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Annual report

This report describes Eurofound's activities, particularly its research, information and communication programmes and policy achievements, in relation to the objectives set in the Programming document 2021–2024: Work programme 2023.

28 June 2024
Annual report

The post-pandemic recovery of Europe continued in 2023, with strong job creation despite subdued economic growth, against a background of rising geopolitical tension. Eurofound’s research over the year brought to light evidence on the key issues shaping the daily lives and work of Europeans.

02 May 2024

This report describes Eurofound's activities, particularly its research, information and communication programmes and policy achievements, in relation to the objectives set in the Programming document 2021–2024: Work programme 2022. It also covers the management and external evaluation control

30 June 2023
Annual report

Početak 2022. bio je obilježen opreznim optimizmom. Europa je izlazila iz dvogodišnjeg razdoblja pandemije bolesti COVID-19, a u okviru instrumenta NextGenerationEU utvrđen je plan oporavka kojim se gradi snažna i održiva budućnost. Međutim, napad Rusije na Ukrajinu početkom godine drastično je

04 May 2023

This report describes Eurofound's activities, particularly its research, information and communication programmes and policy achievements, in relation to the objectives set in the Work Programme 2021. It also covers the management and external evaluation control systems, key performance indicators

30 June 2022
Annual report

Godina 2021. druga je godina u kojoj je pandemija bolesti COVID-19 definirala živote i rad Europljana, a Eurofound je nastavio sa svojim radom na istraživanju i bilježenju mnogih različitih utjecaja u državama članicama EU-a. Život i rad u Europi 2021. daje uvid u promjene u području zaposlenja

09 May 2022

This report describes Eurofound's activities, particularly its research, information and communication programmes and policy achievements, in relation to the objectives set in the Work Programme 2020. It also covers the management and external evaluation control systems, key performance indicators

01 July 2021
Annual report

The enormity of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives and work of Europeans is hard to capture, but Eurofound’s priority in 2020 was to record and assess the experience of this societal upheaval across the EU Member States in all its detail, variety and modulation. Living and working in

07 May 2021

This report describes Eurofound's activities, particularly its research, information and communication programmes and policy achievements, in relation to the objectives set in the Work Programme 2019. It also covers the management and external evaluation control systems, key performance indicators

25 June 2020
Annual report

Living and working in Europe, Eurofound’s 2019 yearbook, provides a snapshot of the latest developments in the work and lives of Europeans as explored in the Agency’s research activities over the course of 2019. The range of topics as a result is broad, from the growing diversity of employment

08 June 2020