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Pārmaiņu ietekmes paredzēšana un pārvaldība

Pārmaiņu ietekmes paredzēšana un pārvaldība ir viena no sešām galvenajām darbībām Eurofound darba programmā 2021.–2024. gadam. Eurofound sniegs pierādījumus par strukturālajām norisēm, kas ietekmē ES ekonomiku un darba tirgus un ko virza galvenokārt digitalizācija un pāreja uz oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku, kā arī Covid-19 krīze. Pētījumu mērķis ir palīdzēt politikas veidotājiem paredzēt pārmaiņas un parūpēties, lai Eiropas darba tirgi un darbavietas būtu tām gatavi.

Sākot ar 2021. gadu, Eurofound sniegs ieskatu par šo megatendenču ietekmi uz dzīves un darba apstākļiem Eiropas Savienībā. Digitalizācijas jomā tiks pētīta galvenokārt ietekme uz nodarbinātību un darba apstākļiem, kā arī uz darba tirgu. Tiks aptvertas tādas jomas kā sociālais dialogs un tā nozīme strukturālo pārmaiņu veidošanā, tiesiskais regulējums, sociālā aizsardzība un mākslīgais intelekts. Pamatojoties uz iepriekšējiem pētījumiem par platformu darbu, 2021.–2024. gadā būs iespējams pievērsties politikas iniciatīvām platformu darbā konstatēto problēmu risināšanai, apzinot tās un izvērtējot to efektivitāti.

Eurofound arī centīsies atbalstīt ES pāreju uz oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku, tostarp aprites ekonomiku, un ES atveseļošanas instrumenta „ NextGenerationEU” īstenošanu, pētot sociālekonomisko ietekmi. Tostarp tiks pētītas pārmaiņas nodarbinātībā, darbvietu un darba apstākļu pārveide, kā arī klimata pārmaiņu politikas distributīvā ietekme. Daļēji šis darbs tiks balstīts uz rezultātiem, kas gūti Eurofound īstenotajā izmēģinājuma projektā par rūpniecības nākotni (FOME) .

Lai turpinātu iesākto darbu 2021.–2024. gadā, Eurofound sadarbosies ar dažādām starptautiskām organizācijām un ES aģentūrām, piemēram, ar Eiropas Vides aģentūru (EVA) klimata pārmaiņu politikas sociālās ietekmes jomā. Turklāt tiks stiprināta pašreizējā sadarbība ar citām organizācijām, kas veic pētījumus digitalizācijas jomā – Kopīgo pētniecības centru (JRC), Pamattiesību aģentūru (FRA) un Eiropas Darba drošības un veselības aizsardzības aģentūru (EU-OSHA ). Ir arī paredzēts turpināt partnerību ar Starptautisko Darba organizāciju (SDO) par mainīgo darba pasauli.

„ES ekonomiku un darba tirgus raksturo megatendenču ietekme, jo īpaši digitalizācija un pāreja uz oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku. Ir svarīgi izpētīt, kā tieši notiek šie pārkārtojumi, kas mainās un kā tas ietekmēs ne tikai uzņēmumus, bet arī darbaspēku un sabiedrību.”

Irēne Mandla, Nodarbinātības nodaļas vadītāja


Recent updates


Regulatory responses to algorithmic management in the EU

Since 2013, Eurofound's ERM database on restructuring-related legislation has been documenting regulatory developments in the Member States of the European Union and Norway. The most recent update to the database...


Not only do we need appropriate policy measures to drive the shift to a carbon-neutral economy, we also need sound policy to ensure no one is left behind – we...


Galvenie politikas vēstījumi


Galvenie secinājumi, kas izriet no Eurofound pētījumiem, palīdz politikas veidotājiem risināt dažas no būtiskākajām problēmām šajā jomā.

  • Ir ļoti svarīgi atbalstīt darba devējus un darba ņēmējus laikā, kad notiek divējādā pārkārtošanās uz digitālo laikmetu un oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku. Papildus šīm strukturālajām norisēm milzīgs izaicinājums Eiropas ekonomikai un darba tirgum ir Covid-19 pandēmija.
  • Eiropas tirgos rodas un aizvien vairāk izplatās jauni nodarbinātības veidi, piemēram, platformu darbs un uz IKT balstīts mobilais darbs. Plaša IKT izmantošana sekmē šos nodarbinātības veidus, kurus raksturo jauna veida darba attiecības starp darba devēju un darba ņēmēju, mainīgi darba organizācijas un darba veikšanas modeļi. Tie radīs gan iespējas, gan riskus ES darba tirgiem, kuriem Covid-19 pandēmijas apstākļos jāveic gan pāreja uz oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku, gan digitālā pārveide.
  • Digitālās tehnoloģijas maina darbu un darba vietu, ienesot darba tirgū pārmaiņas, piemēram, pārstrukturēšanu un darbvietu zaudēšanu, bet sāk rasties arī jauni amati. Ražošanas un pakalpojumu sniegšanas digitalizācijas dēļ mainās arī darba pienākumi. Līdz ar to rodas pieprasījums pēc citādām prasmēm.
  • Būs svarīgi pētīt kopīgās sekas, ko izraisīs digitalizācija un pāreja uz oglekļneitrālu ekonomiku pēc Covid-19 pandēmijas, un mijiedarbību, abām kopā vairojot rezultātus vai vienas pārejas pozitīvajai ietekmei mīkstinot otras negatīvo ietekmi.
  • Eiropas uzņēmumu konkurētspēju un darbvietu kvalitāti var uzlabot potenciāls radīt, vākt un izmantot lielu datu apjomu, kura pamatā ir tehnoloģiju attīstība. Tomēr, lai izvairītos no neatbilstošas izmantošanas un neētiskas rīcības, ir svarīgi izskaidrot tādus jautājumus kā datu īpašumtiesības un datu aizsardzība un nodrošināt labu regulējumu un tā ievērošanu.

2021–2024 work plan

From 2021 onwards, Eurofound will provide insights into the impact of these megatrends on living and working conditions in the EU. In the area of digitalisation, research will focus on the impact on employment and working conditions, as well as on the labour market. Areas to be covered will include social dialogue and its role in shaping structural change, regulatory frameworks, social protection and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Building on previous research on platform work, the 2021–2024 period will be an opportunity to focus on mapping and providing an assessment of the effectiveness of policy initiatives in tackling the challenges identified with platform work.

Eurofound will also aim to support the EU’s transition to a carbon-neutral economy, including the circular economy and the implementation of the EU’s recovery instrument NextGenerationEU, by investigating the socioeconomic effects. These include employment shifts and the transformation of jobs and working conditions, as well as the distributional impact of climate change policies. Some of this work will build on the results of a pilot project on the future of manufacturing (FOME) carried out by Eurofound.

To continue this work in 2021–2024, Eurofound will cooperate with various international organisations and EU agencies, for example with the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the area of social impacts of climate change policies. Furthermore, existing collaboration with other research actors in the fields of digitalisation – the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) – will be consolidated. Further partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) is also foreseen on the subject of the changing world of work.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action to address the transitions to both a carbon-neutral economy and the digital age in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as helping to understand the impact of these changes at EU and national levels. For example, research on the impact of these drivers of change on the workplace level will provide insight into how to best support employers and workers so they can seize the opportunities and mitigate the challenges related to these developments. Eurofound’s research will also seek to support businesses in their efforts to adapt to a constantly evolving global economy. Furthermore, the examination of the distributional impacts of climate change policies and of measures to ensure social justice will provide knowledge to help implement the Just Transition Fund. The monitoring of reforms and recent financial support will also allow for an exchange of policy approaches and lessons learned.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines for 2021–2024, feeding directly into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support the following Commission priorities:


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues its research on the impact of digitalisation and the transition to a climate-neutral economy on working life. 

Various research strands linked with the digital and green transitions come to completion. This includes research into the impact of new developments in human–machine interaction on work organisation and working conditions. Research concludes on the impact of changes caused by the twin transitions at the sectoral level, focusing on the transformation of business activities, occupational and skill profiles, work organisation and working conditions. And analysis wraps up on the roles, opportunities and challenges of policy actors in the just transition, examining the design and implementation of Just Transition policies at the regional level, their mechanisms and the actors involved. 

Research continues on the impact of the green and digital transitions on the labour market and labour market actors with a project to explore company restructuring approaches and their ongoing adaptation strategies. Further research takes place on the socioeconomic impact of the transition to a carbon-neutral economy, monitoring the employment and social dimension of the green transition.

New research focuses on how managers’ roles and functions are impacted by the increase in telework and the shift towards more hybrid working in terms of challenges and opportunities.

The ongoing monitoring of the developments in the platform economy continues through Eurofound’s regularly updated web repository. Building on previous studies on platform work and the ongoing monitoring of policies and measures with regard to platform work through the web repository, new research focuses on the working conditions of online platform workers. This work aims to explore the characteristics of online platform workers and how they fare in relation to contractual arrangements and job quality, including pay, work intensity, working time, occupational health and safety, social environment and career prospects. It also explores the career goals of platform workers. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 Janvāris 2024
Work programme

2022. gads aizsākās ar piesardzīgu optimismu. Eiropa atguvās no diviem Covid-19 pandēmijas gadiem, un NextGenerationEU nāca klajā ar atveseļošanas plānu, kas veido spēcīgu un ilgtspējīgu nākotni. Krievijas uzbrukums Ukrainai gada...

4 Maijs 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Tina Weber is a research manager in Eurofound’s Working Life unit. Having previously shared her time between the Employment and Working Life units, her work has focused on labour...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (64)

In this report, we provide projections of how the Fit for 55 policy package may affect the sectoral and occupational structure of employment in the EU by 2030, and the impacts across different regions and countries.

25 October 2023

Automation and digitisation technologies, including artificial intelligence, are rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly powerful and pervasive. The full range of their effects in the workplace is yet to be seen. It is, however, important not only to explore the ethical implications of digital te

12 September 2023

Šajā ziņojumā ir pētīta ES dalībvalstu vides aizsardzības veiktspējas dinamika un tas, cik lielā mērā kopš 21. gadsimta sākuma ir samazinājušās atšķirības starp dalībvalstīm. Šis ziņojums ir Eurofound un Eiropas Vides aģentūras sadarbības rezultāts, kurā Eurofound un Eiropas Vides aģentūras

03 August 2023

ES pārejai uz klimatneitrālu ekonomiku ir nepieciešama kā minimums tīra rūpniecības revolūcija. Šajā ziņojumā, izmantojot prognozēšanas pieeju, ir izpētīta šādu fundamentālu pārmaiņu iespējamā sociālekonomiskā ietekme uz dažādiem Eiropas reģioniem un iedzīvotāju grupām. Lai labāk izprastu jauno

19 June 2023

The rise of the platform economy during the last decade is one of the main disrupting forces for European labour markets. While standard employment remains the norm, platforms are expanding their reach and diversifying into novel business models. In doing so, they are also attracting an increasing n

16 May 2023

2022. gads aizsākās ar piesardzīgu optimismu. Eiropa atguvās no diviem Covid-19 pandēmijas gadiem, un NextGenerationEU nāca klajā ar atveseļošanas plānu, kas veido spēcīgu un ilgtspējīgu nākotni. Krievijas uzbrukums Ukrainai gada sākumā kardināli mainīja situāciju, taču radīja jaunus satricinājumus

04 May 2023

Ziņojumā aplūkoti ticami un iedomājami scenāriji, kuros analizēts, kā tāldarbs un hibrīddarbs ES varētu attīstīties līdz 2035. gadam, un to ietekme uz darba pasauli. Cik gatavi ir vadītāji un darbinieki, darba devēju organizācijas un arodbiedrības, kā arī politikas veidotāji, lai šie darba

28 April 2023

This paper presents an analytical summary of current academic and policy literature on the impact of climate change and policies to manage the transition to a carbon-neutral economy on four key domains: employment, working conditions, social dialogue and living conditions. It maps the main empirical

12 April 2023

Banku mazumtirdzniecības pakalpojumu nozare ir auglīgs pamats, lai pētītu digitalizācijas ietekmi uz darbu un nodarbinātību. Finanšu pakalpojumi arvien vairāk tiek sniegti tiešsaistē bez klientu apkalpošanas iestāžu starpniecības. Daudzas bankas šajā nozarē kopš pasaules finanšu krīzes ir

26 September 2022

Digitisation and automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), can affect working conditions in a variety of ways and their use in the workplace raises a host of new ethical concerns. Recently, the policy debate surrounding these concerns has become more prominent and has

30 May 2022

Online resources results (48)

Czech Republic: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Continued growth in the Czech economy, staff shortages in the social services sector, the tightening of agency employment rules and legislative measures to regulate Uber are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the

Denmark: Latest working life developments – Q2 2017

Recommendations to position Denmark as a digital frontrunner in Europe, legislative proposals for health and safety and the terms of reference of the working environment committee are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life

Italy: New rules to protect self-employed workers and regulate ICT-based mobile work

Italy’s parliament has approved new legislation giving protection to self-employed workers and regulating ICT-based mobile work. Employer organisations have generally welcomed it, but unions criticise the legislation for its weak wording, the limited leeway left to collective bargaining, and for the

Germany: Working time back on the social partners' agenda

Working time is set to be a high priority during the next collective bargaining round, according to the German Metalworkers’ Union (IG Metall), whose recent survey looked at working time satisfaction. Another survey, by the Federation of German Employers’ Associations in the Metal and Electrical

Spain: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

The inability of the national social partners to agree salary recommendations; digital disconnection after working hours; and the effects of the increase in the minimum wage on employment are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in

France: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Preparations for the presidential election and a revival of national social dialogue with the signing of a new collective agreement on the unemployment insurance scheme are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in France

Czech Republic: Latest working life developments – Q1 2017

Employers requesting government help in hiring foreign labour, plus government attempts to deal with the fourth industrial revolution and the digitalisation of the economy, are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the

United Kingdom: Latest working life developments – Q4 2016

The latest developments on Brexit, the government’s review of the ‘future world of work’, the tribunal victory for Uber drivers and the strikes in December are the main topics of interest in this article. This country update reports on the latest developments in working life in the UK in the fourth

France: First company-level agreement on digital transformation signed at Orange

The new agreement signed by Orange and three trade unions contains measures designed to achieve a level-playing field for employees and to avoid ‘over-consumption’ of digital tools, a key element being respect for work–life balance with a guaranteed ‘right to switch off’.

Germany: Social partner and research perspectives on digitalisation

In April 2015, the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) published a Green Paper looking at digitalisation and the effects of this on the labour market, the workforce and society. German social partners have also contributed their perspectives regarding potential employment

Blogs results (27)

Not only do we need appropriate policy measures to drive the shift to a carbon-neutral economy, we also need sound policy to ensure no one is left behind – we need to ensure a just transition.

2 Maijs 2024

‘Building back better’ is not just an empty slogan – we need the construction sector to help us achieve our climate targets. Eurofound research reveals that construction is where the Fit for 55 climate policy package will generate the most net new employment.

4 Decembris 2023

The platform economy is one of those moving targets, which, despite receiving increasing media and policy attention, has proven difficult to regulate. Given the heterogeneity of employment relationships, business models, types of platform work and cross-border issues, this is not surprising. Yet, in

27 Septembris 2022

Rising energy prices are putting more people under increased financial pressure and at greater risk of energy poverty. In this data story, we take a closer look at the data from the fifth round of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey to explore the extent of the issue and the threat of energy p

3 Augusts 2022

Telework has become a permanent feature of working life in Europe. While we’ve seen the benefits of more flexible ways of working – particularly during the pandemic – the problems that arise from an increasingly connected life are also becoming clearer. Unfortunately, legislation alone may not be en

13 Jūlijs 2022

The answer is yes – potentially. Assessing the environmental benefits of telework is a complex task, because any move to work from home involves a series of changes in individuals’ daily lives and activities, as well as company-level decisions, that may positively or negatively influence the level o

23 Jūnijs 2022

Whether it is couch surfing, baby-sitting, pizza delivery or getting Ikea furniture assembled by somebody who can do it better, platforms can mediate all kinds of voluntary or professional services. Platform work is at the heart of the ‘sharing economy’. But while this may sound like a new form of

31 Marts 2022

The advent of AI has far more consequences for how work is organised, performed and valued than any previous technological revolution. In order to make the most of this digital transformation we need inclusive and nuanced policy debates on its employment effects and how to future-proof policies: we

8 Decembris 2021

COVID-19 has shown that some things can hit us out of the blue. The pandemic sent a shockwave through businesses all over the world and has brought massive changes to work organisation, internal communication and day-to-day operations for many companies. Doubtless, the depth of the pandemic’s impact

21 Jūnijs 2021

On 9 May, the Conference on the Future of Europe will get underway. Floated well before the COVID-19 outbreak, its timing in the wake of the seismic shifts precipitated by the pandemic, and its implementation alongside the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, means that the outcomes could b

4 Maijs 2021


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