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Starajoča se delovna sila

Staranje evropskega prebivalstva pomeni številne izzive za oblikovalce politike, povezane z zaposlovanjem, delovnimi razmerami, življenjskimi standardi in dobrim počutjem. Povzročilo je zaskrbljenost glede vzdržnosti pokojninskih sistemov in ponudbe delovne sile. Za spodbujanje možnosti zaposlovanja starajoče se delovne sile je potreben nov način razmišljanja na ravni podjetij, nacionalni ravni in ravni EU.


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From July to December 2024, Eurofound supports the work of Hungary's presidency of the Council of the EU, providing valuable research results on specific topics linked with the presidency priorities.

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EU context

Kljub znatni rasti stopenj zaposlenosti starejših delavcev v zadnjem desetletju v številnih državah EU je v skupnem poročilu Evropske komisije o zaposlovanju iz leta 2017 poudarjena možnost nadaljnjega povečevanja teh stopenj. Leta 2016 je bila v EU stopnja zaposlenosti starejših delavcev, starih od 55 do 64 let, 55,3-odstotna, medtem ko je bila pri osebah, starih od 15 do 64 let, 66,6-odstotna. Povečanje je največje pri starejših ženskah.

Evropski steber socialnih pravic zagotavlja okvir za pomoč pri prilagajanju trga dela novim izzivom, s spodbujanjem pravičnosti in solidarnosti med generacijami. Poudarja pravico do delovnega okolja, prilagojenega poklicnim potrebam delavca, da se jim omogoči, da podaljšajo svojo udeležbo na trgu dela. Poleg tega nedavni samostojni sporazum evropskih socialnih partnerjev o aktivnem staranju in medgeneracijskem pristopu vključuje zavezo za olajšanje udeležbe na trgu starejšim delavcem in omogočanje, da na njem ostanejo dlje časa.

Delo Eurofounda

Eurofound ima dolgo zgodovino strokovnega znanja na področju vprašanj, s katerimi se srečuje starajoča se delovna sila. Raziskave se od leta 1990 osredotočajo na udeležbo na trgu dela, delovno uspešnost, delovne pogoje in delovne preference starejših delavcev v političnem okviru spreminjajočega se demografskega profila Evrope. Delo se osredotoča tudi na javno podporo in pobude na ravni podjetij za spodbujanje zaposlovanja starejših delavcev. Proučujejo se starejše delavke, pri čemer se poudarja povečevanje stopenj zaposlenosti pri tej skupini in povečevanje njenega deleža v delovni sili, zlasti v starostni skupini 55–64 let.

Podatki iz raziskave

Obsežne raziskave Eurofounda zagotavljajo vrsto podatkov o položaju starejših delavcev. V šesti evropski raziskavi o delovnih razmerah (EWCS) so bili proučeni pogoji starejših delavcev, ob upoštevanju različnih razsežnosti kakovosti delovnih mest. Čeprav je pri starejših delavcih verjetnost, da postanejo brezposelni, manjša kot pri mlajših, podatki kažejo, da starejši delavci menijo, da v primeru, če postanejo brezposelni, ne bodo našli podobno plačane nove zaposlitve in bodo imeli celo težave pri ponovnem vstopu na trg dela.

V študiji, ki temelji na peti Eurofoundovi evropski raziskavi o delovnih razmerah (EWCS) so proučene značilnosti starejše delovne sile in dela v različnih starostnih obdobjih, pa tudi dejavniki, ki zagotavljajo trajnost dela starajoče se delovne sile: dobre delovne razmere, telesno in duševno dobro počutje ter ravnovesje med poklicnim in zasebnim življenjem.

Eurofoundova evropska raziskava o kakovosti življenja (EQLS) ponuja ugotovitve, povezane s starostjo, v zvezi z različnimi razsežnostmi kakovosti življenja v Evropi. Analiza delovnih preferenc po 50. letu temelji na ugotovitvah tretje raziskave EQLS in kaže, da številni starejši delavci raje delajo manj ur, tudi po upoštevanju njihovih finančnih potreb. Olajšanje tega tesnejšega usklajevanja delovnih ur s preferencami lahko omogoči ljudem, da delajo dlje, in jih za to motivira.

Daljša delovna doba

Eurofound se je nedavno pridružil trem drugim agencijam EU pri proučevanju starejšim prijaznega dela v Evropi, izzivov politike, povezanih s starajočo se delovno silo, in inovativnih rešitev.

Številni delavci niso sposobni ali niso motivirani za delo do zakonsko določene upokojitvene starosti. Vendar obstaja tudi skupina, ki je sposobna in pripravljena delati tudi po tem, ko doseže to starost. Eurofound je raziskal ta naraščajoči pojav nadaljevanja dela po upokojitvi.

Nedavna raziskava se je osredotočila na podaljševanje delovne dobe s prožnimi shemami upokojevanja, pri čemer so bile proučene zlasti sheme delnega upokojevanja, ki lahko to olajšajo. K daljši delovni dobi lahko prispevajo tudi pregledi na sredini poklicne poti. V raziskavi je bilo proučeno, kako lahko pomagajo pojasniti možnosti delavcev, da nadaljujejo z delom do višje upokojitvene starosti. V njih so poudarjeni različni instrumenti , ki so jih razvila podjetja, da bi zadržala starajoče se delavce.

Druga raziskava se je osredotočila na nacionalne in sektorske pobude vlad in socialnih partnerjev za zadržanje starejših delavcev na trgu dela, tudi s finančnimi spodbudami in izboljšanimi pogoji. Pri enem od prejšnjih projektov so bile analizirane pobude za upravljanje starosti, uvedene pred recesijo in po njej, za izpostavitev dobre prakse v podjetjih v Evropi.


Key outputs


This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies...

13 Maj 2019
Research report

Nearly 37,000 people in 33 European countries (28 EU Member States and 5 candidate countries) were interviewed in the last quarter of 2016 for the fourth wave of the European...

23 Januar 2018
Research report

Demographic change is increasing the number of older workers in employment in Europe. In order for all of them to work beyond 55 or even after the pension age, it...

21 December 2017
Research report

Current and ongoing research

Research continues in this topic on a variety of themes, which are outlined below with links to forthcoming titles.

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Franz Eiffe is a research manager in the Working Life unit at Eurofound. He is involved in projects on sustainable work, quantitative analyses and upward convergence in the EU, as...

Research manager,
Working life research unit
Publications results (101)

Achieving work environments that make work sustainable over a lifetime is a key facet of the promotion of longer working lives. This study - based on the fifth European Working Conditions Survey - considers the dimensions of work that have proved essential to the understanding of work sustainability

09 December 2012

The proportion of people aged 65 and over will rise from 17% to 30% of the EU population by 2060, while at the same time the working age population will decline. The European Commission estimates that most of the increase in public spending in the EU over the next 50 years will be on pensions, long

28 November 2012

Of all the future challenges facing labour markets in Europe, none is more certain than the demographic imbalances resulting from the lower birth cohorts after the post-war ‘baby boom’ and the continual increase in life expectancy. Indeed, this has already led to a significant shift in the age

04 November 2012

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions carried out major surveys on working conditions in Europe in 1990, 1995 and 2000. The findings of these surveys reveal a number of alarming trends regarding age and working conditions, in particular: a low level of access

26 August 2012

Using data from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), this study measures job quality in the 27 countries of the European Union, as well as seven additional countries in Europe that participated in the survey. The intention was to find an objective means of assessing the principle

12 August 2012

This report summarises available data on recent employment trends for older workers in the EU27 as well as the results of organisation case studies and overviews on developments in workplace age management undertaken by Eurofound in 2011. The first section uses Eurostat data to provide a statistical

23 May 2012

Eurofoundova raziskava o „prestrukturiranju v recesiji in udeležbi delovne sile“ je raziskala prakse podjetij za reševanje problematike staranja ob upoštevanju prestrukturiranja v recesiji. Študija je pregledala politiko v zvezi z ohranjanjem zaposlitve starejših delavcev (starih nad 50 let) na

22 March 2012

Vienna General Hospital sees the importance of the tackling the issue of ageing in terms of organisational strategy, organisational culture, personal development, organisation of work, and individual health of employees. The human resource department at Vienna General Hospital is responsible for the

23 January 2012

T-Mobile HR manager confirmed that age management is an emerging concept in the Czech Republic in general and in the company’s HR policy in particular. Czech firms have not developed age management measures in greater extent due to the excess of labour force supply over demand. In addition, early

22 January 2012

There are two approaches to age management at Abengoa. Firstly, Abengoa has HR practices and policies that promote the employability and mobility of all workers - although these policies apply to the whole workforce, regardless of age. These policies enable employees to remain in the job market and

22 January 2012

Online resources results (133)

Stereotypes associated with employment of older workers

The population of the Czech Republic, like most developed European countries, is ageing. This ongoing process of ageing is influenced by other demographic changes, such as the sharp fall in fertility in the Czech Republic and increasing life expectancy. Table 1 demonstrates the increasing percentage

Employment of older workers and lifelong learning

The European Commission adopted its Employment Guidelines (136Kb; pdf) [1] in 2003. The fifth of its 10 specific guidelines seeks to increase labour supply and promote active ageing. According to the guidelines, employment of the 55-64 age group must be increased from 40% to 50% by 2010; in Hungary

Health and employability of older workers

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment in the Netherlands asked TNO [1] to map myths and facts about older employees, their physical and mental health and associated disabilities. The report also outlines various interventions in the Netherlands to combat false stereotypes and to improve the

Health and work satisfaction among older workers

A 2004 study, Older workers in the labour market and in working life (500Kb pdf; in Estonian) [1], evaluates the work ability and employability of older workers (over 45 years old) in the Estonian labour market. Work ability is defined by Juhani Ilmarinen (1999) as a set of personal resources

Company practices regarding older workers

The survey was compiled as part of a study, Older workers: Public policies and company practices (2.72Mb PDF; in Portuguese) [1] (Trabalhadores mais velhos: políticas públicas e práticas empresariais), and published in 2003 by the Ministry for Social Security and Labour [2] (Ministério da Segurança

Moins de pénibilités et de stress chez les travailleurs plus âgés

La DARES, Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques du Ministère français du travail, a publié des résultats d’enquête qui indiquent que le travail des salariés est toujours aussi pénible physiquement. Les rythmes de travail se sont intensifiés, ainsi que la charge

Less physical risks and stress among older people

DARES, the French Ministry of Labour’s research and statistics unit, has published survey results which indicate that the work of employees continues to be physically demanding. Pace of work has increased, along with levels of mental stress. These findings are based on employee responses to surveys

Âge et travail en Europe

/L'Union européenne va devoir faire face, à moyen terme, à une pénurie de main-d'œuvre, compte tenu de la baisse des taux de natalité. Dans le même temps, la pression exercée sur les systèmes de sécurité sociale ira grandissante, suite à l'allongement de l'espérance de vie. Avec pour objectif d

Call for EU-wide strategies aimed at older workers

In the light of the ageing and future shrinking of the working age population, there is a need to increase the participation and employment rates of older workers. This has been the subject of considerable attention in a number of recent EU policy documents, such as a specific Commission staff

Older workers more motivated in their work

Many older people leave work before they reach the age of 60, in some cases even at 55 years. The Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) recently published statistics [1] /(in Dutch)/ showing that, among men in the Netherlands in 2001, 71% of 55-year olds, 38% of 60-year olds and only 7% of 65

Blogs results (6)

There’s a demographic shift sweeping Europe: people are living longer and working longer. Older workers, however, face significant labour market barriers.

25 Januar 2024

Motivated workers have higher levels of engagement, better health and are able to work longer. Improving motivation at work is therefore a key component in meeting the challenges of Europe’s ageing workforce and improving the EU’s long-term competitiveness on a global scale. This means that fosterin

20 Marec 2019

Over the last decade, European labour markets have seen a surge in the number of older workers in work and a continuous decline in their unemployment rates. A lot of young and middle-aged workers lost their jobs in the Great Recession, but not so the older age group. This favourable state of affairs

15 November 2018

In this article, Jean-Marie Jungblut looks at the health of careers in Europe. He argues that, since the average length of the most important job in a person’s life is over 20 years, time should be put aside in the middle of a career to check the fit between the worker and the job. Different scenari

21 Junij 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 Januar 2018

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in employmen

26 September 2016
Upcoming publications results (1)

The European population is living longer, with a declining natural population since 2014, offset only by positive net migration. The proportion of older people, especially those over 50, is increasing. Demographic ageing, where the working-age population shrinks while the number of older individuals

March 2025
Data results (2)


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