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The November 2005 issue of Communiqué contains the following articles: Director's diary; Launch of Foundation Focus; European industrial relations dictionary; Research and news in brief; Latest events and publications.

27 September 2005

Existing business models and strategies can be threatened by changing circumstances and a long and painful adaptation process is often involved. There is a clear need to improve the capacity of companies to anticipate and prepare for future change at the earliest interval. This info sheet provides

25 September 2005
Information sheet

In September 1994, the Council of Ministers decided on a Directive on the establishment of a European Works Council for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (94/45/EC). The emergence of European Works Councils (EWCs) is a major part of the development of an industrial relations system

14 September 2005

This report documents the rationale for changing attitudes to older workers, and assesses initiatives, in both public and private sectors, to combat age barriers in employment.

14 September 2005

Company restructuring is a contemporary solution to managing and anticipating change. During the 1990s, company restructurings became a feature of the European economic landscape. Still today, firms must continually adapt to market trends and pressures in order to maintain a competitive advantage

12 September 2005

In September 1994, the Council of Ministers decided on a Directive on the establishment of a European Works Council for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (94/45/EC). The emergence of European Works Councils (EWCs) is a major part of the development of an industrial relations system

09 September 2005

In September 1994, the Council of Ministers decided on a Directive on the establishment of a European Works Council for the purposes of informing and consulting employees (94/45/EC). The emergence of European Works Councils (EWCs) is a major part of the development of an industrial relations system

09 September 2005

EMCC exchange events provide a unique opportunity to bring together all actors involved in change to discuss issues of common interest in an open and informal way. The exchange events provide participants with an opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and also aim to promote a better

09 September 2005
Information sheet

This report examines the most important challenges faced by the national social partners in the iron and steel industry in 16 European countries. It focuses on the internationalisation of the industry and the cross-border mergers and acquisitions that have accompanied this transformation. It looks

07 September 2005

The August 2005 issue of Communiqué contains the following articles: Strong link between restructuring and job creation; Lack of training opportunities among nonpermanent workers; Juggling work and family; Greater stability in Europe’s steel sector; Swedes are happy with life and local environment

31 August 2005