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Równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym

Równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym to zadowalający stan równowagi między pracą a życiem prywatnym jednostki. Zapewnienie pracownikom lepszej równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym w całym cyklu życia jest od wielu lat celem polityki UE, ponieważ ma to kluczowe znaczenie w zapewnieniu wszystkim zrównoważonej pracy. 


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound Research Manager Tina Weber about new research on the right to disconnect, the evolution of the right to disconnect...


EU context

Dnia 26 kwietnia 2017 r. Komisja uruchomiła pakiet Europejskiego filaru praw socjalnych. Obejmuje on inicjatywę na rzecz wspierania równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym rodziców i opiekunów. Inicjatywa ta ma na celu rozwiązanie kwestii niedostatecznej obecności kobiet na rynku pracy oraz określa szereg nowych lub udoskonalonych minimalnych norm dotyczących urlopu rodzicielskiego, ojcowskiego i opiekuńczego.

Działalność Eurofound

Gromadzenie danych

W ramach europejskich badań jakości życia (EQLS) Eurofound dokonuje porównania państw pod względem godzenia pracy i życia rodzinnego, elastycznych rozwiązań w zakresie czasu pracy oraz świadczenia wysokiej jakości usług opieki. Europejskie badania przedsiębiorstw (ECS) dostarczają danych na temat tego, jak przedsiębiorstwa wykorzystują szerokie zróżnicowanie rozwiązań w zakresie czasu pracy. Europejskie badania warunków pracy (EWCS) dotyczą organizacji czasu pracy w krajach UE oraz związanych z nią spraw, w tym elastycznych rozwiązań, preferencji w zakresie czasu pracy oraz równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym.

Europejskie Obserwatorium Życia Zawodowego (EurWORK) dostarcza danych na temat warunków pracy oraz trwałej pracy, w tym bazę danych dotyczących wynagrodzeń, czasu pracy i sporów zbiorowych. Eurofound oszacowała również koszty gospodarcze i społeczne zróżnicowania poziomu zatrudnienia ze względu na płeć i może udostępniać informacje na temat tworzenia zatrudnienia w usługach opieki.

Wizualizacja danych

Główny temat: Foundation Focus na temat rozwiązań w dziedzinie równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym

23 grudnia 2016 r. – To wydanie Foundation Focus dotyczy równowagi między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym oraz niektórych czynników, które pomagają lub przeszkadzają pracownikom w łączeniu życia zawodowego z życiem prywatnym. Jako że długość średniego czasu pracy stale maleje, w numerze tym pojawia się pytanie, czy równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym nadal ma znaczenie. W czym może pomóc dyrektywa w sprawie czasu pracy i jaką rolę ma polityka elastycznych rozwiązań w zakresie czasu pracy? Jakiego konkretnego wsparcia potrzebują osoby odpowiedzialne za opiekę nad dziećmi lub dorosłymi? Równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym jest związana z innymi aspektami życia, w tym z potrzebą wysokiej jakości opieki nad dziećmi, rozwiązaniami w dziedzinie zróżnicowania poziomu zatrudnienia ze względu na płeć oraz sporządzaniem przepisów dotyczących starszych pracowników, którzy nie mogą kontynuować pracy w pełnym wymiarze godzin.
Równowaga między życiem zawodowym a prywatnym: Tworzenie rozwiązań dla wszystkich

Key outputs


Gender inequality at work persists across Europe, despite the long standing attention paid and efforts made to tackle it. This Eurofound report presents a closer look at women’s and men’s...

3 Marzec 2020
Research report

In the context of ongoing negotiations at EU level on adopting a work–life balance package for families and caregivers, Eurofound was requested by the European Commission to provide an update...

7 luty 2019
Customised report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Jorge Cabrita is a senior research manager in the Working Life unit. He is responsible for formulating, coordinating and managing European-wide research, and promoting the...

Senior research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (121)

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on aspects of working time in the EU during the first quarter of 2014. Work–life balance and weekend working are the main focus of this report.

18 February 2015

This article presents some of the key developments and research findings on health and well-being in workplaces in the EU during the second quarter of 2014. The new strategic framework on health and safety, work–life balance, patterns of sick leave and initiatives to combat violence and harassment

18 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the activities of households as employers of domestic personnel sector (NACE 97), referred to here as the households as employers sector.

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in administrative and support services activities (NACE78–82). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the transport and storage sector (NACE 49 to 53). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the insurance sector (NACE 65). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the financial services sector, covering the subsectors of banking (NACE 64), insurance (NACE 65), and activities auxiliary to banking and insurance (NACE 66). It is based mostly on the fifth

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the motor vehicles sector (NACE 45). It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the manufacturing sector. It is based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work across 34 European

09 February 2015

This report gives an overview of working conditions, job quality, workers’ health and job sustainability in the industrial cleaning sector (NACE 81). The findings are based mostly on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which gathers data on working conditions and the quality of work

14 November 2014

Online resources results (153)

Balancing work and family life

A recent report on new trends in human resource management published by DBM Spain [1], an international human resources consultancy, presents the findings of a study carried out on a representative sample of Spanish companies covering all size categories and economic sectors. According to the report

Enhancing the well-being of miners

The increase in world market prices of metals and minerals can be seen today in the strong growth of the mining industry in Finland. The mining and metallurgy industry employs about 20,000 people, making the country one of the biggest producers of metals and industrial minerals in the European Union

EU Level: Reconciliation of work, private and family life in the European Union

The reconciliation of work, private and family life is a key area for European employment policy, which aims to increase the participation of both men and women in the labour market and to encourage initiatives to support the health and well-being of employees. This survey data report examines

Effects of shift work in the Norwegian petroleum industry on family and social life

Operations in the petroleum industry require continuous shift schedules. Although some health effects are known to result from shift work, less is known about its effect on the social and family life of the workers.

Key elements of fair employment and decent work

The report, Closing the gap in a generation: Health equity through action on the social determinants of health (7.29Mb PDF) [1], issued by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health in 2008, states that: [1]

Impact of recession on Millennials’ career expectations

The entry into the workforce of large numbers of the Millennial generation (those born between 1980 and 2000) over the last decade or so has given them the power to reshape the rules of play at work. As a result, practitioners have become increasingly interested in this new generation. A study

Checks on efforts to reconcile work and family life

In 2009, the National Labour Inspectorate (NIP [1]) carried out checks on employers’ compliance with the law on the creation of suitable conditions for harmonisation of work and family life in Slovakia. These checks were generally aimed at ensuring compliance with working conditions [2] as defined

Poverty, social exclusion and single parent families

The research project, ‘Integrating children’s perspectives in policy-making to combat poverty and social exclusion experienced by single parent families: a transnational comparative approach’, compared social exclusion and poverty in Cyprus, Greece and the UK as they relate to single parent families

More measures needed to attract people to teaching

The initial results of a comprehensive study (in Dutch, 398Kb PDF) [1] on teaching as a career have been published. The study was undertaken by the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB [2]) and the University of Antwerp (Universiteit Antwerpen [3]), and was commissioned by the Flemish Minister of Work

Differences in corporate family policies between MNC HQ and Czech subsidiary

At the turn of 2006 and 2007, the Department of Gender and Sociology of the Sociological Institute of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic (Sociologický ústav Akademie věd ČR [1]) carried out a research project, which sought to reveal employees’ work-life balance [2] conditions, and the

Blogs results (18)

The jury is still out on the question whether men and women are from distinct planets. When it comes to the world of work, however, they are worlds apart.

25 Październik 2023

Telework has become a permanent feature of working life in Europe. While we’ve seen the benefits of more flexible ways of working – particularly during the pandemic – the problems that arise from an increasingly connected life are also becoming clearer. Unfortunately, legislation alone may not be en

13 Lipiec 2022

The pandemic has had differential impacts on women. Raised consciousness about them must be applied to advance gender equality in recovery measures. All crises have a strongly gendered impact and none more so than the current pandemic, across a range of indicators. While the virus itself seems to ta

28 Kwiecień 2021

​​​​​​​The decades-long trend of a narrowing gender employment gap in Europe has halted in recent years. Now the COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately affecting low-paying service sectors with a high share of social contact, including many with a majority of female workers, risking forcing them ou

9 Grudzień 2020

Whatever the benefits of telework – and there are many, including more flexible working time, increased productivity and less commuting – there are drawbacks, as many of the one-third of Europeans who were exclusively working from home during the pandemic will attest. Primary among these is the ‘alw

3 Grudzień 2020

The COVID-19 health crisis prompted governments to take the unprecedented step of shutting down all workplaces, apart from those providing essential goods and services, to control the spread of the virus. Every worker who was able to do so began to work from home, initiating a social experiment of a

9 Czerwiec 2020

​​​​​​​While women appear to be more resilient than men to COVID-19 in terms of health outcomes, that is not the case when it comes to the economic and social fallout. Measures taken by governments to control the spread of the virus are exacerbating gender divides in unemployment, domestic labour an

3 Czerwiec 2020

Data results (3)
27 Październik 2023
Reference period:
24 Październik 2023
Reference period:


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