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EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit has emphasised the need for a human-centred recovery in Europe following the COVID-19 pandemic, and the important work of Eurofound in combining scientific research with an approach that resonates with people’s lives across the EU

4 märts 2022

Registration is still open for Foundation Forum 2022, a hybrid event that will bring together up to 1000 policymakers, employer and worker representatives, national governments, thinkers and practitioners - online and in Dublin Castle - to hammer out the issues around the role of the EU and national

28 veebruar 2022

Eurofound Executive Director Ivailo Kalfin will brief EU Ministers for Work, Employment and Social Affairs (EPSCO) on relevant post-pandemic labour market and social challenges in Europe at the informal ministerial meeting in Bordeaux tomorrow. Participants will discuss the working themes of the

14 veebruar 2022

It is with sadness that we announce the death of our late, esteemed colleague, Eberhard Köhler, who died on 11 February 2022. Eberhard was one of Eurofound’s first staff members, joining Eurofound just one year after its foundation in 1975, and working in the Agency for 34 years up to his retirement

14 veebruar 2022
Corporate news

Eurofound has opened its historical archives and transferred them to the Historical Archives of the European Union, located at the European University Institute in Florence. In doing so the Agency aims to contribute to public information on the history of the European Union and to further enhance

14 jaanuar 2022
Corporate news

As we are come to the end of another turbulent year with COVID-19 disrupting our living conditions and working lives, we reflect on its impact and challenges on living and working in Europe. During the past year, Eurofound has continued to provide you with research findings and data on a range of

20 detsember 2021
Corporate news

Eurofound’s management met with Irish social partners, Patricia King, General Secretary, ICTU and Danny McCoy, Chief Executive Officer, Ibec, at Eurofound in Dublin, on Wednesday, 15 December 2021, to discuss some of the Agency’s most recent research findings on changes in workplace practices, work

20 detsember 2021
Corporate news