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Levevilkår og livskvalitet

Levevilkår og livskvalitet er en af de seks hovedaktiviteter i Eurofounds arbejdsprogram for perioden 2021-2024. Eurofound vil fortsat kortlægge og analysere centrale aspekter vedrørende forbedring af menneskers levevilkår i Europa, herunder oplysninger om deres opfattelse af livskvalitet og samfund. Covid-19 -pandemien og den deraf følgende økonomiske krise har haft stor indvirkning på folks liv, og Eurofound vil derfor yderligere undersøge krisens konsekvenser for EU's borgere på forskellige livsstadier.

I løbet af 2021-2024 vil Eurofounds forskning give et vigtigt indblik i udfordringer og perspektiver for levevilkår og livskvalitet i EU og hvilken rolle forskellige initiativer, der har til formål at afhjælpe de sociale problemer for forskellige grupper af borgere, spiller. Særlig interessante spørgsmål er konsekvenserne for ældre og plejebehov, unge og deres sociale inklusion og sociale mobilitet samt de forskellige konsekvenser af krisen for hhv. mænd og kvinder .

Offentlige tjenester i hele EU har spillet en vigtig rolle i håndteringen af covid-19-krisen, samtidig med at de har stået over for betydelige udfordringer, og de vil blive vurderet mere detaljeret med fokus på spørgsmål som kvalitet, adgang og prisoverkommelighed. Som tidligere resultater har vist, har krisen haft uforholdsmæssige konsekvenser for visse grupper afhængigt af alder, omsorgsansvar samt balance mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv, og dette vil Eurofound analysere yderligere.

Eurofound agter i samarbejde med Det Europæiske Institut for Ligestilling mellem Mænd og Kvinder (EIGE) at undersøge den flerdimensionelle kønsskævhed ved at se på covid-19-krisens konsekvenser for mænd og kvinder med hensyn til beskæftigelsesdeltagelse, materielle levevilkår og trivsel for at identificere forskelle og vurdere krisens indvirkning på kønsskævheder.

Kvaliteten af de offentlige tjenester har været nøglen til at skabe tillid til institutionerne i det moderne Europa og vil være afgørende for, at man kan overvinde nuværende og fremtidige udfordringer. Tjenester af høj kvalitet er også et område, hvor man kan være innovativ, navnlig i forbindelse med overgangen til digitale, mere miljøvenlige tjenester og beredskab mod pandemien i fremtiden.

— Tadas Leončikas, seniorforsker, enheden for sociale spørgsmål


Recent updates


In this episode of Eurofound Talks, Mary McCaughey speaks with Eurofound researchers Eszter Sandor and Massimiliano Mascherini about the situation for young people in Europe.


Vigtige politiske budskaber


De vigtigste resultater af Eurofounds forskning tjener som input til de politiske beslutningstagere i deres behandling af nogle af de centrale spørgsmål på dette område.

  • Opfattelsen af spændinger i samfundet har den mest skadelige indvirkning på tilliden til institutionerne, mens den opfattede kvalitet af offentlige tjenester er en vigtig drivkraft for større tillid til institutionerne.
  • Der er behov for mere langtidspleje – med større fleksibilitet. Hjemmepleje og hjemmehjælp bør gøres mere tilgængeligt, især i de EU-medlemsstater, hvor indkomsten er lavest.
  • Hurtig adgang til primær sundhedspleje, socialomsorg og langtidspleje kan bidrage til tidlig indgriben og overvågning af skiftende behov samt forhindre en optrapning af problemer med langtidspleje.
  • Mentale sundhedsproblemer er stigende blandt unge, selv om det ikke står klart, om dette skyldes højere forekomst eller større opmærksomhed og bedre diagnoser. Mental sundhed er tæt forbundet med andre ungdomsspørgsmål og kan både være et resultat af uligheder og en kilde til ulighed i sig selv. Risikofaktorer for mentale sundhedsproblemer omfatter handicap og langvarig sygdom, familieproblemer, problemer i forhold til jævnaldrende samt udstrakt brug af sociale medier.
  • Selv om tillid og social samhørighed generelt er genopbygget i EU siden finanskrisen, har covid-19-udbruddet haft en betydelig indvirkning på velfærden i de lande, der er hårdest ramt af pandemien.
  • De unge ser ud til at være nogen af dem, der har mistet mest ved nedlukningen, og som sammen med de arbejdsløse beretter om det laveste trivselsniveau på trods af en vis forbedring siden pandemiens begyndelse. Livstilfredsheden og optimismen er steget siden april 2020, men mange unge føler sig stadig udelukket af samfundet og er fortsat dem, der har den største risiko for at udvikle depression, hvilket viser, hvordan restriktionerne under nedlukningen har ramt denne gruppe hårdere.
  • Foranstaltninger til afbødning af de mentale sundhedsrisici blandt arbejdsløse og unge i kølvandet på covid-19 vil være helt afgørende, hvis der kommer yderligere bølger af coronavirus. De løbende politiske foranstaltninger skal bl.a. fokusere på at yde målrettet hjælp til jobsøgende, så de kan komme tilbage på rette spor og tackle konsekvenserne af pandemien, samt på at sikre, at unge kan deltage i samfundet i fuldt omfang.
  • Covid-19-krisen har udhulet optimismen og haft en større indvirkning på balancen mellem arbejdsliv og privatliv for kvinder end for mænd. Det vil være afgørende at rette op på dette problem for at sikre, at kvinder ikke kommer til at betale en uforholdsmæssig høj pris for pandemien.
  • Opretholdelsen af borgernes tillid til nationale og europæiske institutioner skal fortsat være et centralt fokusområde i krisetider, da overholdelsen af foranstaltninger til bekæmpelse af covid-19 i høj grad afhænger af, hvor stor tillid der er til institutioner og videnskabelig rådgivning. Den større tillid til institutionerne, som respondenter, der har modtaget støtte, har angivet, sender også et klart signal til de nationale regeringer og EU.

2021–2024 work plan

During 2021–2024, Eurofound’s research will provide an important insight into the challenges and prospects in the area of living conditions and quality of life in the EU and the role played by various initiatives aimed at alleviating the social hardship of various groups of citizens. Of particular interest are the implications for older people and care needs, youth and their social inclusion and social mobility, and the varying consequences of the crisis on men and women.

Public services across the EU played a major role in addressing the COVID-19 crisis while facing significant challenges and they will be assessed in greater detail, focusing on issues such as quality, access and affordability. As previous findings have shown, the crisis has had disproportionate effects on certain groups according to age, care responsibilities and work-life balance, and Eurofound will analyse this further.

In coordination with the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), Eurofound intends to research the multidimensional gender gap by investigating the impact on men and women of the COVID-19 crisis in terms of employment participation, material living conditions and well-being – in order to identify the differences and assess its effect on gender gaps.

Addressing stakeholder priorities

Eurofound’s research aims to assist policy action addressing the challenges and opportunities for the EU and national levels in the area of living conditions and quality of life. In particular, it will monitor the impact of COVID-19 and the ensuing economic crisis by providing knowledge on status, trends, risks, as well as ways to improve living conditions in the EU. Eurofound will focus on identifying and analysing pressing issues for the most vulnerable groups, specifically older citizens and young people. Eurofound will also inform policymakers by producing evidence on trends and drivers in relation to the delivery of public services, also linking in, for example, with the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Agency’s work plan is aligned with the European Commission’s political guidelines over the next four years, directly feeding into a number of key policy areas aimed at creating a strong social Europe. In particular, the research will support policy initiatives and activities linked with the implementation of the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, the Youth Guarantee, the Child Guarantee and the European Semester and its country-specific recommendations.


Eurofound research

In 2024, Eurofound continues to monitor trends in living conditions and quality of life, against the backdrop of the health-related and economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, the implications of the war in Ukraine, rising energy prices, and increases in costs of living. Building on the various rounds of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, as well as on data gathered in 2023, the Agency investigates the impact of these challenges on the living conditions of Europeans.

The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) commences in 2024, including some questions on working conditions and living conditions relevant to the aftermath of COVID-19. The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS) follows in 2026 using lessons drawn from the 2024 EWCS.

Research concludes on identifying groups not covered by social protection, due to coverage gaps and non-take-up of minimum income and unemployment schemes. It also looks at adequacy of these benefits, digitalisation of application procedures, linked service entitlements and sanctioning measures. Eurofound also publishes its findings on EU citizens’ rights and opportunities to live independently. It analyses the situation faced by various vulnerable groups and provides an overview of measures that facilitate family- and community-based care and support in the Member States.

Building on previous work on young people, research concludes on the life and prospects of young people in the post-pandemic era. Using new data collected in 2023, this research assesses the long-term impact of the pandemic on this group, looking into changes in the social situation of young people, as well as their quality of life, mental health and future prospects.

Analysis of the monitoring framework of the European Child Guarantee comes to an end in 2024, while new research starts to support national governments and the EU institutions in the implementation and evaluation of the Child Guarantee since it came into force. This work investigates the Member States’ levels of performance and their disparities, building on its previous work on convergence. It focuses on the workforce needed to deliver the Child Guarantee in areas of early childhood education and care, education, healthcare and other relevant sectors.

Considering the importance of care provision in EU societies, new research investigates informal care provision in the EU, the challenges faced by informal caregivers, and the measures in place to support them. This research considers care provided to people of all ages, while taking into consideration the diversity among informal carers. 

Eurofound launches new research on mental health services, investigating trends in and prevalence of mental health problems for different groups and how these needs are met in various countries in light of the pandemic and the arrival of Ukrainian refugees. 

Key outputs


Eurofound's 2024 work programme is set in the context of the upcoming European elections, war in Ukraine, renewed Middle East conflict and rising cost of living across the EU.

23 januar 2024
Work programme

For dyre boliger giver anledning til stor bekymring i EU. Det fører til hjemløshed, usikre boligforhold, økonomisk belastning og utilstrækkelige boliger. Det forhindrer også unge mennesker i at flytte hjemmefra...

30 maj 2023
Research report

2022 begyndte med forsigtig optimisme. Europa var på vej ud af to år med covid-19-pandemien, og gennem NextGenerationEU blev der fastlagt en genopretningsplan for at skabe en stærk og bæredygtig...

4 maj 2023
Annual report

Eurofound expert(s)


Hans Dubois is a senior research manager in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. His research topics include housing, over-indebtedness, healthcare, long-term care, social...

Senior research manager,
Social policies research unit

Massimiliano Mascherini has been Head of the Social Policies unit at Eurofound since October 2019. He joined Eurofound in 2009 as a research manager, designing and coordinating...

Head of Unit,
Social policies research unit

Sanna Nivakoski is a research officer in the Social Policies unit at Eurofound. Before joining Eurofound in 2021, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at University College...

Research officer,
Social policies research unit
Publications results (308)

The enormity of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and work of Europeans is hard to capture, but Eurofound’s priority in 2020 was to record and assess the experience of this societal upheaval across the EU Member States in all its detail, variety and modulation. Living and working in

07 May 2021

Rapporten gennemgår den politiske udvikling i EU's medlemsstater rettet mod at støtte inkluderingen af handicappede i det åbne arbejdsmarked med særligt fokus på de tre faser indtræden i beskæftigelse, forbliven i jobbet og tilbagevenden til arbejdsmarkedet efter fraværsperioder. I rapporten

19 April 2021

Denne rapport undersøger fordelingen af husstandenes velstand i EU’s medlemsstater og analyserer den rolle, som velstand spiller for den sociale mobilitet. Ved hjælp af data fra tre datasæt (undersøgelsen af husholdningernes økonomi og forbrug, undersøgelsen af sundhed, aldring og pensionering i

30 March 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected, too, by the pandemic

28 January 2021

The long-term care (LTC) sector employs a growing share of workers in the EU and is experiencing increasing staff shortages. The LTC workforce is mainly female and a relatively large and increasing proportion is aged 50 years or older. Migrants are often concentrated in certain LTC jobs. This report

14 December 2020

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the human health sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective

12 November 2020

This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the education sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role and effective participation

15 October 2020

Retten til adgang til pasnings- og plejeydelser af god kvalitet er fremhævet i den europæiske søjle for sociale rettigheder. Denne rapport har fokus på tre pasnings- og plejeydelser: førskoleundervisning og børnepasning, sundhedsydelser og langtidspleje. Adgang til disse ydelser har vist sig at

08 October 2020

This report presents the findings of the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey, carried out by Eurofound to capture the far-reaching implications of the pandemic for the way people live and work across Europe. The survey was fielded online, among respondents who were reached via Eurofound’s

28 September 2020

Living and working in Europe, Eurofound’s 2019 yearbook, provides a snapshot of the latest developments in the work and lives of Europeans as explored in the Agency’s research activities over the course of 2019. The range of topics as a result is broad, from the growing diversity of employment

08 June 2020

Online resources results (219)

Medical specialists strike

In September and October 2001, Belgian clinical biologists, radiologists and kidney specialists were due to strike for a total of 12 days. They were primarily protesting against 'unusual' savings and budget over-run recovery measures being applied to their sector.

35-hour week negotiations in public hospitals

Negotiations over the introduction of the 35-hour week in France's public hospitals started in earnest in September 2001, following a government announcement that 40,000 jobs (a figure later raised to 45,000) were to be created to accompany the working time reductions. Trade unions have reservations

Changes ahead in hospital sector industrial relations

On 1 January 2002, the ownership of public hospitals in Norway will be transferred from the local government level (mainly county municipalities) to the state. The hospitals will be organised as subsidiaries under the control of one of five regional public enterprises that will also be established

National minimum wage developments and trends in income distribution

A national minimum wage of IEP 4.40 per hour was first introduced in Ireland in April 2000 under the National Minimum Wage Act 2000. The minimum wage directly benefited approximately 163,000 workers, or 13.5% of the total workforce (ie those earning less than IEP 4.40 per hour) (IE9907140F [1]). [1]

Unions protest against new management models for public services

Early 2001 saw trade union protests in various areas of the Portuguese public services - notably healthcare and some municipal services - where new management models are being tried out. The changes have led trade unions to protest against what they see as a privatisation of essential services. In

New law reforms social services

In October 2000, the Italian parliament approved a new framework law reforming the national system of social service provision. The new law provides for an integrated network of all types of provision (including social, healthcare, labour market measures), with new responsibilities for regional and

Controversial health sector reform proposed

On 18 January 2000, the Minister of Health, Tore Tønne, presented a government proposal for a public health sector reform. The reform involves a transfer of the ownership of all public hospitals from the county authorities to the state, and a complete financial and organisational restructuring of

Rescuing Ireland's social pact

Over the course of 2000, the current national agreement, the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness [1] (PPF) (IE0003149F [2]), became subject to considerable pressure as workers and trade unions pushed for compensation for increases in the cost of living (IE0010159F [3]). Inflation stood at 6.8% as

Study examines gender differences in working and living conditions

An interdisciplinary research project on modern working and living conditions for women and men [1] (Moderna arbets- och livsvillkor för kvinnor och män, MOA), aimed at developing policies and methods better adjusted to modern working and living conditions, has been carried out recently in

Flexible career options introduced in the Flemish not-for-profit sector

In late October 2000, the Flemish minister of employment, Renaat Landuyt (of the Socialist Party), reached an agreement with employers' and employees' organisations on the practical implementation of an agreement for the not-for-profit (also known as "social profit") sector - welfare, healthcare and

Blogs results (32)

Discussions on Germany at European level invariably focus on the country’s strong economic performance and how this relates to the labour market and broader society. This is a narrative I have myself contributed to in a previous blog piece. However, Eurofound’s European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS)

7 marts 2018

The European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), carried out by Eurofound every four years, explores a variety of aspects related to living standards, health, family and work–life balance, as well as people's happiness levels, satisfaction with their lives, and their perceptions regarding the quality of

21 februar 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Officer Daniel Molinuevo looks at the service providers delivering long-term care to older people in Europe.

18 januar 2018

In this blog piece, originally published in Social Europe, Eurofound Research Manager Anna Ludwinek looks at the substantial section of the population that is not working and does not figure in unemployment statistics, but retains significant employment potential.

20 december 2017

Europe – a world-class place to live and work? ‘A world-class place to live and work.’ That is how President Juncker described Europe at the summit to formally proclaim the EU Pillar of Social Rights in Gothenburg last month. And he added: ‘Europe is more than just a single market, more than money

7 december 2017

In-work poverty increased during the economic and financial crisis that hit European shores in 2008. By 2014, ten per cent of European workers were at risk of poverty, up from eight per cent in 2007. Ten per cent is a significant figure: the working poor represent a substantial group that can’t be i

13 oktober 2017

Average unemployment rates continue to fall across Europe, employment is growing again in middle-paying jobs, offshoring is on the decline, the proportion of routine jobs is falling, and efforts to make work more sustainable have borne fruit.

6 juni 2017

Equality of opportunity and upward social mobility are important aspects of the European social model. Until quite recently concerns about rising inequalities were often countered by assurances about protecting social mobility, and the assertion that an individual’s status is mainly down to their wo

26 april 2017

There are limits to the effectiveness of member states’ pension reforms. Europe, it’s often said, is experiencing a worsening ageing crisis. European governments grappling with this and the related unsustainability of many pension schemes have taken measures to keep older workers longer in employmen

26 september 2016

In this blog piece, originally posted on Social Europe, Eurofound Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés looks the complex and multi-faceted story of what it is to live and work in the European Union of today.

13 juni 2016

Upcoming publications results (4)

This factsheet will provide a snapshot of society and quality of life in spring 2024. It will look at a number of issues, including mental well-being, trust, access to healthcare, social support and coping with increases in the cost of living. The analysis is based on the Living and working in the

December 2024

This report analyses data from Eurofound’s European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS), the Living, working and COVID-19 e-survey and official statistics to examine employment trends, working conditions and social inclusion challenges experienced by young people in the Western Balkans (Alba

November 2024
Research report

Social protection can include a range of entitlements to monetary and in-kind benefits. Eurofound’s project focuses on unemployment and minimum income benefits. Social protection can provide a safety net for people who are negatively impacted by the green and digital transitions. During the COVID-19

October 2024

This report explores the implications of the right of all EU citizens to live independently. It investigates the barriers faced by people who wish to live independently, and the situation of people at risk of living in institutional settings. It maps the various measures taken by EU Member States to

October 2024
Data results (1)
24 oktober 2023
Reference period:


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