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Em resposta à guerra da Rússia contra a Ucrânia, a UE ativou a sua Diretiva de Proteção Temporária (DPT) às pessoas apátridas em fuga, permitindo-lhes instalar-se na UE e aceder aos serviços públicos básicos e ao mercado de trabalho. Até à primavera de 2023, mais de 4,5 milhões de pessoas tinham utilizado a DPT ou regimes de proteção nacionais semelhantes na UE. Em 2022, a Agência dos Direitos Fundamentais da União Europeia realizou um inquérito em linha entre pessoas deslocadas da Ucrânia. A Eurofound analisou os resultados do inquérito sobre as suas experiências quando procuram aceder ao emprego. O presente documento destaca as principais barreiras com que as pessoas deslocadas se depararam e sugere formas de facilitar a sua inclusão.

The research paper contains the following lists of tables and figures.

List of tables

  • Table 1: Key characteristics of the online survey respondents (numbers and (weighted) proportions)
  • Table 2: Respondents’ reasons for not being in paid employment

List of figures

  • Figure 1: Host language proficiency of the respondents, by country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 2: Contract types among respondents in employment in their host country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 3: Barriers reported by respondents who have looked for a job in a host country (%, weighted)
  • Figure 4: Probability of experiencing at least one barrier while seeking employment, by gender, age group, education level, financial situation and language skills
  • Figure 5: Proportion of respondents who experienced labour market barriers while seeking employment, by barrier and age group (%)
  • Figure 6: Proportion of respondents who experienced labour market barriers while seeking employment, by barrier and educational attainment (%)
  • Figure 7: Share of respondents who mentioned self-reported barriers among those not in paid work, by country (%)
  • Figure 8: Share of self-reported barriers among those not in paid work, by barrier and age category (%)
  • Figure 9: Share of self-reported barriers among those respondents not in paid work, by barrier and educational attainment (%)
  • Figure 10: Probability of perceiving at least one barrier to entering the labour market, by age, educational attainment, gender, financial situation and language skill groups
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