izmanto daudzveidīgus darba laika režīmus. Eiropas darba apstākļu apsekojumos (EWCS) aplūkota darba laika organizācija ES un ar to saistītās problēmas, tostarp elastīgi režīmi, vēlamais darba laiks un darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars.

Eiropas Darba dzīves novērošanas centrs (EurWORK) sniedz informāciju par darba apstākļiem un ilgtspējīgu darbu, kā arī uztur algu, darba laika un kolektīvo strīdu datubāzi. Eurofound ir arī aprēķinājis vīriešu un sieviešu nodarbinātības atšķirību finansiālās un sociālās izmaksas un var piedāvāt informāciju par darbvietu izveidi aprūpes pakalpojumu jomā.

Datu vizualizācija

Izcēlums: Foundation Focus par risinājumiem darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvarošanai

2016. gada 23. decembris — Šis Foundation Focus izdevums veltīts darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvaram un dažiem faktoriem, kas palīdz vai traucē darba ņēmējiem apvienot darba un ārpusdarba dzīvi. Tā kā vidējais darba stundu skaits pakāpeniski samazinās, jājautā, vai darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars joprojām ir aktuāls temats. Kā Darba laika direktīva var palīdzēt, un kāda nozīme ir elastīgai darba laika politikai? Kāds īpašs atbalsts ir vajadzīgs tiem cilvēkiem, kuri aprūpē bērnus vai pieaugušos? Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars ir saistīts ar citiem dzīves aspektiem, tostarp vajadzību pēc kvalitatīvas bērnu aprūpes, tādējādi novēršot vīriešu un sieviešu nodarbinātības atšķirības un nodrošinot vecākus darba ņēmējus, kuri vairs nevar strādāt pilna laika darbu.
Darba un privātās dzīves līdzsvars — visiem pieņemami risinājumi

Key outputs


Digitālās tehnoloģijas ir sniegušas iespēju daudziem darba ņēmējiem veikt darbu jebkurā laikā un vietā, bet tam ir gan priekšrocības, gan trūkumi. Eurofound dati liecina, ka tāldarba veicējiem ir divreiz lielāks...

9 Septembris 2021
Research report

Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s...

3 Marts 2020
Research report

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update...

7 Februāris 2019
Customised report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (121)

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the furniture sector (NACE 31). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

13 March 2014

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the human health sector (NACE 86).1 It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34

04 March 2014

This report and the accompanying 33 sectoral information sheets aim to capture the diversity prevalent across sectors in Europe in terms of working conditions and job quality. The information sheets indicate how workers in each sector compare to the European average for all workers, as well as

04 March 2014

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the wholesale sector (NACE 46).1 It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

04 March 2014

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability for employees and the self-employed in the agro-food sector (NACE codes 10 and 11). It compares the situation in the sector with that in the EU28 as a whole. It is based mostly on the fifth

03 March 2014

In recent years, practices such as outsourcing and contracting-out have increasingly blurred the boundaries between dependent employment and self-employment. A new group of workers has emerged, which comprises workers who are formally ‘self-employed’, but present some characteristics of employees

29 September 2013

The report examines working time flexible arrangements implemented in five companies of the retail and automotive sector in Hungary and Belgium and the Netherlands using the case study methodology. The main aim of this research was to explore and show whether and under what conditions working time

11 August 2013

This background paper aims to give an overview of the effects that the lack of childcare and care facilities for other dependants has on the career choices and situation of young men and women in the labour market, with a particular focus on the effects of the crisis on the accessibility of those

14 July 2013
Customised report

The influence of parenting on the well-being and future opportunities of children is widely acknowledged, but it is only recently that parenting support and education have come to be viewed as a social investment that contributes towards reducing parental stress and helping parents to manage their

03 March 2013

Understanding how working time is organised and how this is impacting on balance of work versus private life is of fundamental importance. This general statement is very much in accordance with the main objective of the Europe 2020 employment strategy, stating that at least 75% of the population

05 February 2013

Online resources results (153)

Hungary: Effects of ban on Sunday trading

A ban on Sunday opening for shops, which came into effect in Hungary in March 2015, appears to have had no direct negative effect on the economy. Overall retail sales have remained steady, and there have been no major lay-offs or closures. Shops have offset the closures by staying open longer on all

Spain: State of play regarding work–life balance and working time in companies

The economic crisis and recent labour reforms in Spain have hindered the development of policies to help employees have a better work–life balance, according to a report released in March 2015. The report, backed by the CCOO union federation, examines existing rights concerning work–life balance and

Czech Republic: Conference highlights difficulties for carers in labour market participation

Research findings presented during a conference on informal caregivers in the Czech Republic revealed the difficulties that workers providing long-term care face in participating in the labour force due to a lack of flexible working regimes and part-time jobs.

UK: Opportunities for flexible working are increasing

Opportunities for flexible working are widely available in the UK and employers’ enthusiasm for the concept is increasing, a survey has shown. However, the government-funded survey has also provided a mixed picture of the awareness of these opportunities and of the use of recent statutory provisions

Estonia: Identifying ways to improve the parental leave system

This study looked at parental leave schemes and benefits in place in Estonia with a view to assessing how well the existing system meets the needs of parents and employers. The aim was to identify new solutions to support policy development and to suggest ways to change the system to support work

Germany: Family benefit rule changes encourage parents to share childcare duties

In November 2014, the German government remodelled its parental benefit scheme to promote part-time working for mothers and fathers. The reform is a further step towards refocusing the country's family dynamic from the typical male breadwinner model towards a Nordic dual-earner model.

France: Donation of leave to employees with seriously ill children

Certain French companies have traditionally allowed employees to donate some of their leave to colleagues with seriously ill children. This tradition is sometimes implemented informally and sometimes enshrined in a company-level labour agreement. The French National Assembly has now passed a law

France: A legal right to switch off from work

On 19 June 2013, France’s social partners adopted a national interprofessional agreement on well-being at work which encourages businesses to find ways of avoiding intrusion on employees' private lives by defining periods when devices can be switched off and no company emails will be sent. The aim

Italy: Work climate improves while job satisfaction declines

The third Quality of work survey report, published by Italy’s National Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training Employment and Social Policies (Isfol), provides both synthetic indicators and an accurate overview of the quality of work in Italy. It shows that while the work climate is

Blogs results (18)

The jury is still out on the question whether men and women are from distinct planets. When it comes to the world of work, however, they are worlds apart.

25 Oktobris 2023

Telework has become a permanent feature of working life in Europe. While we’ve seen the benefits of more flexible ways of working – particularly during the pandemic – the problems that arise from an increasingly connected life are also becoming clearer. Unfortunately, legislation alone may not be en

13 Jūlijs 2022

The pandemic has had differential impacts on women. Raised consciousness about them must be applied to advance gender equality in recovery measures. All crises have a strongly gendered impact and none more so than the current pandemic, across a range of indicators. While the virus itself seems to ta

28 Aprīlis 2021

​​​​​​​The decades-long trend of a narrowing gender employment gap in Europe has halted in recent years. Now the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting low-paying service sectors with a high share of social contact, including many with a majority of female workers, risking forcing them ou

9 Decembris 2020

Whatever the benefits of telework – and there are many, including more flexible working time, increased productivity and less commuting – there are drawbacks, as many of the one-third of Europeans who were exclusively working from home during the pandemic will attest. Primary among these is the ‘alw

3 Decembris 2020

The COVID-19 health crisis prompted governments to take the unprecedented step of shutting down all workplaces, apart from those providing essential goods and services, to control the spread of the virus. Every worker who was able to do so began to work from home, initiating a social experiment of a

9 Jūnijs 2020

​​​​​​​While women appear to be more resilient than men to COVID-19 in terms of health outcomes, that is not the case when it comes to the economic and social fallout. Measures taken by governments to control the spread of the virus are exacerbating gender divides in unemployment, domestic labour an

3 Jūnijs 2020

Data results (3)
27 Oktobris 2023
Reference period:
24 Oktobris 2023
Reference period:


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