This report focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits for people of working age. Individuals with short or no employment records (mainly young people), the self-employed, those with non-standard working arrangements, and the long-term unemployed are often not entitled to higher-tier, or
This report focuses on the challenges that the EU Member States and Norway face when receiving and integrating refugees who fled Ukraine after Russia’s invasion in February 2022. It investigates their labour market integration and access to and experiences with public services that are crucial for
Ca răspuns la războiul purtat de Rusia împotriva Ucrainei, UE a activat Directiva privind protecția temporară (DPT) pentru persoanele care au fugit din țară, permițându-le să se stabilească în UE și să aibă acces la serviciile publice de bază și la piața muncii. Până în primăvara anului 2023, peste
In collecting information on essential services, the European Commission requested Eurofound to provide input on certain aspects of existing and planned measures in the Member States to improve access to essential services in reference to Principle 20 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. For thi
Acest raport surprinde impactul crizei provocate de pandemia de COVID-19 asupra calității vieții cetățenilor în vârstă, inclusiv asupra bunăstării, situației financiare, ocupării forței de muncă și incluziunii sociale a acestora. Raportul analizează efectele asupra utilizării serviciilor de
Prin Pactul verde european, UE pune în mișcare un set de politici și măsuri care vizează prevenirea și atenuarea efectelor schimbărilor climatice. Obiectivul principal este angajarea în tranziția către o economie neutră din punct de vedere climatic. Totuși, aceste politici climatice atât de necesare
This report addresses the problem of household over-indebtedness, which is broadly defined as being unable to make payments related to regular commitments.
This compendium of articles presents a snapshot of some of Eurofound’s most recent research, and highlights important 21st-century trends in quality of life and working conditions throughout the EU. It is organised around the six priority areas set out by the new European Commission for a transition
Depopulation of rural areas and the concentration of employment and education opportunities in urban centres is a fact of modern life. What impact does this have on the quality of life of rural residents? Do they feel increasingly isolated, and what are the emerging trends? New research by Eurofound
Monday 18 December is International Migrants Day. In the following blog piece Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés and Research Manager Klára Fóti look at new developments in migration policy and practice in the EU, and the need to build clear paths to the labour market for Europe’s new migrants.
The refugee crisis has posed significant challenges for Europe – we have not seen such a large-scale migration of people since the Second World War. The exodus from war-torn regions initially posed a humanitarian challenge for frontline countries such as Greece and Italy. However, the longer term ch