Restructuring at regional level
Eurofound’s European Jobs Monitor (EJM) monitors structural change in European labour markets, analysing where jobs are being lost and where they are being created. It analyses shifts in the employment structure in terms of occupation and sector, both at Member State and regional level. Recent analysis takes the region rather than the Member States as the main unit of analysis. It shows that a growth of within-country inequality often has a strong regional dimension and places a focus on regionally unbalanced growth.
Complementing this research, since 2002 the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) has been monitoring the employment impact of large-scale restructuring events in Europe. Restructuring events include company reorganisation, outsourcing, business closure, downsizing or expansion, mergers & acquisitions, relocation, offshoring and reshoring. The ERM also examines the impact on working conditions.
The ERM restructuring support instruments database provides information on more than 300 measures implemented in the Member States of the EU and Norway. National governments, employers’ organisations and trade unions are among the key bodies providing support measures for companies that are restructuring, as well as for the employees affected. This database can be used to search for EU, domestic, regional and local level support measures.