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Populacija NEET

Zmanjševanje brezposelnosti mladih in prizadevanje za učinkovito vključevanje čim več mladih v Evropi na trg dela, sta v središču programa politike EU. Gospodarska kriza je privedla do visokih stopenj brezposelnosti mladih in s tem do izključenosti med mladimi. Raziskovalci in vladni uradniki ob upoštevanju navedenega iščejo nove načine spremljanja in analiziranja razširjenosti ranljivosti na trgu dela in izključenosti med mladimi. 

Izraz NEET se uporablja za poimenovanje mladih, ki niso zaposleni, se ne izobražujejo ali usposabljajo


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.


During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it...

21 Maj 2024
Research report

EU context

Pojem se od leta 2010 široko uporablja kot kazalnik za zagotavljanje informacij za politike, osredotočene na mlade, o zaposljivosti, izobraževanju, usposabljanju in tudi socialni vključenosti v državah članicah EU-28. 

Izraz NEET je bil prvič izrecno omenjen v razpravah o evropski politiki v vodilni pobudi strategije Evropa 2020 „Mladi in mobilnost“. Starostna skupina, zajeta s tem izrazom, je bila 15–24 let, pozneje pa je bila razširjena, tako da vključuje mlade, stare od 15 do 29 let. Pojem je zdaj vključen v vse razprave o politiki na ravni EU. Trenutno 14,2 % prebivalstva v starosti od 15 do 29 let predstavlja populacija NEET. 

Aprila 2013 je bil sprejet predlog Evropske komisije Svetu Evropske unije za izvajanje jamstva za mlade v vseh državah članicah. Zmanjšanje populacije NEET je izrecni cilj politike jamstva za mlade. Cilj te pobude je zagotoviti, da vsi mladi v starosti od 15 do 24 let v štirih mesecih po začetku brezposelnosti ali zaključku formalnega izobraževanja prejmejo kakovostno ponudbo za zaposlitev, nadaljnje izobraževanje, vajeništvo ali pripravništvo. Postopno uvajanje jamstva za mlade v državah članicah prek pobude za zaposlovanje mladih je prispevalo k izboljšanju dejanskega stanja, tj. zmanjšanju števila mladih, ki niso zaposleni, se ne izobražujejo ali usposabljajo. 

Nedavno, tj. 7. decembra 2016, je Evropska komisija začela izvajati pobudo Vlaganje v mlade v Evropi, ki pomeni obnovljena prizadevanja za podpiranje mladih. Glede na dosedanji pozitiven učinek jamstva za mlade namerava Komisija povečati in razširiti finančna sredstva, ki so na voljo za spodbujanje zaposlovanja mladih do leta 2020 za spodbujanje učinkovitejšega vključevanja mladih. 

Delo Eurofounda

Z izvajanjem jamstva za mlade se je populacija NEET v starosti od 15 do 29 let nekoliko zmanjšala, in sicer s približno 14 milijonov na vrhuncu krize na 12,5 milijona leta 2016 (14,2 %). Vendar ocene Eurofoundove raziskave kažejo veliko izgubo za evropska gospodarstva v višini približno 142 milijard EUR na leto (2015) zaradi izplačanih socialnih prejemkov ter izpada dohodkov in davkov. To znatno vpliva na gospodarski in družbeni razvoj EU. 

Ključni prispevki

Eurofound je doslej odigral pionirsko vlogo na področju obsežnih raziskav o populaciji NEET (glej publikacije, navedene v nadaljevanju) in:

  • izvedel prvo primerjalno analizo na ravni EU o populaciji NEET;
  • pojasnil, kdo spada v populacijo NEET;
  • ocenil ekonomske stroške populacije NEET;
  • proučil družbene posledice pripadnosti populaciji NEET;
  • ocenil dejavnike tveganja, da se mladi znajdejo v kategoriji NEET;
  • proučil učinkovitost politik za ponovno vključevanje pripadnikov populacije NEET;
  • spremljal izvajanje jamstva za mlade. 

Raznolikost populacije NEET:

V okviru te raziskave je poskušal Eurofound razkriti raznolikost znotraj populacije NEET. Najnovejša študija o raznolikosti populacije NEET zagotavlja novo kategorizacijo v sedem podskupin za boljše razumevanje sestave te skupine mladih. Cilj je zagotoviti ustreznejšo pomoč oblikovalcem politike pri razumevanju, kdo spada v populacijo NEET, in pomagati pri načrtovanju ustreznih podpornih ukrepov za izpolnitev različnih potreb. Vsaka od teh skupin je sestavljena iz kombinacije ranljivih in neranljivih mladih, ki ne kopičijo človeškega kapitala prek formalnih kanalov, bodisi prostovoljno ali neprostovoljno.

Druge raziskovalne teme

Poleg navedene študije je Eurofound v zadnjih letih raziskal (glej publikacije, navedene v nadaljevanju):

  • značilnosti in koristi podjetništva mladih;
  • načine vključevanja „manjkajoče sredine“: mladih s srednješolsko izobrazbo, ki ne nadaljujejo izobraževanja na visokošolski ravni;
  • socialno vključenost mladih; 
  • prehod mladih na trg dela;
  • povečevanje začasnega zaposlovanja med mladimi in dostop do socialne zaščite;
  • delovne razmere mladih, ki vstopajo na trg dela, in
  • najnovejši razvoj politike, povezan s populacijo NEET.

Glej seznam publikacij v nadaljevanju.

Publikacija: Raziskovanje raznolikosti populacije NEET​

4. julij 2016 – V tem poročilu je na podlagi poročila Eurofounda iz leta 2012 z naslovom Skupine NEET – Mladi, ki niso zaposleni, se ne izobražujejo ali usposabljajo: značilnosti, stroški in odzivi politike v Evropi proučenih sedem podskupin, na katere je mogoče razdeliti populacijo NEET, pri čemer so bili uporabljeni podatki , pridobljeni iz raziskave o delovni sili v EU iz leta 2013. Te podskupine omogočajo izboljšano analizo vpliva politik, socialnega okolja in počasnega, vendar postopnega izboljševanja trga dela na populacijo NEET v EU-28. Pomagajo pri ugotavljanju, kaj je mogoče storiti za obravnavanje vprašanj, kadar, na primer, dolgotrajno brezposelni predstavljajo 22 % populacije NEET v starosti od 15 do 24 let. Na voljo je tudi 28 profilov držav o raznolikosti populacije NEET, ki prikazujejo trenutno stanje populacije NEET na ravni držav članic. V njih so proučeni trendi brezposelnosti mladih in število NEET, sestava skupine NEET ter tveganja za njihovo socialno izključenost.

Raziskovanje raznolikosti populacije NEET

NEETs infographic (Informativna grafika populacije NEET)

Eurofound research

With Youth Guarantee implementation, the number of NEETs aged 15–29 has decreased, from around 14 million at the height of the 2008–2013 crisis to 9.3 million in 2019 (12.6%), rising during the COVID-19 pandemic and falling again to 8.2 million in 2023 (11.2%). However, Eurofound research estimates the loss to European economies in benefits and forgone earnings and taxes to be significant (€142 billion a year in 2015). This has a major impact on the economic and social development of the EU. 

With the situation of young people also exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Eurofound analyses the impact of the crisis on these figures, building on its previous research on youth. 

Focus of research

Eurofound has pioneered a decade of extensive research on NEETs (see publications further below) and has:

  • performed the first EU comparative analysis on NEETs
  • explained who NEETs are
  • estimated the economic costs of NEETs
  • investigated the social consequences of being NEETs
  • estimated risk factors of falling into the NEET category
  • investigated the effectiveness of policies for reintegrating NEETs
  • monitored Youth Guarantee implementation. 

Diversity of NEETs

As part of this research, Eurofound has sought to unravel the heterogeneity of the NEET population. Its 2016 study on the diversity of NEETs provides a new categorisation into seven subgroups in order to better understand the composition of this group of young people. The aim is to better assist policymakers in understanding who the NEETs are and to assist the design of adequate support measures to meet a wide variety of needs. Each of these groups is made up of a mix of vulnerable and non-vulnerable young people who are not accumulating human capital through formal channels, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. Eurofound's 2021 study on the 'Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people' includes an update of the diversity of NEETs based on 2019 data. 

Image: Seven subgroups of NEETs - Re-entrants, Short-term unemployed, Long-term unemployed, Unavailable due to illness or disability, Unavailable due to family responsibilities, Discouraged workers, Other inactive


COVID-19 and NEETs

Eurofound’s e-survey on Living, working and COVID-19, launched during the pandemic and carried out in various rounds from 2020 to 2022, aimed to establish the initial impact of the pandemic on the lives of EU citizens. Young people in Europe felt the strong impact of pandemic restrictions as they tried to cope with the lowest levels of mental well-being and high levels of loneliness. Young men also appeared most affected by job loss. 

NEETs emerged as one of the most vulnerable groups following the 2008–2013 Great Recession. The major concern for policymakers is how these young people will again be affected by the economic and social consequences of COVID-19. 

Impact of COVID-19 crisis on young people

Building on its previous research on youth, Eurofound continues to examine the impact of the pandemic on young people, in particular their economic and social situation, with a focus on employment, their wishes and plans for the future, their route to independence, as well as well-being outcomes in a post-pandemic world. It estimates how the NEET population has changed in size and composition over the last decade, and how the pandemic and the rising cost of living might affect this. The research also examines the most important policy initiatives adopted in the EU Member States to support young people during the crisis, particularly measures related to employment, education and financial help.

Other related research topics

In addition to research on the diversity of NEETs, over the years Eurofound has explored (see publications section below):

  • the characteristics and values of youth entrepreneurship
  • how to engage the ‘missing middle’: young people with second-level education who do not follow academic routes into higher education
  • the social inclusion of young people 
  • youth transitions in the labour market
  • the rise in temporary employment among young people and access to social protection
  • working conditions of young entrants to the labour market
  • recent policy developments related to NEETs

Key outputs


During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it...

21 Maj 2024
Research report

Po dolgem okrevanju po gospodarski krizi (2007–2013) se je izkazalo, da so mladi v EU občutljivejši na učinke omejitev, ki so bile sprejete za upočasnitev širjenja pandemije covida-19. Pri mladih...

9 November 2021
Research report

The exponential growth of COVID-19 cases across Europe this autumn has quickly erased hopes that the virus had been contained and confirmed the surge of another wave of the pandemic...


The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) has, since 2010, been widely used as a tool to inform youth-oriented policies in the 28 Member States...

4 Julij 2016
Research report

Current and ongoing research


Other ongoing work

  • Policy brief on underemployment, long-term unemployment and in-work poverty 

Eurofound expert(s)


Eszter Sandor is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. She has expertise in survey methodology and statistical analysis, has worked on the preparation...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (17)

During the pandemic, many young people had to change their plans for the future. While at the end of 2023 young people’s labour market situation was more favourable than it had been in recent years, many obstacles remained on their route to independence, such as the rising cost of living and

21 May 2024

Po dolgem okrevanju po gospodarski krizi (2007–2013) se je izkazalo, da so mladi v EU občutljivejši na učinke omejitev, ki so bile sprejete za upočasnitev širjenja pandemije covida-19. Pri mladih je v primerjavi s starejšimi skupinami obstajalo več možnosti, da doživijo izgubo službe, finančno

09 November 2021

While the youth labour market has improved considerably since 2014, one legacy of the recent economic crisis is the large cohort of long-term unemployed young people, which represents nearly one-third of jobless young people. This report provides an updated profile of the youth labour market in 2016

14 December 2017

The concept of NEET (young people not in employment, education or training) has, since 2010, been widely used as a tool to inform youth-oriented policies in the 28 Member States of the European Union. While it has been a valuable addition to more traditional indicators used to understand the

04 July 2016

Against a background of high youth unemployment, policymakers are paying more attention to encouraging young people to start their own businesses as a means of easing their entry into the labour market.

13 April 2016

Youth unemployment policy has tended to focus on two groups: young people with low educational attainment and those with higher education who have failed to find work. However, there is a large group of middle attainers who tend to be overlooked by policy – young people who have completed second

23 March 2016

Since the onset of the economic crisis, the unemployment level among young people has risen sharply and although an improvement is now being registered some EU countries still have stubbornly high youth unemployment rates. Young people, especially those who are not in employment, education or

23 September 2015

Young people in Europe continue to experience great difficulties in entering the labour market. Although the youth unemployment rate in a few Member States has started to fall, overall 23% of young European job-seekers aged 15–24 could not find a job in January 2014. In 2012, 14.6 million young

23 July 2014

Youth unemployment rates in Europe are dramatically high. Many EU Member States have implemented youth employment policies that facilitate and support young people’s pathways through education to employment and tackle such diverse issues as early school leaving, school-to-work transitions and

20 December 2012
Research report

The proportion of people aged 65 and over will rise from 17% to 30% of the EU population by 2060, while at the same time the working age population will decline. The European Commission estimates that most of the increase in public spending in the EU over the next 50 years will be on pensions, long

28 November 2012

Online resources results (4)

In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.

25 Junij 2024

Young people and long-term unemployed – Remaining challenges in the labour market Informal Meeting of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) - Employment & Social Policy, 17-18 April 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria Presentation by Juan Menéndez-Valdés, Director, Eurofound

17 April 2018

Lithuania: Social partners sign memorandum of cooperation to implement Youth Guarantee

In January 2014, social partners agreed to cooperate in implementing the Youth Guarantee in Lithuania. They will seek to ensure that young people acquire the appropriate competencies and qualifications and be offered a job or continued education/training within four months of leaving education or

Spain: New findings on labour market performance of university graduates

The 2013–2014 annual report providing data on the Spanish university system focuses on the graduates of the 2005–2006 academic year, describing their subsequent labour market situation, including unemployment rates, self-employment, type of contract, income and mobility. In general, the data show

Blogs results (2)

Europe has weathered a number of storms in recent years, yet despite the Great Recession, the migration crisis and the challenges posed by Brexit, the EU continues on a stable path to economic recovery, closer cooperation and cohesion. However, the legacy of the crisis lives on in the number of youn

3 Maj 2018

In this blog, originally posted in Social Europe, Massimiliano Mascherini looks at the enduring issue of long-term unemployment among young people. Despite considerable improvement in the labour market participation of youth in recent years, the legacy of the crisis is still visible in the substanti

17 April 2018
Data results (4)
20 September 2023


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